Maybe Indian members think Vietnamese are allowed to speak free.
You know the root of Sino-India friction today is due to the war of 1962. The aftermath was a disaster for both China and India.
Actualy China won the war, but lost in the long run. The relationship was totally destroyed. You lost India as friend, ally and good neighbor. India was humiliated. It mistrusts and fears China, and moreover India seeks revenge if there is a chance: a strategic disaster for China! a hopeless situation.
So what to do?
Both China and India are really required to make steps to reduce actual tensions and in the long run restore trust and good neighborship. Give and take. You both China as well as India cannot affort a new armed confrontation. One can imagine what happens if two nuclear countries go to war.
To Indian members: today your arms race and build-up at the common border are worrisome because China can see it as aggressive approach, a threat similar to the past. I am not sure if that´s a good move, especially in consideration of the huge money you spend on defence to counter a possible China´s invasion, which I believe will never come.