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Khan Syed Mehsud Alias Sajna replaces Hakimullah Mehsud as new TTP chief

Why exactly is an American agent on CIA payroll willing to talk to Pakistan first of all ? Second , if he is even , then obviously he's following his agency orders , what say you ? You see , it isn't logical for a country to kill its own agents . As for the American interest in killing terrorists that are killing Pakistanis , every TTP leader or member killed in drone strikes or inside Afghanistan was involved in the murder of our people , wasn't he ? The coalition has killed more TTP top brass than the Pakistan Army has , this is the ground reality . You think these terrorists - religious in nature want peace in Pakistan after murdering 64,000 of your countrymen , mate ? :azn:

Sometimes agents get revolted from their masters .... And I have second thought too ... that now USA is forced to remove all evidence of their relationship ... Hence killing the TTP leadership which could implicate USA too .......
First you guys bellyache and shout from the rooftops lambasting America for the drone strikes on Pakistani territory calling it an assault on your sovereignty and the worst form of HR violations, and now you're begging them to continue with the drone strikes!!! WTF?

Jeeeez! :P
Who is You guys ??
Sometimes agents get revolted from their masters .... And I have second thought too ... that now USA is forced to remove all evidence of their relationship ... Hence killing the TTP leadership which could implicate USA too .......

You want me to believe that , mate ? The CIA isn't incompetent to select four leaders as of now , who have revolted as per your theory and hence got killed , brother . You aren't making any sense , trust me . The ISI would have surely disclosed anything such by now , wouldn't it have ? We were really quick to point out the Afghans providing help to TTP . If there evidences , they are surely not removed by killing the " chief " .
You want me to believe that , mate ? The CIA isn't incompetent to select four leaders as of now , who have revolted as per your theory and hence got killed , brother . You aren't making any sense , trust me . The ISI would have surely disclosed anything such by now , wouldn't it have ? We were really quick to point out the Afghans providing help to TTP . If there evidences , they are surely not removed by killing the " chief " .

This is not American's concern if Afghan taliban support to TTP to terrorize Pakistan ... Yes this must be concerned if TTP support to Afghan Taliban against Americans ... Then why America is so passionate to kill TTP leaders ... This is not make sense ... Obama has no such sympathy with Paksitanis ... Trust me
This is not American's concern if Afghan taliban support to TTP to terrorize Pakistan ... Yes this must be concerned if TTP support to Afghan Taliban against Americans ... Then why America is so passionate to kill TTP leaders ... This is not make sense ... Obama has no such sympathy with Paksitanis ... Trust me

The country of Pakistan itself isn't the American concern , why should it be ? Its not their country , it should be the concern of the people of Pakistan . But , pray tell me , how is USA not helping our country by killing these terrorists leaders and other members of TTP in drone strikes and inside Afghanistan ? These are the people directly involved in the killing of our people and bloodshed in our country . How do you explain this part ? If the TTP is American creation and its leader and members are agents on CIA payroll , why is America killing its own agents ? How can I accuse Americans of helping TTP if they are the ones with the most top brass body counts on them ? :D Cmon , listen to the voice of reason . USA isn't passionate to kill our enemies , its in their interest at the moment to fight with the both main factions of Taliban and that is why it is being done , they aren't friends of our country , there's no friendship in International politics , but they are helping us at this time , when our army cant operate in North/South Waziristan and take these " animals " out and this is what matters . We are fighting a common enemy today - the Taliban , did you see the statement of Afghan Taliban today saying that " the killing of Mehsud in drone strike is huge loss " and asked the Govt of Pakistan to stop " drone strikes " ? When it comes to killing " innocents " , both Afghan and Pakistani Taliban are on the same page and share the same stance .
TTP better find another guy to replace him soon, Drones are their weakness, this sajna guy will never know what hit him.
TTP better find another guy to replace him soon, Drones are their weakness, this sajna guy will never know what hit him.

A hell fire is the last thing , they see before they are sent to the hell :D Ironic , isn't it ?
A hell fire is the last thing , they see before they are sent to the hell :D Ironic , isn't it ?
They dont even see the missile, it comes out of nowhere, mehsud was in pick up truck when missile hit them, last thing they say was them burning in fire.
How does media get his story?

In OP it is said that this man is uneducated... and he is uneducated because he could not afford to be unemployed for even single day.
Now this uneducated man heads a most sophisticated operations against allies of terror, have access to tools and best military strategies, have knowledge when Pakistani radars or its guards are sleeping.
Lot of money and lot of Uzbek & Hazara fighters, available without salary, after all the objective is sect. hate because Pak army is considered as friend of Saudi Arabia.
They dont even see the missile, it comes out of nowhere, mehsud was in pick up truck when missile hit them, last thing they say was them burning in fire.

Why do not they equate it with the wrath of " God " and pick some " ibrat " from it before killing more innocents ?

How does media get his story?

What do you mean here ? How does media know all this ? Well , even Taliban have insider sources . You know a person planted a chip according to reports , in Mehsud's vehicle so that the missile has no difficulty . :D
Why do not they equate it with the wrath of " God " and pick some " ibrat " from it before killing more innocents ?

If these people where the kind of people who take "ibrat" they wont be in this path in the first place, killing innocent people women children, bombing schools and mosques.

What do you mean here ? How does media know all this ? Well , even Taliban have insider sources . You know a person planted a chip according to reports , in Mehsud's vehicle so that the missile has no difficulty . :D

Any chance that ISI or Pak army co-operated with US and gave them his coordinates?
Any chance that ISI or Pak army co-operated with US and gave them his coordinates?

Trust me , I believe there is a high possibility of that happening . Pakistan Army has experiences of this " peace with psychopaths " project , the agreements and the results of that . I , for one , do not think that they are on the same page on so called " peace talks " with the Govt and hence I just saw the news on ARY that " Jets have pounded suspected militants hideouts in Miranshah " . Interesting , eh ? Right after their leader goes down and the new one's selection is being reported to be stalled and they cant decide on a person , hence the temporary chief as of now .
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