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Nawaz 'not too happy' over India visit

yes, some one told me that there was No joint statement!! Big Deal it is.
Its diplomatic norms and internationally accepted . Its PM of Pakistan not PM of Bhutan Anyway he got what he deserve ...
Sawad to aya hoga isko. Why the **** did he even visit when Foreign office told him not to do so. Isi liye baray kegtay hein kay koe bi kaam karna say pehaly 100 dafa soach liya karo.
Talks during MODIs tenure are impossible due to his narrow minded local dehati mindset. People seem to forget that RSS is a part of their government coalition. He won his elections based on his Anti pakistan and muslim mindset.

No we voted him for his development policy and administration.
No we voted him for his development policy and administration.

I hope from the bottom of my heart that you people get your Hindu Desh where there is no place for seculars or any other religion. :enjoy:
This Ganjo deserve this.... What else you can expect from RSS Hindutva terrorist....
I dono what was there to be upset or feel disappointed....
This invitation was for a function, and he was one of the invitees. And there are several other invitees who were also head of states. There was no joint statement with any of the guests.... I think we cannot ignore the fact that Modi was Prime Minister for few hours only and there was no official interaction with any of the departments. What ever knowledge he had was as a Prime ministerial candidate.

It is simple, When you go to a house as a guest the interactions and care would be good. You cannot expect the same when you go to the same house for a marriage function.....
Then, Why given Nawaz a charge sheet while coming back at home...??????????????????????
I hope from the bottom of my heart that you people get your Hindu Desh where there is no place for seculars or any other religion. :enjoy:

If there is a secularism in India it is because of Hindus .Because they are the majority here.If some one in our religion have an extreme mindset then it is because extreme minority appeasement due to Congress.
Except Turkey ( at least for a certain extent) Can you name any other Secular Muslim majority nation?
Christians are secular .Western countries already showed that.So what about you religion?
Sorry for offtopic.I am just asking.
Its diplomatic norms and internationally accepted . Its PM of Pakistan not PM of Bhutan Anyway he got what he deserve ...

PM of Bhutan is as important for India as the PM of Pakistan.

You are Pakistani, but donot over estimate Pakistan's value to us.

Infact, PM Modi is going to Bhutan for his first international visit.
It was a good visit. Good gesture from Modi to invite all the SAARC leaders and even better from Nawaz to accept it. They got to talk with each other for close to an hour and clear things up as to where they stand. Modi is a straight forward person, I am sure he must have made his terms of engagement clear to NS. My only complaint is that the Indian foreign secretary Sujata Singh sounded a bit bossy in her press release. That could have been handled better given the friendly gesture of NS to come to India.
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Also for his anti Pakistan mission, which was clear in his election compain.

Dont count on me.I am just a citizen from 1.2 billion people.
My old neighbours voted for him to teach a lesson to Congress and for reducing price rise.
It is difficult to you to understand .But almost all Indian voters dont give damn about Pakistan or even our foreign policy.For thme the main issues were price rise ,inflation in all fields ,unemployment etc.Narendra Modi presented here a job maker,because he could expose his Gujarat model all over the country.And we Indians understand the real truth of good governance and discard Congress and its cheap media propoganda.

LAHORE: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is not too happy at his reception in India during his visit there to attend the oath-taking ceremony of Narendra Modi, say his party colleagues.

A senior PML-N member told Dawn on Thursday that Islamabad felt belittled when there was no joint press conference after the one-on-one meeting between the two prime ministers. Short of that Prime Minister Sharif's delegation was expecting a joint communiqué, but none was issued.

Instead New Delhi unilaterally released a press statement which did not carry Islamabad's stance. It had only a passing reference to Mr Sharif and didn't appropriately acknowledge the importance of his presence, the PML-N member said.

The abrupt and inadequate release by New Delhi, he claimed, forced Mr Sharif to hold a press conference of his own - where he read out a carefully-worded statement so that "whatever was achieved by the visit might not go waste".

The PML-N member said the government was now pinning hopes on secretary-level talks - agreed upon by Pakistan and India during Mr Sharif's visit -- for some breakthrough in improving relations with India.

Nawaz ‘not too happy’ over India visit - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
No we voted him for his development policy and administration.
Today after 8 decades of self inflicted denial the Hindu majority of India have finally ratified the two nation theory for themselves, by themselves on the democratic ballot box without compulsion or coercion. A resounding victory for the Hindu nationalist leader Narendra Modi indeed is a new chapter in South Asian history. For his Hindu nation he represents a strong leader, for Muslims of India he remains the butcher of Gujarat with blood on his hands.
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