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Hair loss

Use something natural.

Try cinnamon and honey, read it somwhere, am not sure how the concentration goes...I know some Indian guy told me his mom rubbed mirchi or something on his head...He told me...not making it up or saying anything else...


Stem cells are two years away. I am betting a lot on the company doing research.

Potential gold mine!! :pop:

I know stem cells in terms of cancer therapy and other sorts of things...no comment on hair growth...will read some stuff and tell you if you are betting on hoax or something...

try aloevera ...i guess it is good...

Aloe Vera is awesome if your hair loss is due to your scalp condition!
I know stem cells in terms of cancer therapy and other sorts of things...no comment on hair growth...will read some stuff and tell you if you are betting on hoax or something...
I have a client who is supporting this startup in Switzerland, the company isn't public yet. When it is, I'll send you the complete profile.
ive been lossin hair since like 3 year since i was 19... but im still not bald? the dr told me tht losing 100 hair everyday is not a big issue...

Well depends on the volume of your hair...IF you only have a 100 strands... :blink:

Usually what some would suggest is oil of some form...Well, that is if you have a good amount of hair, it will just help nourish them not sure if it would help grow those which will not be appearing anytime soon!

I have a client who is supporting this startup in Switzerland, the company isn't public yet. When it is, I'll send you the complete profile.

Ahan Switzerland...Well, if it is a valid research, it might not be a hoax...then again better safe than sorry..right?
No hair loss worries here. I have enough hair and need to get a haircut soon, and all my uncles on my Mum's (in late 30s and early 40s) side have thick hair and lots of it. Even my maternal Grandfather has still has a decent amount of brown hair for someone in their mid 70s. However my Dad starting balding in his late 30s.

But my hair has always been on the thin side. Is their anyway to get it thicker?
No hair loss worries here. I have enough hair and need to get a haircut soon, and all my uncles on my Mum's (in late 30s and early 40s) side have thick hair and lots of it. Even my maternal Grandfather has still has a decent amount of brown hair for someone in their mid 70s. However my Dad starting balding in his late 30s.

But my hair has always been on the thin side. Is their anyway to get it thicker?

1 common way is change your diet...Because your body supplies nutrition to your hair..and you need certain nutrients to make the protein needed for hair...I am not sure about this...Read it long back can't recall much about hair...
Hair is a 50/50 thing and is connected to the DNA from the mothers and fathers side. I dont believe it has anything to do with just one side. Only real way to solve baldness to this day is getting a transplant. Will be with you till the day you die.
Hair is a 50/50 thing and is connected to the DNA from the mothers and fathers side. I dont believe it has anything to do just one side. Only real way to solve baldness to this day is getting a transplant. Will be with you till the day you die.

Hmmm..nothing is 100% in science...Just because some paper reported it, it still may have some unpredictable incidents...

Mostly the X chromosome is responsible for the follicle gene...and yes, Male have it to XY...soooo yes dad maybe responsible but if the mom XX has both positive for hairloss...and daddy has bald maternal side (who passed him the X), then one should just be ready...

Of course like I said rare incidents do happen. The same with transplants, sometimes it does not work as expected...or the success is not 100%
Only real way to solve baldness to this day is getting a transplant.
FUE is a BAD IDEA!!! Better to be bald and charming than showcase a badly woven carpet! :smokin:

Besides, chicks dig rich bald men. And don't forget you can have a great line to fall-back on, "It's by choice, babe!" :D
My bro living in hyderabad and im in rajam.....( he used year back) when i go back to home ...i will collect the details will contact you... or else will mail you that medicine..... My bro told me it cost below 200 rupees..... and doc won't charge for consultation

Please send it man ... That will be very helpful/useful stuff for my elder brother now & in future for me too...he is 40 & started loosing hairs since 2-3 years... I am 32 I guess I have just 6-7 years left with my silky shiny hair :(

We have frequent visit to Andhra, specially to Hyderabad because of our relatives settled there I will definitely try for this one.

mail me at

Thanks man. Here is my email address. vnaidu2010@gmail.com

Hmmm..nothing is 100% in science...Just because some paper reported it, it still may have some unpredictable incidents...

Mostly the X chromosome is responsible for the follicle gene...and yes, Male have it to XY...soooo yes dad maybe responsible but if the mom XX has both positive for hairloss...and daddy has bald maternal side (who passed him the X), then one should just be ready...

Of course like I said rare incidents do happen. The same with transplants, sometimes it does not work as expected...or the success is not 100%

Success rate depends on the donor area as well as other variables like healing or blood circulation during the procedure. Blood oozing constantly will throw the grafts out, otherwise its pretty simple and uncomplicated procedure. Some people just dont deserve to have hair no matter how much money you throw at it.

P.S It is your own hair taken out from the back of your head so not to look like a carpet. The % of chicks that dig bald men is miniscule so for anyone going bald .. go get hair.
P.S It is your own hair taken out from the back of your head so not to look like a carpet. The % of chicks that dig bald men is miniscule so for anyone going bald .. go get hair.
Dude, I'm not balding, yet. Maybe after 40! :D

By then, I don't care what happens. I don't want to be a middle aged guy hitting on girls!!!! :blink:
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