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Guns Fall Silent on the LoC

Should I consider this as an acknowledgement of supporting 'infiltration'? I am sure Indian diplomats would be happy to forward such acknowledgements to FATF.
for the last time, no body in the world considers "infiltration" across the loc as a illegal since it is a disputed territory. We just don't openly admit it because we follow the tried & true policy of disclose the least amount of info. so you really should give up on the whining about infiltration cuz as you can tell for last 20 years, NO ONE IS LISTENING! if your argument of "terrorism across the loc" carried weight the world would've acted a long time ago but no one did. so stop making a fool outta yourself by yapping irrelevant no nothings like "should I consider this as an acknowledgement of supporting 'infiltration'" cuz me saying this isn't something the diplomats from across the globe don't already know & haven't already disregarded. have some shame.
On #1 : Indians know in our heart that conquering "Azad" Kashmir is just rhetoric. We are happy with status quo. But if Pak keeps talking about Indian Kashmir, then we have the right to keep talking about "Azad" Kashmir.
your problem is that your narrative about AJK has zero support in. AJK, dead on arrival, zilch. Our narrative has massive support in iiok. couple that with the FACT that you have an incompetent army that can't even handle unarmed Chinese border guards only makes it easier for the world admit that your claim carries neither weight nor muscle. Now having said that, this wasn't my question now was it? My question was about demanding answers from your modi regime that you supposedly "elected". aren't you the world's biggest democracy? why aren't you demanding answers from your elected reps? or are you too afraid getting labeled as desh drohi & getting lynched?
On #2 : No one knows what really transpired. At least I dont claim to know, so will not comment on the agreement reached for now.
that's my entire point. no one knows and yet, they tax you to death. you should know how you were sold out by those who you supposedly pay. demand answers, what are you afraid of?
for the last time, no body in the world considers "infiltration" across the loc as a illegal since it is a disputed territory. We just don't openly admit it because we follow the tried & true policy of disclose the least amount of info. so you really should give up on the whining about infiltration cuz as you can tell for last 20 years, NO ONE IS LISTENING! if your argument of "terrorism across the loc" carried weight the world would've acted a long time ago but no one did. so stop making a fool outta yourself by yapping irrelevant no nothings like "should I consider this as an acknowledgement of supporting 'infiltration'" cuz me saying this isn't something the diplomats from across the globe don't already know & haven't already disregarded. have some shame.

your problem is that your narrative about AJK has zero support in. AJK, dead on arrival, zilch. Our narrative has massive support in iiok. couple that with the FACT that you have an incompetent army that can't even handle unarmed Chinese border guards only makes it easier for the world admit that your claim carries neither weight nor muscle. Now having said that, this wasn't my question now was it? My question was about demanding answers from your modi regime that you supposedly "elected". aren't you the world's biggest democracy? why aren't you demanding answers from your elected reps? or are you too afraid getting labeled as desh drohi & getting lynched?

that's my entire point. no one knows and yet, they tax you to death. you should know how you were sold out by those who you supposedly pay. demand answers, what are you afraid of?
Cool down sir. Why this Kolaveri Di?

If the world does not consider 'infiltration' illegal, then why are you worried? FATF is really putting the screws on. Hence your outburst is understandable.

As I previously said, we are happy with our side of Kashmir. We never had expansionist mindset. We do not want to waste even a single soldier's life in a pursuit we do not want. China's military budget is 5 times that of India. Still, India successfully showed China that we will not back down. The disengagement was by both parties. I do not have any deeper knowledge on this subject (China-India standoff), so wont comment further on it.

