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Guns Fall Silent on the LoC

Have it your way, no one gives any credence to that. You can keep repeating that till the cows come home, run dry in the udders, give up the ghost and join the happy ranch in the sky.
370 has been abrogated. Ladakh and Kargil now part of the union. Jammu finally free of the shenanigans from Sri Nagar. Kashmir finally and permanently part of the Indian Union.
Ceasefire, a mere acceptance of those facts on the ground.
Like most things nowadays, the real reason for the withdrawal by the Chinese and this ceasefire by the Pakistanis, would be quite interesting to know. Both in the same week is not a coincidence.
Litmus test would be whether Indian kashmir suffers a major terror attack in the next few weeks or peace is maintained.
At the moment it seems that a tap has been turned off in kashmir attacks.
If attacks in baluchistan reduce , it might be a quid pro quo.
Modi recklessness is a blessing.. campaigning for Trump, now asking Biden for help.. idk, how republican would see Dehli as no one on earth has done something like before. A country premier campaigning for a candidate in another country election.

Modi NEVER campaigned for Trump. Both India and US are democracies , we do not campaign for candidates in each others elections. Pure fantasies on your part does not make it a fact.

US is already disappointed into Indian services in Afghanistan. No matter how much US armed them, India can't serve US ambitions against China at all. However, the region might be pushed into fire but in the end, India will lose more.
India has made this clear hundreds of times and the US knows this to be a position that will NEVER change. The fantasy of Indians fighting for America exists ONLY in the Pakistani mind. Pakistani's having fought for the Americans assume everyone does it.
We buy American weapons that they want to sell and pay for it in hard cash. NO INDIAN GOVT WOULD SURVIVE A DAY FIGHTING FOR ANY OTHER NATION.
That maybe a mystery for a Pakistani mind to get around.

Nobody cares if India claims the flying cows after 370 but status remains as per UN. Point me to the mention where it says any status quo. Rest about Indian imaginations, last time India was super power in 2020 and Pakistan was supposed to be wiped out of the world map. Where is anything about Kashmir status?
Are you saying that some Indian says India will be a superpower in 2020 or Pakistan will be wiped out is meant to be the word of god.
IK himself has said the people in the west will be lining up to get well paid jobs in Pakistan. Pakistani passport the most respected in the world. Liberate Kashmir. free education for all and free medical facilities. Hundreds of billions repatriated etc etc. Pakistani politicians have promised Ghaza e Hind. The destruction of India and its breakup into pieces. Another Medina etc etc etc

How is all that going ?????????
Politicians say many things . It's the ground reality that matters in the end.
Are you saying that some Indian says India will be a superpower in 2020 or Pakistan will be wiped out is meant to be the word of god.

Were you not looking for property in Karachi?

Hindustan was sole beneficiary of this kind of Aman Ki Asha type drama during 2 terms of Manmohan Singh. I hope our establishment have learned some lesson from that period and will act smart this time.
to phir Modi kya chane bechne gaya tha Houston may?

You are right. Modi did campaign for Trump and it was shameful departure from our past policies. Thankfully India-US relations are strong enough and not dependent on mere individuals heading the nation.
Biden is anyways a sensible leader and would not let his ego harm the relationship with India.
You are right. Modi did campaign for Trump and it was shameful departure from our past policies. Thankfully India-US relations are strong enough and not dependent on mere individuals heading the nation.
Biden is anyways a sensible leader and would not let his ego harm the relationship with India.

That's some advantage for India when it can choose a mob suitable to the winds of change.

And US Indian relations are literally based on few individuals.

1.5bn people are living in their own bubble of hypocrisy
That's some advantage for India when it can choose a mob suitable to the winds of change.

And US Indian relations are literally based on few individuals.

1.5bn people are living in their own bubble of hypocrisy
Could not understand what you are actually trying to convey.
Modi was banned in US before he became PM. After becoming PM, he was quickly and warmly welcomed. This proves my point that Indo-US relationship is beyond heads of state.
Could not understand what you are actually trying to convey.
Modi was banned in US before he became PM. After becoming PM, he was quickly and warmly welcomed. This proves my point that Indo-US relationship is beyond heads of state.

How? It actually proves the opposite.

