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Gunmen kidnap seven Pakistani soldiers in Punjab

Hmm things seem to be pretty bad in Pakistan for the Army, they are kidnapped from the cities...and taken where...:O

It can't be that hard to find them!
Quite a few Muslim countries have had to deal with extremists/militants/terrorists.

- Algeria in the 90s, but they finished them in the end.

- Egypt in the 90s, but also finished them. The terrorists there had targeted western tourists.

- Indonesia, where the terrorists bombed Bali.

- Turkey was in a state of semi-civil war in the 70s with right and left-wingers killing each other (apparently in some cases brothers killed each other).

I thought Pakistan had reduced suicide bombings dramatically and the worst days of the TTP were over but the past few weeks have seen nothing but more and more attacks.

If it continues like this then it will be like 2007 when things were extremely bad and people were questioning the future of the country.

Yemen, Niger, Mali, Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia --- list goes on. . . (unfortunately)

I do like how you brought up Algeria because what Algeria dealt with and still occasionally deals with is what we are dealing with.

regardless of who finances and trains them, they must (and will) be stopped.....we're at war

Why Pakistani army/police etc are so easy to target for these terrorists? it has become a trend now in Pakistan. last week itself they killed 2 dozens of police

the terrorists aren't stone-aged people, they are well trained and they also know about basic intel gathering.....in india the same issue exists as well in the naxal infested regions. Your CPRF has faced the same issues.

obviously when a military convoy passes through and you are fighting an enemy that blends in with civilians, it's easy to be a target....a sniper even can easily pick you off from over 350 meters away

in this case as in many cases the enemy had uniforms and knew the movements of the vehicle, caught them off guard and presumably they didn't have their weapons ready and loaded to fire (which is very unfortunate, and a huge blunder)
Yemen, Niger, Mali, Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia --- list goes on. . . (unfortunately)

I do like how you brought up Algeria because what Algeria dealt with and still occasionally deals with is what we are dealing with.

regardless of who finances and trains them, they must (and will) be stopped.....we're at war

the terrorists aren't stone-aged people, they are well trained and they also know about basic intel gathering.....in india the same issue exists as well in the naxal infested regions. Your CPRF has faced the same issues.

obviously when a military convoy passes through and you are fighting an enemy that blends in with civilians, it's easy to be a target....a sniper even can easily pick you off from over 350 meters away

in this case as in many cases the enemy had uniforms and knew the movements of the vehicle, caught them off guard and presumably they didn't have their weapons ready and loaded to fire (which is very unfortunate, and a huge blunder)

Since Pakistan Army is in a state of war, shouldn't Pakistan Army's high command issue an "stay in high alert" order for whole military for next three years or so? and during these years, just go all out against Taliban command centers in Waziristan, and other tribal areas?

What is Pakistan Army's threshold, before it begins to take the Taliban threat as seriously as the Indian threat?
9 taliban fighters killed were actually in custody??

this seems to be in revenge for that, while that was in revenge for the killing of the 22 levies,

looks like tit for tat revenge mode is happening between the Taliban and the PA, not a good sign.

8 soldiers kidnapped in the centre of the country far away from the Afghan border.
When will it stop? How far will it go to?

Something needs to be done against these extremists.

Its not center of the country. One needs to know the area and its location. Jand is in Attock district bordering Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. What makes it more vulnrable is that Indus River is just 5 KM from Jand. The route is quiet safe with less traffic and solitary travel and also another fact in my personal opinion which makes it safe for such incidents is that Jand also borders Daud Khel an area falls in Mianwali City of Punjab or to be more clear we can say Southern Punjab.

Southern Punjab has become a hotbed for terrorists who call themself Punjabi Taliban and they are trust me as dangerous as TTP also their allies. SSP/ LJ are main players and everyone knows that these two terrorist outfits are not only unleashing secterian terrorism in Pakistan but activly carrying TTP terrorist attacks in Pakistan and specially in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa.

Now on this enmass kidnapping during traveling , i will say it must be insider job. Army needs to launch a search operation and arrest the un/bearded/ baboon who provided inside information about these soldier who usually travel without weapons in cities.
Since Pakistan Army is in a state of war, shouldn't Pakistan Army's high command issue an "stay in high alert" order for whole military for next three years or so? and during these years, just go all out against Taliban command centers in Waziristan, and other tribal areas?

What is Pakistan Army's threshold, before it begins to take the Taliban threat as seriously as the Indian threat?