What taxing to death are you talking about? We pay taxes that are due to the govt who in turn provides for us. We are not afraid of anything. If and when we see the govt straying from its path, we will outvote them in the elections.
Cool down sir. Why this Kolaveri Di?
:lol: I'm not the one whose under fire for folding & loosing territory that has cool down my son.
If the world not consider 'infiltration' illegal, then why are you worried? FATF is really putting the screws on. Hence your outburst is understandable.
don't worry fatf, Kashmir is the least of their worries, as much as you may try to fool yourselves, anything related to india isn't even on their agenda. they simply want the economy documented via their 27 points out which they admitted that 24 are complete & 3 are partially complete which will be completed soon. these 27 points were the best thing that ever happened to us that is proving instrumental in getting rid of sold out, useless & inept politicians. Now no more dodging the painful questions, why aren't indians demanding answers from your modi regime, what are afraid of? india has lost tremendously in the Chinese indo 2020 war, don't you think modi at least owes you an explanation as tax payers? or were you always a banana republic with kangaroo courts and were just masquerading as a so called democracy with independent institutions where the government was answerable to the public?
As I previously said, we are happy with our side of Kashmir. We never had expansionist mindset. We do not want to waste even a single soldier's life in a pursuit we do not want. China's military budget is 5 times that of India. Still, India successfully showed China that we will not back down. The disengagement was by both parties. I do not have any deeper knowledge on this subject (China-India standoff), so wont comment further on it.
"india showed that it would not back down"?:woot: accepting China’s version of the 1959 lax, accepting denial of of the damsang area (spelling) and giving away the 1100 sq km China forcefully took is considered as "not backing down"? wah...I'd check authenticity of the dictionaries you guys are using man, maybe the ISI supplied them to you! :lol: so you indians would just accept loosing over 1100 sq km to China & unconditionally accept a ceasefire that you broke because of infiltration which you are now unconditionally restoring in spite of on going infiltration infiltration which is now sure to increase? :lol: you so you don't have an expansionist mindset, are you sure you don't have contractionist mindset? :omghaha:
What taxing to death are you talking about? We pay taxes that are due to the govt who in turn provides for us. We are not afraid of anything. If and when we see the govt straying from its path, we will outvote them in the elections.
so you paid taxes to not question the government, be provided with long unemployment lines, piss poor educating, Healthcare, be given kangaroo court rulings that it is not sexual abuse as long as the woman or child has her clothes on & be told that if you ask questions then you are a desh drohi? amazing, astounding.

:lol: I'm not the one whose under fire for folding & loosing territory that has cool down my son.

don't worry fatf, Kashmir is the least of their worries, as much as you may try to fool yourselves, anything related to india isn't even on their agenda. they simply want the economy documented via their 27 points out which they admitted that 24 are complete & 3 are partially complete which will be completed soon. these 27 points were the best thing that ever happened to us that is proving instrumental in getting rid of sold out, useless & inept politicians. Now no more dodging the painful questions, why aren't indians demanding answers from your modi regime, what are afraid of? india has lost tremendously in the Chinese indo 2020 war, don't you think modi at least owes you an explanation as tax payers? or were you always a banana republic with kangaroo courts and were just masquerading as a so called democracy with independent institutions where the government was answerable to the public?

so you paid taxes to not question the government, be provided with long unemployment lines, piss poor educating, Healthcare, be given kangaroo court rulings that it is not sexual abuse as long as the woman or child has her clothes on & be told that if you ask questions then you are a desh drohi? amazing, astounding.

Who told you we are under any fire Uncleji.
If FATF is so good for you guys, then why is it taking 2+ years to comply. I hear that you are losing 38 Billion USD annually because you are in Grey list.

