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Hair loss

Plz, don't give drug names. This is not how it works.
The best one who can help is a specialist, although I don't think it's necessary to visit him. But, never take a medical advice from ordinary people. This is not the right place nor the right people to consult about this issue.

Hehe i am not stupid to listen to him bro.

But you are right to. If it really get much worse then what i have now, i will call in a specialist or just pay some 2000 euro for a transplant.
Names please?

Look my advice to you is be very careful. I am not convinced by any of these potions, herbal crap that is sold in health shops. You only want to use some thing that has been subjected to rigorous scientific scrutiny and gone through validated trials. The only one I know in UK that has been clincally proven is Regain.

Buy that and if you can't afford that do not bother with rest or else chances are your wasting money - Why not save it and buy the real McCoy?

Or failing that shave it. Don't say you were not warned. I know how it is when people are desperate they end trying anything but don't. Do your own research. Watch how it will always 'can' as opposed to 'will'. Even if it says it has undergone trials find out what trials?

My advice again, Regain or shave full stop. Choice is yours bro.

GO TO BOOTS - I know they got them in Netherlands, they give good advice.
A lot of these creams that are advertised are to be taken with a barrel of salt.

Back in the 80's there was this acne cream being advertised, a lot of people bought them and used them, years later they lost control of their bowel movements, unfortunately. Its sad and they had to sue the company.
That is the point. Why are we worried about our appearances?
To attract opposite sex, isn't it? If that's the case, then what's the worry about? Most of the women nowadays in Turkey are very bright and understand all this scientific sh*t. :D

The point is "excess" testosterone gets converted to DHT. Have you ever seen a bald faggot?
yes I have actually lol

Vancouver has a big homo pop'n so...

I don't think it's about "excess" testosterone at all. It's all genetics. Take Dutch people for example. A lot of them are bald, but compared to a ME man, they're testosterone deficient every day of the week. I've also read that this mutation happened in Europe and it was chosen because females considered it as a sign of manhood and it was carried.

If you stop DHT, you will stop hairloss.
Look my advice to you is be very careful. I am not convinced by any of these potions, herbal crap that is sold in health shops. You only want to use some thing that has been subjected to rigorous scientific scrutiny and gone through validated trials. The only one I know in UK that has been clincally proven is Regain.

Buy that and if you can't afford that do not bother with rest or else chances are your wasting money - Why not save it and buy the real McCoy?

Or failing that shave it. Don't say you were not warned. I know how it is when people are desperate they end trying anything but don't. Do your own research. Watch how it will always 'can' as opposed to 'will'. Even if it says it has undergone trials find out what trials?

My advice again, Regain or shave full stop. Choice is yours bro.

I will remind that product bro.. I am not really a guy that believes fast in some products and testing it out. I used one time some Bioxin sh*t from Turkey and it didnt help and even got more hair loss of that.

But lets see what time brings. Also i tried i own garlic formule with some olive oil :P First it really helped and stopped my hair loss but now it doesnt help anymore.. I dont understand that to. First it worked but now? Maybe its because of summer time that my hair loses much now..
Hehe i am not stupid to listen to him bro.

But you are right to. If it really get much worse then what i have now, i will call in a specialist or just pay some 2000 euro for a transplant.

Abii was trying to help, but giving medical advice based on personal experience is not safe as his problem could be different from yours.
Names please?
Propecia and other big name meds inhibit DHT production. However they do have side effects (can make you inpotent which would defeat the whole purpose).

I never tried any of the big name ones for that reason, but from the more natural drugs that I have tried, the only one that has every worked for me has been Saw Palmetto. This is actually not very expensive and it's over the counter. Make sure you get one that is at least 400-500 mg. I think it's better if you even go higher but for me the 500 mg is fine.

Also drink green tea. It seriously works. I'm a big tea drinker so for me the switch from black to green tea wasn't hard.

Plz, don't give drug names. This is not how it works.
The best one who can help is a specialist, although I don't think it's necessary to visit him. But, never take a medical advice from ordinary people. This is not the right place nor the right people to consult about this issue.
I see what you're saying, but the big name drugs are a google search away anyway. Propecia and Rogaine have commercials on TV, but I don't think they're over-the-counter so he would have to see a doctor first even if he decides that. I wouldn't recommend it with all the side effects.

My opinion: male patter hair loss is about genetics and it can't be stopped, BUT it can be delayed.
sltn: good diet (cut the sugar and alcohol), 7-8 hrs of sleep min, and natural meds like saw palmetto. Add vitamins if you like. And green tea (we're all tea drinkers so might as well drink the type that's all benefits).
I will remind that product bro.. I am not really a guy that believes fast in some products and testing it out. I used one time some Bioxin sh*t from Turkey and it didnt help and even got more hair loss of that.

But lets see what time brings. Also i tried i own garlic formule with some olive oil :P First it really helped and stopped my hair loss but now it doesnt help anymore.. I dont understand that to. First it worked but now? Maybe its because of summer time that my hair loses much now..

I think it might be a good idea to go to Boots. I know here in UK they give you good prefessional advice and I have seen Regain adverts there. I know they have Boots in Netherlands so check them out.

Boots apotheek Nederland
If you are talking about male pattern baldness, then that's a different subject. Your only options are medicines, transplants or going commando. In Western and African cultures, shaved head for young men is more acceptable than in Asian cultures.

Otherwise, hair loss occurs primarily for two reasons (stress and dandruff) and these can be reversed. Get plenty of sleep, reduce stress, and keep your hair clean (anti-dandruff shampoo/conditioner). Do NOT shampoo more than once a week; during the week, use only conditioner.
I have been loosing hair from last 16 yrs. I know how it feels. :(

You can reduce the fall. Do a blood test, you may have thyroid issue or may be vitamin deficency. Another thing doc suggested me, massage gently hot oil 2-3 time a week, it will help and strengthen root. Keep hair clean, don't apply any gel.

It is difficult but try to ignore/don't worry about it.
I also have hair fall problem. Do you have any solid or permanent solution?
I also have hair fall problem. Do you have any solid or permanent solution?

Biotin. You should read about it:

Biotin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Other medication is Finasteride, but the only problem is that it has more side effects.
the role of Zinc in hair and skin is very important.
it you are eating junk food it also damages your body. pay attention to your food. it is very important.
use a multivitamin.
i shaved my head few years ago because of hear loss and i was worried that in 2,3 years i will get balled. but its approx 10 years now and i am having same hair as 10 years ago.
Biotin. You should read about it:

Biotin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Other medication is Finasteride, but the only problem is that it has more side effects.

Lol ppl in those two pic are two diff person.......look at there skin tone and shape of ear pinna .......

if you have mod to severe balding like whole patch of baldness.....better to get your hair examine coz there are many coz of hair loss .... if your hair loss is due to infection or inflammation it can be treated with topical medicines.....
but if you are having alopecia due to scarring of hair follicle only option is Hair follicle transplant with finasteride and topical minoxidil ......
you have to take medicine for 1 yr and side effect if any are reversible in 3 mnth after stoping the drugs....

for more info feel free to ask...... i know every detail coz my cousin has this procedure done and results are wonderful....we have grilled doctor on every aspect of it as possible.....

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