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Who said she did anything criminal? her husband did who took part on 26/11 and she was married to him, She will hold alot of information which can help the 26/11 case that is why NIA wants access to her.[.quote]
The issue is that she met Hafiz Saeed, is there any criminal charge on Hafiz Saeed after meeting Headley's wife?

In a court of law your arguement is void because this is all deemed as evidence a known founder of a terror organisation meeting up with one of the culprits of 26/11.

The founder explicitly states that he quit LeT when the Pakistani state banned it. So he has no control over LeT since 2001.

To build up a case there is even more evidence such as Hafeez saeed's son friend being caught and is now in US jail for making LET terror videos, all this is evidence in a 'normal court' i use the word normal as I know Pakistan's court system works diffrent to the rest of the world.

Again tell me one act of crime in any thing you said... Son's friend is in jail for making videos so, Hafiz Saeed is guilty of Mumbai terror attacks? Please say that in any court to give the legal world some laughs. They need it.
Asim - lets see when that happens. It is a 2 step process - Pakistan SC providing a verdict and Pakistan winning the case in UN SC. Until then he is a terrorist and his organizations(about 20 different names were spelt in the resolution including his current charity front) are terrorist organizations while anyone can claim he is innocent until proven guilty or a philanthropist. Until then there is no point for us to dwell further on this as we will be spinning our wheels.

Your state can consider him one, we have no control over your state doing something wrong. Our state has to follow the Pakistani court.

Err...that's why he is in jail.

And so Hafiz Saeed should be in jail?
Your state can consider him one, we have no control over your state doing something wrong. Our state has to follow the Pakistani court.

And so Hafiz Saeed should be in jail?

Asim - as I said before as long as Pakistan does not act, no one can do anything in the current political situation. My intention was to point out what is his status worldwide(not just my state - US or for that matter - India) and as someone pointed out before, he is just trolling with his statement.
A man who scouted sites for the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks has testified in a Chicago trial that the Pakistani intelligence service had links to the group that carried out the attacks.
Not trustworthy, he changed his statement many times and went on to FINALLY testify that:

Mumbai Attacks: ISI leaders had no involvement, says Headley – The Express Tribune

Asim - as I said before as long as Pakistan does not act, no one can do anything in the current political situation. My intention was to point out what is his status worldwide(not just my state - US or for that matter - India) and as someone pointed out before, he is just trolling with his statement.

Why should I be concerned about his worldwide status. What I'm just interested to know if the world is concerned about his status in Pakistan - since UNSC has not deliberated on this matter further, I'm satisfied.
I maintained then and I maintain now, courts did the right thing. To PROVE a crime is not the job of the courts, its the prosecutions. India's prosecution help on the Hafiz Saeed case has been zero, rather they have done flip flops which were the ONLY reason why the court got angry at the Prosecution that you're wasting their time without getting any committment from India on the evidence.

Pakistan seeks to prosecute Hafiz Saeed for a crime committed outside its jurisdiction. The only charge would be conspiracy to commit a terrorist attack. Since the conspiracy was hatched in Pakistan, it is incumbent on Pakistan to dig up the evidence, and not only ask India to provide evidence for a conspiracy hatched within Pakistan.

I respect the Indian court there, too, I don't have much respect for the Indian prosecution.

I respect neither your courts nor your prosecution.
Not trustworthy, he changed his statement many times and went on to FINALLY testify that:

Mumbai Attacks: ISI leaders had no involvement, says Headley – The Express Tribune

Why should I be concerned about his worldwide status. What I'm just interested to know if the world is concerned about his status in Pakistan - since UNSC has not deliberated on this matter further, I'm satisfied.

It is your personal view and I respect that. World is not concerned at this moment but when he becomes more than a pinprick especially for US, we all know what we can do and Pakistan cant take up the case in ICJ at that point.
Pakistan seeks to prosecute Hafiz Saeed for a crime committed outside its jurisdiction. The only charge would be conspiracy to commit a terrorist attack. Since the conspiracy was hatched in Pakistan, it is incumbent on Pakistan to dig up the evidence, and not only ask India to provide evidence for a conspiracy hatched with Pakistan.
We did, we didn't find any. If you care about it so much, let the witnesses travel to Pakistan and testify. Remember India has blocked the requested witnesses to come to Pak. When Pak agreed to send a judicial commision to collect testimonies, India agreed at first then just 1 hour before the commision could interview them, they said no.

When the UNSC redeliberates, they'll get to know about these shenanigans from India.

I respect neither your courts nor your prosecution.
Clearly the person who asked me to go easy on Modi, requested my respect. Your respect is irrelevant.

It is your personal view and I respect that. World is not concerned at this moment but when he becomes more than a pinprick especially for US, we all know what we can do.

Sir you're not the world. For me world is just UN.

Let them say anything on the actions we have taken. We will comply.
We did, we didn't find any. If you care about it so much, let the witnesses travel to Pakistan and testify. Remember India has blocked the requested witnesses to come to Pak. When Pak agreed to send a judicial commision to collect testimonies, India agreed at first then just 1 hour before the commision could interview them, they said no.

When the UNSC redeliberates, they'll get to know about these shenanigans from India.

Clearly the person who asked me to go easy on Modi, requested my respect. Your respect is irrelevant.

Sir you're not the world. For me world is just UN.

Let them say anything on the actions we have taken. We will comply

US is not the world nor UN. I am pointing out a mere technicality here - Pakistan is in violation of UN SC resolutions. You can state your position but that will not stand in UN.
We did, we didn't find any. If you care about it so much, let the witnesses travel to Pakistan and testify. Remember India has blocked the requested witnesses to come to Pak. When Pak agreed to send a judicial commision to collect testimonies, India agreed at first then just 1 hour before the commision could interview them, they said no.

You didn't do anything. You still haven't investigated the 9 others who landed with Kasab. What witnesses do you wish to interview? For what purpose? What can witnesses in India tell you about Hafeez Saeed? India & Pakistan agreed to what the Judicial commission could do, it was Pakistan which wanted that changed. These are simply red herrings being thrown to obfuscate the fact that Pakistan wishes to do precisely nothing in this matter and is recognised as such. No one in India believes that Pakistan is serious about investigating this matter with anything remotely approaching seriousness. It is simply how it is. We know that.
You didn't do anything. You still haven't investigated the 9 others who landed with Kasab. What witnesses do you wish to interview? For what purpose? What can witnesses in India tell you about Hafeez Saeed? India & Pakistan agreed to what the Judicial commission could do, it was Pakistan which wanted that changed. These are simply red herrings being thrown to obfuscate the fact that Pakistan wishes to do precisely nothing in this matter and is recognised as such. No one in India believes that Pakistan is serious about investigating this matter with anything remotely approaching seriousness. It is simply how it is. We know that.

We wanted to have one on one with the kassab guy- with the headly guy- but you didnt allow that-
indians doesnt want the truth to be out- thats what we know-
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