'Democracy' word does not sound good from Pakistan to India. Aap rehne do Uncleji. How many democratically elected govts have you seen till now in Pak?
You do not need to worry how we domestically conduct our democracy and take our leaders into account. Should you not be rejoicing if all what you said is true.
Who told you we are under any fire Uncleji.
If FATF is so good for you guys, then why is it taking 2+ years to comply. I hear that you are losing 38 Billion USD annually because you are in Grey list.
your not under fire? only in india will people say that folding & surrendering in front of not one but two enemies is not being under fire. :lol: does make sense though, fits the indian national character of bending over backwards, taking it hard & not get bothered by it. heck, forget getting bothered, these fools turned around and asked for punishment, yanay kay dubara aik baar phir say maaro! :lol: it takes a very strong national character to be moved by such humiliation, heck, if the u.s. had done 1/10th of what China or Pakistan did to Canada or Mexico, even they would've gone all out for war but, alas...we are talking about indians from the land of kamasutra where getting violated has becoming a part of the national culture. now, as for fatf, I said it good for PAKISTAN, not tht politicians. it took two years years due to resistance from a corrupt opposition that had to be an twisted since they dominated the senate which they are about to loose. then, all hell will be unleashed on an these corrupt money laundering thugs whom I wouldn't hire as my janitor. enuf said about fatf, you can research the rest on your own.
'Democracy' word does not sound good from Pakistan to India. Aap rehne do Uncleji. How many democratically elected govts have you seen till now in Pak?
why does it matter what we are son? we never claimed nor care to claim anything related to democracy. it is you jokers who always made the bull crap claim of being the " largest & vibrant democracy" where the elected representatives are held accountable to the people. kia ho gaya "people" go? hawa kaysay nikli kab nikli kiyon nikli? :lol:
You do not need to worry how we domestically conduct our democracy and take our leaders into account. Should you not be rejoicing if all what you said is true.
what I said IS true & always has been true. do I rejoice? of course. but that's not the issue here. buddy, you lost your right to say that "we don't need worry about how you domestically conduct your democracy and take your leaders into account" when you came to the Pakistani forum posting your issues...now we will question and demand answers. And we do so knowing that you don't have an answer but we'll give you a fair chance at answering before we expose your fakery. so do enlighten us about how exactly do you "conduct your democracy and take your leaders to account". oh and don't tell me that old brow beaten retarded horse manure of a comment that "oh, uh...well, w', w', we just won't vote for em next time, y' yeah, that'll teach em, yeah, thark teach em real good, yeah"! :lol:
You should start with Indian citizens, before worrying about Kashmiris. There's plenty you need to tell them about.

Sarkar e Hindustan is working for the Establishment of Akhand Kashmir Stamb/Sutoon !!! Sutoon/Stamb e Kashmir is already there !!! Sultanat e Thoqra is having history of Warrior Kingship - Generations
Maharaj Zorawar Singh Sahab;
Maharaj Hari Singh Sahab;
Maharaj Karan Singh Sahab.
A temporary ceasefire for achieving final victory ------. The indian gov't has sensed his appeals
nopes. india is going to loose more now. there is a fourth party in this dispute now, China. and China wants india to loose Kashmir so that it can secure its Xinjiang area from american & indian meddling while converting the freed Kashmir into an economic power generation center where China will exert more economic influence on the rest of india by controlling the water ways even more. india thinks that it is getting a temporary breather to restart its war mongering again but the fact is that now, with China as the fourth party to the dispute besides Pakistan, Kashmiris & india, india now has a laser pointer gun aimed at her head from the shadows by China. things are getting very complicated for india...
A temporary ceasefire for achieving final victory ------. The indian gov't has sensed his appeals

Seems Dead Bodies Swapping , Is Chinese Military taking the Dead Bodies of Chinese Soldiers which are in Indian Armed Forces - Military Morgues ???
Cool down sir. Why this Kolaveri Di?

If the world does not consider 'infiltration' illegal, then why are you worried? FATF is really putting the screws on. Hence your outburst is understandable.
The traditional Indian stance
1. Pakistan is too poor to fight us we are the super power economy (selling pakodas. ).

2. India is superior economically so will win . Pakistan should worry about FATF. Never mind in 1962 China was under double sanctions, with no membership of the UN and there was no stock market verging on famine yet they knocked the stuffing out of India .
Vietnam had no economy fighting the USA
Afghanistan has no economy fighting the USA and NATO.

Stock market, FATF whatever ...In a war where we are defending ourselves from a vicious savage and cruel enemy it doesn't matter. We are ready to face starvation and poverty, but we WILL keep defending ourselves until the enemy realizes it cannot subdue us.
We would go into a ten trillion dollar debt to see your destruction

Meanwhile India has the exclusive privilege of having:

1. The world's largest population of lepers.
2.,The world's largest population of blind.
3.,The world's largest population of illiterates.
4. The world's largest population of hungry (94 on the global hunger list )
5.,The world's largest slum ( Dharavi)

6.,The world's largest population of beggars.

7. World's largest population of underage sex workers.

8. World's largest population of open air defecators.

9. World's largest population of unemployed.

State of Hunger in India
According to FAO estimates in ‘The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2020 report, 189.2 million people are undernourished in India. By this measure 14% of the population is undernourished in India. Also, 51.4% of women in reproductive age between 15 to 49 years are anaemic. Further according to the report 34.7% of the children aged under five in India are stunted (too short for their age), while 20% suffer from wasting, meaning their weight is too low for their height. Malnourished children have a higher risk of death from common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea, pneumonia, and malaria. The Global Hunger Index 2019 ranks India at 102 out of 117 countries on the basis of three leading indicators -- prevalence of wasting and stunting in children under 5 years, under 5 child mortality rate, and the proportion of undernourished in the population.

