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Gunmen kidnap seven Pakistani soldiers in Punjab

Okay folks, not get back to topic. Discuss about the kidnapping of the soldiers. Drone attacks, Afghan policy, good bad Taliban are not the topic.
Its not center of the country. One needs to know the area and its location. Jand is in Attock district bordering Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. What makes it more vulnrable is that Indus River is just 5 KM from Jand. The route is quiet safe with less traffic and solitary travel and also another fact in my personal opinion which makes it safe for such incidents is that Jand also borders Daud Khel an area falls in Mianwali City of Punjab or to be more clear we can say Southern Punjab.

Southern Punjab has become a hotbed for terrorists who call themself Punjabi Taliban and they are trust me as dangerous as TTP also their allies. SSP/ LJ are main players and everyone knows that these two terrorist outfits are not only unleashing secterian terrorism in Pakistan but activly carrying TTP terrorist attacks in Pakistan and specially in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa.

Now on this enmass kidnapping during traveling , i will say it must be insider job. Army needs to launch a search operation and arrest the un/bearded/ baboon who provided inside information about these soldier who usually travel without weapons in cities.

Ok, thanks for the information Farzana.
The war is spreading across the country... this is the second attack of this kind.

There was another near Gujrat when that DPC rally was passing through. Time for vengeance. :angry:
Since Pakistan Army is in a state of war, shouldn't Pakistan Army's high command issue an "stay in high alert" order for whole military for next three years or so? and during these years, just go all out against Taliban command centers in Waziristan, and other tribal areas?

What is Pakistan Army's threshold, before it begins to take the Taliban threat as seriously as the Indian threat?

There seems to be some constraint, maybe financial, maybe trust with the NATO that prevents them from going hard. If they start killing them, they escape to Afghanistan and when our troops come close to the border Americans will claim and they fired first and NATO will start killing our troops
Its sad to see another set of soldiers kidnapped and i sincerely wish that they come back home....
In short, Indian intelligence agencies nexus with CIA, MI-6 and Mossad is an open secret. The said agencies are carrying out joint operations in Baluchistan and against Chinese working in different development projects of Pakistani remote areas. Pakistan should demand UN to devise some mechanism for stopping stat sponsored terrorism in the world.
Who say so?? You?? Whats ur credibility. Are you intelligence chief of Pakistan.

Why don't you make a thread where ppl like you bring all proofs against India... Or Stop putting BSs :poop:

An Indian Spy Surjeet Singh, after spending more than thirty years in Pakistani jails, was released from Kot Lakhpat jail on 28th June 2012 and handed over to Indian authorities at Wagah Border. Surjeet Singh, soon after his release confessed that he spied for Indian Army and Intelligence.
During investigation, he also revealed the modus of operandi of Indian intelligence agency of attracting, launching and carrying out terrorism through spies in the neighbouring countries. Examples of promoting LTTE in Sri Lanka, supporting Pilkhana Mascara and killing officers of Bangladeshi border force, backing Dalai Lama against China, sponsoring anti-state elements in Nepal and dreadful interference in collaboration with CIA in Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) bomb blasts and execution of police men blasting all over Pakistan are some of the live examples of Indian regional terrorism through espionage network. After creating Bangladesh in 1971, RAW continued with its covert operations in the newborn country by injecting dissension among political parties, religious sects and armed forces. It instigated Chakmas in Chittagong Hills against the regime, trained and equipped the rebels and supported their insurgency. It also created and trained Shanti Bahini to carryout subversive activities. RAW had a hand in assassination of Gen Ziaur Rehman in 1981, who was pro-Pakistan and unfavorably disposed towards secularism. Sikkim, Nepal and Bhutan being landlocked were coerced and made totally dependent on India through machinations of RAW.Black@ Criticism , criticize as much you can to justify cover heinous acts cannot cover the veracity behind your several under cover spies confessions since numbers of Indian Raw agents have been apprehended and released after culmination of their punishment periods.
New Delhi’s close cooperation with Dushanbe originates from the late 1990’s when both countries supported the anti-Taliban resistance forces, the Northern Alliance, in Afghanistan. Tajikistan provided Indian military advisers with access to the ethnic Tajik leadership of the Northern Alliance. Until 2002, Dushanbe hosted a medical facility set up by the Indian army to treat injured anti-Taliban resistance fighters at the Farkhor airfield, on Tajikistan’s southern border with Afghanistan. India also used the airfield to supply the Northern Alliance with military equipment, munitions and intelligence, and to repair its combat helicopters (Asia Times Online :: Asian news hub providing the latest news and analysis from Asia, August 12, 2006).New Delhi’s close cooperation with Dushanbe originates from the late 1990’s when both countries supported the anti-Taliban resistance forces, the Northern Alliance, in Afghanistan. Tajikistan provided Indian military advisers with access to the ethnic Tajik leadership of the Northern Alliance. Until 2002, Dushanbe hosted a medical facility set up by the Indian army to treat injured anti-Taliban resistance fighters at the Farkhor airfield, on Tajikistan’s southern border with Afghanistan. India also used the airfield to supply the Northern Alliance with military equipment, munitions and intelligence, and to repair its combat helicopters (Asia Times Online :: Asian news hub providing the latest news and analysis from Asia, August 12, 2006).
Can anyone please start a thread to tell India's link with TTP and BLA with evidences. No conspiracy theories please.
Our generals and Politicians are so much out of whack its not funny they live in well protected bubble protected from all sides.

