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"Had Abhinandan Varthaman Been Flying Rafale...": Ex-Air Chief


Oct 5, 2019
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"Had Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman been flying a Rafale instead of a MiG 21, the outcome would have been different," BS Dhanoa said.

All IndiaPress Trust of India Updated: January 05, 2020 12:47 IST

Referring to the row over the purchase of Rafale fighter jets, former Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa on Saturday said that such controversies slow down defence acquisitions, affecting the armed forces' capabilities.

"Had Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman been flying a Rafale instead of a MiG 21 during the India-Pakistan stand-off post the Balakot strike, the outcome would have been different," he said.

Speaking at an event at IIT- Bombay, former Air Chief Marshal Dhanoa said that the Supreme Court gave a "fine judgment" on the Rafale issue (giving a clean chit to the Narendra Modi government).

"I have always personally maintained that if you politicise the defence acquisition system, the whole system goes behind," he said.

"All other files also start moving at a slow pace because people start becoming very, very conscious," he said. The Bofors deal too got mired in controversy despite the guns "being good", he noted.

At the same time, people have the right to ask questions about prices of the aircraft as tax payers'' money is at stake, the former air chief said.

"The fact is, because of creating a controversy out of it, the slowing down of defence modernisation later affects you," said BS Dhanoa, who retired in September last year.

"Like the prime minister made a statement. People are saying it is a political (statement) but the fact is that the statement he made is correct."

"If we had Rafale, the question would have been totally different," he said.


Endless guilt ....How many times we have to hear the same excuse again??
PAF would have shot down a Rafale instead of Mig21.
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Someone should ask the Indians who used to claim that their Su-30 and Israeli upgraded MiG-21 Bison flying coffins were plentiful to erase entire PAF. The JF-17 was supposed to be a MiG clone and basically a walk over.

By this admission, the JF-17 has rendered almost every fighter of the IAF useless and only the Rafale would now be able to save the day LOL
Fire sale :

all Su 30s and Mirage 2000s are at buy one get one for free deal .....
What an insult to all those indian pilots who fly SU-30, MIG 29 AND MIRAGE 2000. It is as good as saying to your pilots that if you dont fly rafale then you are fcuked. MIG 21 served India for decades and current upgraded version was as good as any fighter jet in dog fight. Abhinonedone engaged PAF jets in close combat alone while SU- 30 pilots ran with tails b/w their legs. It is not the fault of pilot but their comander who couldnt hold their nerves and pulled back assets. It wasnt for EW by PAF abhinonedone would have also pulled back.
I seriously believe that we should contemplate on the possibility that any such adventure in the future by IAF may be with RAFALE and Meteor. How will our F-16's fare against those and how will Thunders Bl-2 with PL-15 (if integrated) fare against RAFALE + Super MKI with AAM's of similar capabilities and ranges?
So Basically the Indian Ex-Air Force Chief is admitting their training is not good enough, and they have to bet on high tech systems to save them. But if Indian Pilots can’t use their upgraded Bisons, which they have been operating for decades, against Block 15 F-16s, what makes him think they can properly utilize a more complex machine adequately to counter the PAF?
I seriously believe that we should contemplate on the possibility that any such adventure in the future by IAF may be with RAFALE and Meteor. How will our F-16's fare against those and how will Thunders Bl-2 with PL-15 (if integrated) fare against RAFALE + Super MKI with AAM's of similar capabilities and ranges?

Flying the Erieye in meet ups with the Qatari Rafales should allow for adequate data on how to detect the rafale from various angles and approaches. Coupling that with IRST pods and other sensors on Block II JF-17s and PAF should have the perfectly calibrated Block III to deal with the Rafale from Day 1.
Why every stupid senseless utterances from across the border is being discussed on the forum and a new thread is being created from it? The statement from Bull Shit Dhanoa didn't warrant a second glance let alone a whole thread on it.

Gentlemen, in my humble opinion, we should be showing some good judgement and not create threads that would not encourage any new point's of view but the same things that are being or have been discussed to death, in several other threads ... and also unwittingly invite fascist mindless hindutva bhakts from across the border to flame and troll.
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Why every stupid senseless utterances from across the border is being discussed on the forum and a new threat is being created from it? The statement from Bull Shit Dhanoa didn't warrant a second glance let alone a whole thread on it.

Gentlemen, in my humble opinion, we should be showing some good judgement and not create threads that would not encourage any new point's of view but the same things that are being or have been discussed to death, in several other threads ... and also unwittingly invite fascist mindless hindutva bhakts from across the border to flame and troll.

Such threads are good for trolling, which is part of modern warfare.:lol:
Someone should ask the Indians who used to claim that their Su-30 and Israeli upgraded MiG-21 Bison flying coffins were plentiful to erase entire PAF. The JF-17 was supposed to be a MiG clone and basically a walk over.

By this admission, the JF-17 has rendered almost every fighter of the IAF useless and only the Rafale would now be able to save the day LOL
Pre-27-Feb, the most safara-dors were willing to give it to PAF was F16 roughly equal to Mig-29 and that too pre SMT Upgrade, JF-17 was lesser than their Mig and Mirages deserved to be in the Museum ....when came the D-Day, PAF was literally shooting fish in a barrel, clubbing them like a baby seal .....and most of all ..... detoxed pdf totally of the Bhakhts ...there are now hardly any .... they are now as rare as hens teeth
Pre-27-Feb, the most safara-dors were willing to give it to PAF was F16 roughly equal to Mig-29 and that too pre SMT Upgrade, JF-17 was lesser than their Mig and Mirages deserved to be in the Museum ....when came the D-Day, PAF was literally shooting fish in a barrel, clubbing them like a baby seal .....and most of all ..... detoxed pdf totally of the Bhakhts ...there are now hardly any .... they are now as rare as hens teeth

Beautifully written I must say.
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