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The largest population of lepers in the world

India’s massive leprosy case detection campaign reaches 320 million people
Nearly 300 000 health teams screen 149 districts across 19 states
18 October 2016 |Geneva | New Delhi –– A record 320 million Indians have been screened in a door-to-door leprosy detection campaign, revealing thousands of “hidden” cases. The campaign, spearheaded by the National Leprosy Elimination Programme, covered 149 districts across 19 states and mobilized almost 300 000 health workers.


A recent door-to-door leprosy case detection campaign in India has screened a record 320 million people
© M. Lang
Every district reporting at least one case per 10 000 people over the past 3 years was targeted. The main objective was to detect all cases by visiting members of every household and following up with treatment of every member of the family diagnosed with the disease.

The campaign – from 14 September to 4 October 2016 – covered 149 districts in 19 states1 and involved volunteers from the Accredited Social Health Activists2 (ASHA) project. One of the highest numbers was detected in Bihar (4400 cases).

Although India achieved elimination of leprosy as a public health problem3 in 2005, it has the largest number of leprosy patients in the world and pockets of high endemicity report thousands of new cases every year. In 2015, a total of 127 326 new cases were detected accounting for 60% of the global total of new cases, compared with 125 785 new cases in 2014.


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Guns Fall Silent on the LoC
But can peace follow?
Sushant Singh
UPDATED: 26 FEB 2021ISSUE: MARCH 5, 2021


India’s need to prevent a two-front threat & to be on the right side of the US underlies the sudden decision on a LoC ceasefire. This opens up many possibilities but Modi’s long-running anti-Pakistan domestic politics can come in the way of a durable peace.
The Indian and Pakistan militaries simultaneously announced on Thursday that they had “agreed for strict observance of all agreements, understandings and cease firing along the Line of Control and all other sectors with effect from midnight 24/25 Feb 2021”. Taken literally, the announcement pertains to affirming the 18-year-old ceasefire on the line dividing the control of the erstwhile princely state of Jammu and Kashmir between the two nuclear-armed neighbours, where the two armies have already traded fire nearly 300 times this year. Last year, there were 5,133 violations of the ceasefire causing heavy civilian and military casualties.
This ceasefire announcement will come as a major humanitarian relief to the border residents and will be welcomed by the soldiers of both armies deployed on the LoC.

Officials told me on conditions of anonymity that the respite to soldiers and border residents is a side-effect of the announcement but not its underlying basis. This is the first step of a mutually agreed time-bound process between the political leadership of the two countries, where more public engagements and meetings are likely to be announced soon. The process is expected to result in a normalisation of bilateral ties and a resolution of longstanding issues between the two countries, if things go as per plan.
The significance of this announcement goes beyond the military and humanitarian impact of the ceasefire, and provides an insight into the events unleashed by geopolitical churning in South Asia. The nine-month long border standoff between India and China in Ladakh, which has witnessed some tentative steps towards a resolution this month, triggered a serious rethink in India about its strategic challenges. The more nuanced policies of the Biden administration in the United States towards the Indo-Pacific and Afghanistan, while broadly in continuation from the Trump administration, have influenced New Delhi’s decision-making matrix. This attempt at denouement with Pakistan is not going to be easy for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to undertake, due to his Hindu majoritarian political ideology, as evident from the many U-turns in his Pakistan policy in the past seven years of his premiership.
The troubled line
The Line of Control or the LoC is a legacy of British colonial rule in South Asia, which left the region in a hurry in 1947 with the Muslim-majority state of Jammu and Kashmir claimed by both countries. The two countries have fought three wars over Kashmir, and a UN mandated ceasefire after the 1948 war created a ceasefire line agreed upon by both countries. It was converted into the 740-km long Line of Control after the 1971 War for the liberation of Bangladesh. But for the wars, the LoC had been largely inactive and porous till it gained prominence after the start of insurgency in Kashmir in 1989.
As Pakistan started providing rudimentary military training to young Kashmiri men, pushing battle-hardened Pakistani fighters from the Afghanistan conflict against the Soviet Union, and sending weapons and other material into Kashmir, the LoC became increasingly militarised and a theatre of conflict between the two armies. Pakistan’s ill-fated attempt to alter the LoC through military means in Kargil in 1999, a year after both India and Pakistan had gone nuclear, caused a rise in military deployment and use of heavy weaponry by both the armies on the LoC. By 2003, India had decided to erect a border fence along the LoC and the diplomatic talks between Pakistani military dictator Pervez Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister AB Vajpayee led to the announcement of a ceasefire on the LoC in November 2003. It was meant to be a confidence-building measure, which would pave the way for an eventual resolution of the Kashmir problem but Musharraf’s internal problems in Pakistan put paid to those hopes.

