My friend, I see perfect solution and I was about to post them in my final chapter of report,but then my PC got infected with virus and I lost my entire data
However,I will work on it again,on that report,I just request to entire team to wait patiently for my return,I have a lots of ideas and plannings to take PDF to a whole new level,Inshallah.
On topic,let us realize that,first... we were not investigating on right direction nor we were trying to diagnose the root cause of their strength my friend,since 1947 till now,we don't have:
-Proper counter terrorism policy
-Neutral foreign policy.
)The counter terrorism policy and foreign policy of Pakistan
Since past till now,we don't have proper couter terrorism policy,second,we have made a huge mistake by not relating it with our foreign policy,this is the huge mistake which we have made from past till now,we are trying to keep them parellel,which is impossible,as these problems are intersecting each other at a various points,thus while preparing counter terrorism policy we must relate it with our foreign policy as well for the sake of survival in Asian region.
That is why when we try to eliminate terrorist organizations,they multiply instead of reducing,as we are not focusing on those foreign hands who are funding them and raising them.
The ultimate soluton and best option I give you is to restrict your foreign policy and while preparing it,we must keep their 'attitude' and 'mutual interest' in our minds.
We will mark triumph of sucess that day, when we will become successful to apply proper,improved,restrict foreign policy with 75% percent neutrality in it,then...I assure you that all our proxy wars will be over,I will mention everything in final chapter Inshallah,the proposed models,the relationship of foreign policy with counter terrorism policy,how to establish them,everything..however right now all I can say is that 'peace deal' is a bad idea,as it will not calm them,but will increase their power,to reduce their power,the ultimate solution is:
-Seal your borders.
-Restrict your foreign policy
-Seal their power supply.
-Wage desicive operation against Fazalullah group atleast.
-Work on relationships with Russia to pressurize US
we will discuss more points Inshallah as soon as I will get back on my desk my friend.