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Hafeez saeed offers aid to Americans hit by superstorm

A publicity trick or may be a real Good Gesture by Old Man.This is what being grateful to others is.

After all economic of pakistan has lions share of aid it recieves which purely money of US tax payers who got affected by superstrom.Helping them in need of time is helping yourself back in other way.

Good Job Hafeez Sir, I hope you soon go to USA & give the promised aid to US govt so Zardari can go to USA & demand for 10X amount in aid before closure of this economic year.

par oont ko bhi ek din pahad ke neeche aana hi padta hai.;)

Galat Misaal hai Madam. Even if USA is a OONT but PAHAD kaun hain ?

Kindly explain in detail. :cheesy:

Ab serious Mujhe teri fikar ho rahi hai.....Saridon ya Disprin hain??
You guys cant pay money to save your sailors .......... its us Pakistanis who donated charity to save em as for poverty level dont get me started...u better get off the internet save your 50 cent salary [standard set by GoI]......Also ur shining india kills 2 -3 million people each year cause of starvation alone ... that around almost 200 million dead indians since 1947.... go pray for them instead of barking here on PDF.

Indian poster was only responding to a pakistani barking about giving the aid money to india..Pakistanis shouldn't be barking about indias poor since they are below india in most economic indicators(hdi,per capita,gdp..etc)
1. majority of Pakistanis dont know him. Period

2. Daily many Indians threaten Pakistan to nuke so his rehtoric also falls in the same.

1.Majority of pakistanis do know him

2.A militant leader having his own armed group(with history of militancy) threatening a nation with jihad is much different from a common indian or pakistani throwing empty threats in internet..Can you show any indian organisation or leaders of organisations threatening pakistan with war,like this hafiz moron do?
Two Million Children in India Die because of Hunger | Food Crisis 2010

According to a report by The Hindu 2005-7 2.5 MILLION indian children die of starvation each year ..

Couple inconsistencies in the article

The article makes no mention of source of numbers such as India Govt source or UN or Worldbank report etc.

Next How can 2 million children in India die of hunger only everyyear. when entire child mortality for India for 2011 is 1.655 million

and causes ranging from neo-natal diseases, premature birth etc.


Also unable to find "report by The Hindu 2005-7 2.5 MILLION indian children die of starvation each year" in the article, even so isn't 2005-7 data bit outdated.
1.how its all different from modi ruling gujarat and eying delhi.
2.A minister of UPA cabinet kamalnath getting summons from usa court for 1984 sikh riot.
3.Ex-pm rajiv accused for sikh genocide.

Roits by Mob & above people failed to keep law & order due to limitations of police/security forces.

Pakistani counter parts cannot be compared with these politicians nor does their crimes match.

UNSC resolution on kashmir are another trash.only worth is the struggle which gonna bring freedom to the kashmiris whether unsc is there or not..

On that fishes will fly, apple tree will bear mangos & AJTR will talk sense.:P

They gonna hire donkey cart and will travel from khi-lhr and will cross at wagha gate after showing all proper papers.

We knew Pakistan lacks train but never knew condition is so worse.
Thanks for your advice & making the best options available for fast transport in Pakistan.
Majority of Pakistanis got to know him due to all the media spot light he got otherwise he would have faded into nothingness like the other mullahs & what not !

The national TV doesnt give him a shyt but private channels do so majority of Pakistanis dont know him
Hafiz Saeed is ready to stand trial - Americans are also just searching for evidence against him. He should be free to go to the US and come back on a humanitarian mission until anything is proven against him.

Mind you, till date no terrorism charge has been proven against him.
Hafiz Saeed is ready to stand trial - Americans are also just searching for evidence against him. He should be free to go to the US and come back on a humanitarian mission until anything is proven against him.

Mind you, till date no terrorism charge has been proven against him.

Hafiz Saeed has travel ban and assets freeze and his organization likewise has similar ban under UN SC chapter 7 - Chapter 7 is legally binding. So it does not matter whether the charges are not proven in India, US or Pakistan.

So the question arises how come he has the $10 million money while his assets should be frozen? So if he wants to travel - he can but the flight will be diverted to Cuba.
lol Indians are burning like hell :D

It is not Indians who are burning. I am shocked that people here support an Al-Qaeda affliated organization and person. Indians did not say that nor US. It is UN SC which says that and is a legally binding one which each country need to stick to.
Hafiz Saeed has travel ban and assets freeze and his organization likewise has similar ban under UN SC chapter 7 - Chapter 7 is legally binding. So it does not matter whether the charges are not proven in India, US or Pakistan.

So the question arises how come he has the $10 million money while his assets should be frozen? So if he wants to travel - he can but the flight will be diverted to Cuba.

Mate the problem is you Indians are fool, America used Saeed name to increase their hold in India and make profiltable deals, he wasn't a problem for US, moreover he is not hiding in caves, he live in Lahore with his private protection if US wants to take him out its a duck shoot for them.
Hafiz Saeed has travel ban and assets freeze and his organization likewise has similar ban under UN SC chapter 7 - Chapter 7 is legally binding. So it does not matter whether the charges are not proven in India, US or Pakistan.

So the question arises how come he has the $10 million money while his assets should be frozen? So if he wants to travel - he can but the flight will be diverted to Cuba.

Yeah but any allegation has to be proven against a Pakistani citizen. If a terrorism charge is levied, you need to prove it in court. Hes not a fugitive, hes not in hiding, he said You accuse me of so and so? I'll appear in court, prove it.

Everybody failed to prove it.

If UN says tomorrow to kill you because they feel like it, would the Indian state come and kill you?
Hafiz Saeed has travel ban and assets freeze and his organization likewise has similar ban under UN SC chapter 7 - Chapter 7 is legally binding. So it does not matter whether the charges are not proven in India, US or Pakistan.

So the question arises how come he has the $10 million money while his assets should be frozen? So if he wants to travel - he can but the flight will be diverted to Cuba.

May I also point out Chapter 7 only applies to act to diffuse an impending threat. Pakistan did arrest him under our own laws of Maintenance of Public Disorder, then when it was determined there no such threat, he was tried in court on the charges levied against him and he was found not guilty.

Now for anything else, let the UNSC redeliberate on the matter. Till then we have acted and acted openly and publicy, nothing is in hiding. Things stand in status quo mostly due to inaction from India and to a smaller degree the US.
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