The ceasefire nevertheless worked successfully—after 5,767 firing incidents in 2002, there were hardly any incidents recorded from 2004 to 2006. The firing incidents remained in double digits till 2011, slowly climbing to 583 in 2014, the year Modi assumed power. The numbers kept rising and for the past three years, the firing and shelling along the LoC was so heavy and frequent—more than 10,000 recorded incidents between 2018 and 2020—that it had left the 2003 agreement redundant.

At an operational level, the repeated targeting of forward military posts and villages along the LoC caused widespread damage and destruction, and forced thousands of border residents to migrate to safer places. Both the armies responded by constructing bunkers for these residents and even heavier retaliatory fire, reporting deaths of soldiers and civilians at regular intervals.
‘Cautious optimism’
The official mantra from both the sides about this week’s decision is ‘cautious optimism’ and there is abundant reason for exercising caution. Modi’s government has pursued a flip-flop policy towards Pakistan, starting from his invite to the then Pakistan Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, as part of a group of all south Asian heads of states, for his swearing-in ceremony in May 2014. He paid a surprise visit to Pakistan in December 2015 on Sharif’s birthday, which was followed, within days, by a terror attack on an Indian airbase. In a significant gesture, Modi’s government allowed a team of Pakistani investigators, including officials from the ill-famed intelligence agency, ISI, to visit the airbase. But by August 2016, the relationship had deteriorated enough for Modi to bring up the restive Pakistani province of Balochistan in his annual Independence Day speech from the ramparts of Red Fort in Delhi.
In September that year, India launched a much-publicised ‘surgical strike’ inside Azad Kashmir to avenge the killing of 18 soldiers at a military base in Kashmir in a terror attack. The relations had hit a nadir and the LoC became very active, till the two armies announced in May 2018 that they had “agreed to fully implement the ceasefire understanding of 2003 in letter and spirit forthwith”. That announcement didn’t last for long as the internal security situation in Kashmir started worsening, and the Modi government was facing a tough national election in 2019.
Just before the elections, a suicide car bombing in Kashmir led to the killing of 40 Indian paramilitary troopers. Even though the bomber was a young local Kashmiri boy, it was claimed by Pakistan-based terror group, Jaish-e-Mohammed. India retaliated by conducting an airstrike on a seminary in Balakot in mainland Pakistan, which led to a Pakistani airstrike near an Indian military base in Kashmir. India lost a fighter jet in an aerial skirmish and a fighter pilot was captured by Pakistan, with tensions rising such that both sides were ready to launch missile attacks till foreign intervention cooled tempers down and Pakistan released the pilot.
Narendra Modi got re-elected in 2019 on the back of a hyper-nationalistic and anti-Pakistan poll campaign, which was surprisingly followed by an attempted détente on the LoC that brought the cross-border infiltration down in the summer of 2019. In August 2019, Modi’s right-hand man and home minister, Amit Shah, revoked the special constitutional status of Jammu and Kashmir, taking a vow of reclaiming Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan at the earliest. Shocked by this move, Pakistan withdrew its High Commissioner from New Delhi and downgraded diplomatic ties with India. Things did not improve between the two countries as the Modi government employed harsh security measures against the civilian population in Kashmir after August 2019, till India walked into a major border crisis with China in May 2020.
Genesis of announcement
The genesis of the announcement on 25 February lies in the Ladakh border crisis where the Indian political leadership was faced with the reality of a two-front collusive threat from China and Pakistan. With its economy in post-pandemic recession, New Delhi found that its under-resourced and unreformed military was unequal to the two-front challenge, even though it had tasked the military for this eventuality in 2009. This led to the Army hastily reorienting one of its strike corps from the Pakistan border to the China border. New Delhi realises that China provides a bigger strategic challenge than Pakistan in the long run, against which it can earn the support of western powers like the US, Japan and Australia in the Indo-Pacific. But China is a much bigger power with global ambitions, and New Delhi will neither accept a subservient role nor will it be able to trust Beijing for the foreseeable future. India is thus left with no option but to seek peace with Pakistan, leading to the ceasefire announcement.