Just like 2 wrongs don't make it right. 2 hypocrites won't make a marriage work either.

We will get Kashmir from your divorce.
How about the ego on the other side ? Still 56 " and " Red " eyes ?

I do not like Modi's ego as well on some issues. However, he did set aside his ego in building relationship with America. He did not let the past ban on him affect his attitute with them.
How? It actually proves the opposite.

Just like 2 wrongs don't make it right. 2 hypocrites won't make a marriage work either.

We will get Kashmir from your divorce.
kahan ki baat kahan..

how did my reference not prove what I was conveying. It does not matter who heads US or who heads India.. Indo-US friendship is based on common interest and hence is more durable than domestic party politics.
Indo-US friendship is based on common interest and hence is more durable than domestic party politics.

What is the common interest?
For 40 years India voted in the UN against the USA on issues of the Vietnam war and against Israel. As long as the Soviet Union was around India was tied to the Soviet Union's apron. Which is why US president Richard Nixon referred to your Prime Minister as a female canine. The US did not even post an ambassador to India after the US Navy Task force 74 had anchored off Sri Lanka in 1971.

Once the Soviet Union collapsed India was quick to jump on to the US bandwagon. In 1991 it was comical to see tin hatted Indian generals on Indian national TV predict a US Vietnam in Iraq when Operation Desert Storm was over in days. Iraq was once a Soviet client state so India was saluting an ally.

As recently as 2016 India voted against Israel in the UN, a hangover of the Soviet days.

If the power balance shifts to China then India will be bending over for China as well . It already is !
What is the common interest?
For 40 years India voted in the UN against the USA on issues of the Vietnam war and against Israel. As long as the Soviet Union was around India was tied to the Soviet Union's apron. Which is why US president Richard Nixon referred to your Prime Minister as a female canine. The US did not even post an ambassador to India after the US Navy Task force 74 had anchored of Sri Lanka in 1971.
Once the Soviet Union collapsed India was quick to jump on to the US bandwagon. In 1991 it was comical to see tin hatted Indian generals on Indian national TV predict a US Vietnam in Iraq when Operation Desert Storm was over in days. Iraq was once a Soviet client state so India was saluting an ally.

As recently as 2016 India voted against Israel in the UN, a hangover of the Soviet days.

If the power balance shifts to China then India will be bending over for China as well . It already is !
In 1971, US sided with Pakistan and ignore the massacres in East Pakistan. In recent times, especially since 1999, India and US have increasingly gravitated towards each other due to common interests.

However, India knows that US is a fickle partner. US is quick to abandon its friends when no longer needed. Hence, India maintains friendship with all parties - Russia, Europe, Iran, Saudi.

It also does not want relations to be too bad with China. At present, there are only minor issues with China related to some boundary disagreements on LAC. Once that is resolved, this relationship can also flourish.
In Global Politics Peace is only a 'Perception' which could only be 'Imposed' by Powers under their area of Influence and authority, therefore it could not be achieved or maintained by weak parties.

If Indian and Pakistan are trying to re-initiate the peace process then both are accepting their relative weakness due to Domestic, Regional and International situation.

In case of Pakistan we might want to avoid confrontation beyond a certain point due to some current prevailing domestic and regional conditions, India knowing this used this opportunity for petty political gain two years backs in the form of an attempt in Balakot and for a tactical gain by abolition of article 370 of Indian constitution and by committing demographic change in Kashmir.

In case of India the bigger question is why India is trying to tone the situation down both at LOC and LAC .... ??

India in terms of to International diplomacy related to the LOC and Kashmir is in relatively advantageous position, other than this after propagating Hyper Masculine and Godzallian image of Modi in domestic and International theatre and as well as the clear declaration of NO-DIALOGUE policy with Pakistan from first term of Modi lead BJP Government, how India will retreat from its stated position ..... ???

Or India is buying time to use it in her advantage

Of course india buying time and trying to look all good and Democratic to biden. I think its also not so difficult for modi to play around dumb indians.
kahan ki baat kahan..

how did my reference not prove what I was conveying. It does not matter who heads US or who heads India.. Indo-US friendship is based on common interest and hence is more durable than domestic party politics.

Indo US relations are based on US interests.

Those interests are subject to change.
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