Point well taken; but they aren't just sitting around doing nothing it's just your media never reports anything about anti terror operations - they just prefer army bashing and other propaganda.

This is not a conventional fight. And if the army imposed martial law - the same critics would point fingers from the opposite hand and bring up human rights nonsense.

The other issue is the clash of institutions in our country. The judiciary, military and executive are not always 100% on same page.

In principal though i do agree with you
What S.O.B Kyani is doing why he is not blasting them in their hideouts, I wish they kidnap and slaughter couple of generals than these mother fcukers will know that common soldiers and civilians are also human beings............. :hitwall::hitwall:
You really can't blame the poor guy! Unless the Pakistan-Afghanistan border is sealed, unless the movement across the border is tightly controlled, when you take action on the Pakistani side these groups have a tendency to melt away to the Afghan side, regroup and infiltrate back to their bases in Pakistan once the pressure is off. It's like trying to hold water in a sieve.

Is it possible to seal the borders? That's easier said than done. But until that happens, it would be well neigh impossible to launch concerted attacks against the terrorists. Now who is going to help seal the borders? The ANA? NATO? Nope! That's not gonna happen any time soon. So expect more of the same!
If army cant guard its borders whats the point in having an army at all...:what:
All this Drama is being constructed to push Pakistan to Launch another operation in NW , Malala was the First Key , Once it failed , then 21 Levies Soldiers were taken Hostage( precise intel that Taliban dont have ) & later Executed ( without any negotiation , Taliban don't do that ) , & Now this another abduction with precise intel .

What you see is not always the Truth , sometime it is buried in the Shadows that you cannot see , but that does not mean it is not there , Army knows what it is doing , and they definitely Dont Need the Crap from internet Warriors here , when you dont know what is going on then you should not interfere in that matter.

You dont know how much hard it is for them , how much they suffer , & how hard they are trying so this country does not fall to the Schemes of USA & its Allies .

The Soldiers have taken an oath to give their Life for their Country , & they are fulfilling that oath one way or another.
You mean you can see the truth buried in shadows all the generals and colonles combined cannot see and let their soldiers be butchered, you got some vision man!!!
100%Sure links of Indian intelligence Raw were found in the execution of previous 21 soldiers in northern kpk province of Pakistan few days ago the terrorists were funded from outside and trained in Afghanistan supported by some local Afridi's most notorious people of dara Adam khel part of hell Khyber agency one master mind terrorist still hiding in Punjab jurisdiction. Where 90% budget is wasted on police army and corrupt politicians but they still fail to bring peace, control law and order situation. why no terrorist caught alive ? always killed or escaped if caught why they don't disclose expose them openly the key master minds networks working behind them and crush them?No terrorist thief can penetrate intrude and steal your precious things. Till your own closed one involved or give him a way or easy passage even kill a dog and call it Taliban foreign funded TTP artificial talibans accepted this blast that explosion, Real good talibans are fighting only in Afghanistan against intruders for their sovereignty and their mission is only to kick out parasites on their soil but unfortunately now these things are also back door deals:agree: like drones left by Musharraf

Who say so?? You?? Whats ur credibility. Are you intelligence chief of Pakistan.

Why don't you make a thread where ppl like you bring all proofs against India... Or Stop putting BSs :poop:
Everyone know NATO/US/Afghan Govt/India is involve... GHQ waiting for withdrawal after you will see the ***** action against Afghan Govt, ANA and funded NATO/US/Indian terrorists...
All this Drama is being constructed to push Pakistan to Launch another operation in NW , Malala was the First Key , Once it failed , then 21 Levies Soldiers were taken Hostage( precise intel that Taliban dont have ) & later Executed ( without any negotiation , Taliban don't do that ) , & Now this another abduction with precise intel .

What you see is not always the Truth , sometime it is buried in the Shadows that you cannot see , but that does not mean it is not there , Army knows what it is doing , and they definitely Dont Need the Crap from internet Warriors here , when you dont know what is going on then you should not interfere in that matter.

You dont know how much hard it is for them , how much they suffer , & how hard they are trying so this country does not fall to the Schemes of USA & its Allies .

The Soldiers have taken an oath to give their Life for their Country , & they are fulfilling that oath one way or another.

I thought Pakistan is a major Non NATO ally of USA... No ?
I thought Pakistan is a major Non NATO ally of USA... No ?

Saddam , Qaddafi & Osama also used to be USA allies , what happened to them ?

USA is Friends of no one , it will attack its own Mother if it sees benefit in it.
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