Till a few weeks prior to the ceasefire announcement, the top Indian military leadership was claiming that Pakistan “has been launching proxy war, and sponsoring, training, arming and equipping terrorists on their soil, which they keep infiltrating into Jammu and Kashmir”. It had doubled down on bringing a change in Pakistan’s policy by coercive military means, including heavy shelling on the LoC, cross-border ‘surgical strikes’ and Balakot airstrikes. While these may have a punitive value, they failed to infuse deterrence so as to alter Pakistani calculations on supporting militancy in Kashmir. Despite the evident lack of trust between the two armies, the Indian decision to re-engage with Pakistan by reinstituting the ceasefire on the LoC is an acceptance of the futility of its policies so far, driven more by compulsion than by choice.


A house struck during cross-border shelling in which a mother and her two children were killed, Jhullas, Poonch district, March 2, 2019 (Nissar Ahmad/The Hindu)

The incoming Biden administration has shown its interest in moving American forces out of Afghanistan. Pakistan remains the major player in the ongoing negotiations between the US and the Taliban, and has an understanding with some of the key officials in the new administration. If India puts Pakistan under pressure, it can jeopardise American interests in Afghanistan. Moreover, like all new US administrations, the Biden administration may also attempt to reduce tensions between two nuclear-armed neighbours. By collaborating with the US in the Indo-Pacific, aligning with its interests in Afghanistan, and taking the initiative for peace with Pakistan, New Delhi can be on the right side of the Biden administration, which has been rather blunt in publicly pointing out the anti-democratic and authoritarian moves of Modi’s government in recent months.

Pakistan is China’s biggest arms buyer and Beijing has invested $62 bn in the flagship China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project under President Xi Jinping’s Belt Road Initiative (BRI). The relations between the two countries have been described in Pakistan as being "higher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans, stronger than steel, clearer than eyesight, and sweeter than honey". Many Indian officials thus see India’s Pakistan problem as a subset of its China problem, which makes any Indian strategy contingent on delinking Pakistan from China liable to fail. This raises the tantalising question of whether Beijing is a part of the LoC announcement and its agreement with New Delhi for a disengagement in Ladakh was contingent on a simultaneous peace deal between India and Pakistan. Indians would have been loath to accept such a condition as it would make Beijing an arbiter between New Delhi and Islamabad, acknowledging China as a superpower now enacting the role played by the US in the region for decades.
Internal dichotomies
These geopolitical contradictions are tough to resolve but they are no patch on the internal dichotomies in India that will be cracked open by this move by the Modi government. The Hindu majoritarian ideology of Modi’s parent organisation, the RSS, has always identified Pakistan as an enemy country and questioned its existence. It has identified Indian Muslims with the neighbouring country, placing question marks about their ‘Indianness’. Ministers in Modi’s government and senior party leaders have publicly asked critics and opponents of his government to “go to Pakistan”. The Citizenship Amendment Act brought in 2019 furthered the paradigm by focusing on treatment of minority religious communities in Muslim-majority countries. The popular narrative in the media, particularly news television, has been viciously anti-Pakistan leading to a situation where no Pakistani actors or singers are now seen in Indian movies and no Pakistani cricketers are part of the highly successful Indian Premier League.

Personally, Modi has always invoked Pakistan as an adversary during his electoral campaigns, going back to his days as the chief minister of Gujarat. His re-election campaign as the prime minister in 2019 was centred around his strong policies against Pakistan which brought the two countries to the brink of a war. An economy in decline, record joblessness, increasing social disharmony, and protests by farmers and workers have left him with few other issues to campaign on. A 180 degree turn on what has consistently been Narendra Modi’s most successful electoral and political strategy will put his party, his political supporters, and his ideological mentors in a quandary who will not be able to whip up anti-Pakistani sentiment around elections. Having made anti-Pakistan rhetoric an integral feature of his election campaigns, this imposes a significant domestic constraint on Modi in his dealing with Pakistan and has the potential to trip up the current initiative.
India’s sudden move to secure harmonious ties with Pakistan has the potential to reshape South Asia by placing the region on a path of peaceful development. It can alter the geopolitics of the Asian continent, the location of the forthcoming geopolitical contestation between the US and China. But the plan is beset with several contradictions, internal and external, which bear the burden of history, the reality of geography and the compulsions of electoral politics.