Oh you mean just like the 2 star General who got shot twice in SWAT!
Or maybe the GOC SSG who lead the largest airborne op!
New Delhi’s close cooperation with Dushanbe originates from the late 1990’s when both countries supported the anti-Taliban resistance forces, the Northern Alliance, in Afghanistan. Tajikistan provided Indian military advisers with access to the ethnic Tajik leadership of the Northern Alliance. Until 2002, Dushanbe hosted a medical facility set up by the Indian army to treat injured anti-Taliban resistance fighters at the Farkhor airfield, on Tajikistan’s southern border with Afghanistan. India also used the airfield to supply the Northern Alliance with military equipment, munitions and intelligence, and to repair its combat helicopters (Asia Times Online :: Asian news hub providing the latest news and analysis from Asia, August 12, 2006).New Delhi’s close cooperation with Dushanbe originates from the late 1990’s when both countries supported the anti-Taliban resistance forces, the Northern Alliance, in Afghanistan. Tajikistan provided Indian military advisers with access to the ethnic Tajik leadership of the Northern Alliance. Until 2002, Dushanbe hosted a medical facility set up by the Indian army to treat injured anti-Taliban resistance fighters at the Farkhor airfield, on Tajikistan’s southern border with Afghanistan. India also used the airfield to supply the Northern Alliance with military equipment, munitions and intelligence, and to repair its combat helicopters (Asia Times Online :: Asian news hub providing the latest news and analysis from Asia, August 12, 2006).

OK, this proves two things..

one, this proves that India is anti talib, so where's the question of them secretly assisting them in any manner, its PA and ISI who is alliance with the Talibs, so u should be asking them questions - as far as I can see they are being selective in their actions depending on the payments they receive from US.

Second, the article forgot to mention the other major and biggest supporters of NA, and that is Russia and Iran. Why single out India, when the reality is if Pakistan falls into chaos - which it has, its a big headache for India.
The sad thing is that in incidents like these there is next to nothing chance of a tip of their location or a rescue op being conducted.
Their comrades must feel helpless. :cry:
Doesn't this demoralizes the rest of their fellows when each time such incident occur and there is no one to rescue them?

@ topic, hope they are rescued asap.

Can anyone please start a thread to tell India's link with TTP and BLA with evidences. No conspiracy theories please.

I am with you on this, kindly create it yourself if they ignore this! there has been a lot of hee-hoo on this by many chimpanzees here!
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