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Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

And that's why your Antony is so alarmist about Chinese present in India ocean :cool:. No matter how you dream to make India Ocean as Indian's Ocean, the real owner is at diego garcia...and it's keep watching this ocean as well as Malaca strait. :azn:

Eventually US will vacate Diego Garcia and will hand over to Maldives as the agreement is nearing and India will take care of India's ocean.

US is shifting its focus to Pacific and encirclement of China.
India is equally close to Iran as China and Pakistan. In fact , some would say India and Iran are closer than Pak and Iran

And thats y u people chicken out from IPI gas line project. Wow u r close to I-ran away
Indian ocean is too big for India, It accommodates US as well, see how huge it is ? Too bad china dont have a huge pool to test drive your AC. Is that why your going after others land ? ( since you guys have tiny seas :lol: )

Oh now Indian Ocean is not longer Indian's ocean with the present of U.S?:lol:, And you should be Psychological prepare to welcome Chinese AC in your pool since you claim that is too big for India along, you will have to make some space for us ;)

LOL...when pigs can fly China annexing India's islands is also possible.

This kind of statement won't help your cause, you better to spend more Indian GDP to fortify these Islands as per China threat theory ;)

Eventually US will vacate Diego Garcia and will hand over to Maldives as the agreement is nearing and India will take care of India's ocean.

US is shifting its focus to Pacific and encirclement of China.

Eventually? :blink: when? :blink: how soon? :blink:
Oh now Indian Ocean is not longer Indian's ocean with the present of U.S?:lol:, And you should be Psychological prepare to welcome Chinese AC in your pool since you claim that is too big for India along, you will have to make some space for us ;)

This kind of statement won't help your cause, you better to spend more Indian GDP to fortify these Islands as per China threat theory ;)

Eventually? :blink: when? :blink: how soon? :blink:

India's ocean ? :lol:...we dont claim whatever like you chinese. Too bad US is there in IOR. Its a no go area for chinese.
This kind of statement won't help your cause, you better to spend more Indian GDP to fortify these Islands as per China threat theory ;)
Dont you worry about that. Rest assured, India WILL spend much more than what it is spending now. You are pushing us to the limit..err...infact we are more than happy to be pushed, project you as a bogeyman and purchase those shiny and menacing toys some with ToT and joint R&D. You are creating another headache for yourself. Till now India didnot think about Nuke Subs, ICBMs, SLBMs etc Thank you China, you not only made us try to match your capabilities but at the same time made your little friend in the west just getting kicked out of the league.
India's ocean ? :lol:...we dont claim whatever like you chinese. Too bad US is there in IOR. Its a no go area for chinese.

But China is coming and India is crying...Gwadar is good prove when your Antony said " Chinese present is matter of concern" ;)

Sorry for misquoting but as the US power declines it will choose high priority Pacific region. So no problem for Indian here.

U.S power is declined?:lol: their military budget is more than the whole world combined...sorry this is too funny for me

Dont you worry about that. Rest assured, India WILL spend much more than what it is spending now. You are pushing us to the limit..err...infact we are more than happy to be pushed, project you as a bogeyman and purchase those shiny and menacing toys some with ToT and joint R&D. You are creating another headache for yourself. Till now India didnot think about Nuke Subs, ICBMs, SLBMs etc Thank you China, you not only made us try to match your capabilities but at the same time made your little friend in the west just getting kicked out of the league.

Dude, nobdy care on how you fantasize your Chinese threat, you can spend at much at you want and buy what ever you desire, bottom line you will never get the answer to your China threat theory...so keep spending on your military...that is only way to comfort yourself.
Dude, nobdy care on how you fantasize your Chinese threat, you can spend at much at you want and buy what ever you desire, bottom line you will never get the answer to your China threat theory...so keep spending on your military...that is only way to comfort yourself.
Infact that's the only way some nations understand. Increase military capabilities and start talking..then your enemies value your words. That's what China did to Russia and USA. And that's the same thing India is trying to do with China.
Yes truth will become a funny thing when it hurts.:wave:

hurt?:blink: you mean to those who claim Indian Ocean as U.S's ocean :azn:

Infact that's the only way some nations understand. Increase military capabilities and start talking..then your enemies value your words. That's what China did to Russia and USA. And that's the same thing India is trying to do with China.

And did your military increased has earn more respect from China? we don't even bother to inform India about the 3 dams we build in Brahmaputra...did we value your word about water treaty?:pop:..your temptation to do with China is epic fail.
And did your military increased has earn more respect from China? we don't even bother to inform India about the 3 dams we build in Brahmaputra...did we value your word about water treaty?:pop:..your temptation to do with China is epic fail.
It's not about giving values to the military capabilties. It's shows your nature of back stabbing and sinister plans. If you really want peace and claim your rise as a peaceful, you would have informed India about the building of dams on bramhaputra.
It's not about giving values to the military capabilties. It's shows your nature of back stabbing and sinister plans. If you really want peace and claim your rise as a peaceful, you would have informed India about the building of dams on bramhaputra.

Sorry dude, we don't have to prove anything to India, you guys already have mind set with your China threat, so no point of wasting our time.
Then It's perfect for China to justify Chinese Navy in Gwadar, we will have much fun to deal with India in Indian Ocean, we shall see who will prevail in energies blocades. :smokin:


lol you guys really funny... Chinese navy isn't any blue water navy to project power..... yes your too strong in SCS but not in INDIAN OCEAN... unlike you we don't have any challenge to IN in INDIAN OCEAN.... your got double head ache JAPANESE NAVY, etc....
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