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Hafiz questions Sharif over his probable May 26 India visit


Feb 21, 2014
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Plotter of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, Hafiz Saeed, has warned Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif over a positive decision on attending Indian PM-designateNarendra Modi'sswearing-in ceremony on May 26.

In a video aired by Times Now on Friday, Saeed could be heard saying: "If you (Sharif) attend the ceremony, how will your answer be to the Kashmiris?"

A source in Pakistan's high commission inNew Delhidisclosed they had so far received 'positive signals' from the Pakistan government and it was likely that Sharif would respond to the invitation positively, according to The Express Tribune.

However, the delay in a formal announcement over Sharif's visit is apparently attributed to concerns expressed by the country's security establishment.

- See more at: Hafiz questions Sharif over his probable India visit  - Hindustan Times
Plotter of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, Hafiz Saeed, has warned Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif over a positive decision on attending Indian PM-designateNarendra Modi'sswearing-in ceremony on May 26.

In a video aired by Times Now on Friday, Saeed could be heard saying: "If you (Sharif) attend the ceremony, how will your answer be to the Kashmiris?"

A source in Pakistan's high commission inNew Delhidisclosed they had so far received 'positive signals' from the Pakistan government and it was likely that Sharif would respond to the invitation positively, according to The Express Tribune.

However, the delay in a formal announcement over Sharif's visit is apparently attributed to concerns expressed by the country's security establishment.

- See more at: Hafiz questions Sharif over his probable India visit - Hindustan Times
He has been named by UNSC as an Al-Qaida associate, that makes him a terrorist.

Al-Qaida Sanctions List

UNSC can initiate proper proceedings and give the evidence to Pakistan. Until courts of law find him guilty UNSC or Indian allegations don't mean much. We religiously follow the motto 'innocent till proven guilty'.
'Alleged' terrorist, and Pakistanis don't treat their elected reps as deities so Hafiz sahib can question it all he likes.
UNSC can initiate proper proceedings and give the evidence to Pakistan. Until courts of law find him guilty UNSC or Indian allegations don't mean much. We religiously follow the motto 'innocent till proven guilty'.
Only people on this planet that would call him innocent would be Pakistanis.

These comments don't even anger me anymore, they make me laugh- you are so deluded,brainwashed, naive etc that you actually believe this BS. Whilst the whole world is saying one thing you cling on to your fallacies harder. I'm no psychologist but there's got to be a peculiar phenomena at play here.

I'm sorry but you people actually deserve what you get if you keep this act up, why should anyone give you assistance and sympathy if you pursue these policies of harbouring wanted men? I hear all too often that "Pakistan is the biggest victim" of terror as if you are innocent in all of this, as if this pain isn't all self-infclited.

Your nation is burning and you and your kin are going around pouring petrol on the streets?

So be it :coffee:
UNSC can initiate proper proceedings and give the evidence to Pakistan. Until courts of law find him guilty UNSC or Indian allegations don't mean much. We religiously follow the motto 'innocent till proven guilty'.

Let me ask you this. Do you consider OBL as a terrorist? What about the TTP guys that you have been killing lately? Which Pakistani court of law declared them as terrorists? As a member of UN you are supposed to abide by the UNSC sanction list, whether you like it or not.

You change the name plate from LET to JUD and let a banned organization (banned both by UN and then by your govt) operate freely. Those tricks are pretty well known. You are so shameless that you even justify those actions by giving phony excuses. Your selective policy on terrorism is the only reason why you are in such deep shit now.
Only people on this planet that would call him innocent would be Pakistanis.

These comments don't even anger me anymore, they make me laugh- you are so deluded,brainwashed, naive etc that you actually believe this BS. Whilst the whole world is saying one thing you cling on to your fallacies harder. I'm no psychologist but there's got to be a peculiar phenomena at play here.

I'm sorry but you people actually deserve what you get if you keep this act up, why should anyone give you assistance and sympathy if you pursue these policies of harbouring wanted men? I hear all too often that "Pakistan is the biggest victim" of terror as if you are innocent in all of this, as if this pain isn't all self-infclited.

Your nation is burning and you and your kin are going around pouring petrol on the streets?

So be it :coffee:

Personal attacks are not tolerated, if you indulge in such behaviour again I'll report it to admins. As for the rest of rhetoric punishing any man without due course of law will create far bigger problems in the long run.
Personal attacks are not tolerated, if you indulge in such behaviour again I'll report it to admins. As for the rest of rhetoric punishing any man without due course of law will create far bigger problems in the long run.
I say no use arguing with u guys, enjoy the day with the likes of Hafeez.
Hafiz ke hafiz hone k din aa gaye ......
Sharif must listen to this guy atleast.....
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