The India Forum welcomes your comments on this article for the Forum/Letters section.
Write to editor@theindiaforum.in


let us see .

The day India Begged the USA for wheat:
The PL480 Story.
Washington ki galiyon hota hai Bharat ka neelam,
De dey ....

Although it repressed relative prices in the agricultural sector, P.L. 480 food aid had a substantial net infla tionary effect on the Indian economy.[17] New money was created as a result of the peculiarities of P.L. 480 financial procedures. The majority of P.L. 480 food shipments to India were executed in exchange for Indian rupee funds, which were to be accumulated in Indian banks and used to cover local U.S. government expenses (with the balance to be returned to the Indian government in the form of concessional loans and grants).
To make payments into the local U.S. government account, the Indian central bank in effect issued securities redeemable on demand to that U.S. account. Subsequent disbursements from the U.S. account (for loans or grants to the government of India, loans to private firms under a special U.S. program, or local U.S. government uses) were made by a "liquidizing" process whereby the special securities were first converted into Indian public debt; that debt was then purchased by the central bank and finally passed on to the U.S. account as newly created money. The U.S. account, in turn, disbursed that money to the Indian public sector as loans and grants. One prominent scholar of the Indian economy, B. R. Shenoy, has estimated that deficit financing (the use of newly created moneys to finance budget disbursements) due to P.L. 480 operations accounted for as much as 35 percent o
The day India Begged the USA for wheat:
swallowing the humiliation.

India begging. Indira Gandhi goes to the USA with a begging bowl.

Can India ever come out of the vicious cycle of loan defaults?
Bloomberg | Updated on December 24, 2019 Published on December 24, 2019

Worlds biggest slum !

No but instead you you beg america and are the biggest recipient of american aid; india contains nearly 40% of the ENTIRE globes severely malnourished and extreme poor. Also, over 500 million indian openly defecate in the morning EACH DAY........ :azn: .............:enjoy:Go through EACH of the following links thoroughly and carefully........:azn::

indians are dying in huge numbers each day due to starvation and malnutrition. Help them before you worry about Pakistan or ANY OTHER non-indians.
Maybe they can survive on pakoda s.
Last edited:
The traditional Indian stance
1. Pakistan is too poor to fight us we are the super power economy (selling pakodas. ).

2. India is superior economically so will win . Pakistan should worry about FATF. Never mind in 1962 China was under double sanctions, with no membership of the UN and there was no stock market verging on famine yet they knocked the stuffing out of India .
Vietnam had no economy fighting the USA
Afghanistan has no economy fighting the USA and NATO.

Stock market, FATF whatever ...In a war where we are defending ourselves from a vicious savage and cruel enemy it doesn't matter. We are ready to face starvation and poverty, but we WILL keep defending ourselves until the enemy realizes it cannot subdue us.
We would go into a ten trillion dollar debt to see your destruction

Meanwhile India has the exclusive privilege of having:

1. The world's largest population of lepers.
2.,The world's largest population of blind.
3.,The world's largest population of illiterates.
4. The world's largest population of hungry (94 on the global hunger list )
5.,The world's largest slum ( Dharavi)

6.,The world's largest population of beggars.

7. World's largest population of underage sex workers.

8. World's largest population of open air defecators.

9. World's largest population of unemployed.

but we do not go to different countries for 2 billion dollars loan every month .
but we do not go to different countries for 2 billion dollars loan every month .

Refreshing your memory?
Don't get banned again.

India is the biggest receiver of aid money in the world

View attachment 697119
@magra @bahadur

Keep fighting us !

Refreshing your memory?
Don't get banned again.
google baba

tera forum hai ro ga kar ban kara dega , such kadwa hota hai .
Keep fighting us !

we are not fighting , you are fighting a lost battle . :D
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