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Hafiz Saeed on TV Threatens Terror Attacks Against India

Sanctioning Pakistan is like sanctioning Sierra Lieone. Secondly Pakistan is a great source of Military imports and a key 'ally on the WoT'. Besides sanctions work only after US interests are directly threatened. Now only Indian lives are endangered. Not much of a concern to the US or UN. They will just screen sympathizers and put some other protocols in place but that's about it. :)

Exactly, no one gave a hoot because there is no reason to. Only allegations.
What is with the Indians obsession with HS?
Just because he is responsible for death of some innocent Indians, you expect pakistan to declare "a charity worker" terrorist?
Then we will come to terms. If this feeling becomes reality :) but like I said, credible action is very important. Just imagine, how much it will benefit both of us if that one thing gets addressed. You also need to monitor his activities against any country and stop it beforehand.
I have same expectations re bramdagh Bughti and other BLA terrorists that are getting direct or indirect Indian support via Afghanistan soil

What is with the Indians obsession with HS?
Just because he is responsible for death of some innocent Indians, you expect pakistan to declare "a charity worker" terrorist?
he must be nominated for Nobel prize together with another "charity worker" called Bramdagh Bughti

you Ok bro?

get his voice samples from youtube.
lol on the basis of this UN declared him terroirst , thats why PAK don't want to Give because it has to declared and arrest him.

official is Official , PAK don't want to do that , so no matter what proof you give ,is not seen as as proof.

I have same expectations re bramdagh Bughti and other BLA terrorists that are getting direct or indirect Indian support via Afghanistan soil

he must be nominated for Nobel prize together with another "charity worker" called Bramdagh Bughti
lol well you didn't even provide any single piece of evidence to us or to UN, if you have you would have been Single every day on international forum like you do with Kashmir song and dancing over it.

come out of fancy stories.
he must be nominated for Nobel prize together with another "charity worker" called Bramdagh Bughti
my comment was for Indians basically who are badmouthing Pakistan here. They need to know the difference between a charity worker and a "bad" terrorist and HS is your citizen and i hope Pakistan forward his name to UN for the good charity work he has done(and doing) in Pakistan.
What piece of Evidence you have against TTP leader ? show the world? you people really hypocrite when it coms to terrorist , thats why most of Indian don't care what happened in PAK and don't share any solidity.
I have same expectations re bramdagh Bughti and other BLA terrorists that are getting direct or indirect Indian support via Afghanistan soil

he must be nominated for Nobel prize together with another "charity worker" called Bramdagh Bughti
Baramdagh Bugti is no charity worker. He is in Switzerland now. None of our concern.
Yeah tho honna hi tha.... MUSH & HZ :- India Behind school attack, Please provide proof.. MR MUSH ....

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Talking about Mumbai attack and claiming revenge.
And why not? 166+ Indians were slaughtered in India or have you forgotten? Just like your media has been demanding justice/vengance for the 140+ Pakistanis killed, Indians have the same right don't they?
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