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Gun fires out side British Parliment multiple casulaties.

True mate. What's even more hilarious is folks who don't live in the UK making up things as they type. I read one saying that an ISIS assault team made up from Muslims in East London has overrun Westminster. o_O:confused:

You heard? Trump called May in like 1 hr of the attack. He sees an opportunity for fear mongering.
Yes he did. I think though it was more to do with his fondness for the UK. He was very close to his mother, who of course was British.

I somehow can't divorce his politics from his image at any time.
He would have had to undergone significant training. Taking an SMG from an officer, trying to use it, and whilst getting shot from multiple directions is just too much. Thankfully this savage had no such ability.
Who knows man the as**** managed to penetrate the Parliament security with a knife. The Police officer was killed inside the Parliament parameters but one thing is sure the attacker was not confirm that he might enter the building or not because in that case he would have not targeted the general public on the bridge.
Who knows man the as**** managed to penetrate the Parliament security with a knife. The Police officer was killed inside the Parliament parameters but one thing is sure the attacker was not confirm that he might enter the building or not because in that case he would have not targeted the general public on the bridge.

It was literally split seconds, and you're right, had he not been able to get near the parliament he would have targeted the public again.
The attacker was driving a grey hyundai, they are now investigating every aspect now soon we will get the news on the origin and motivation. One thing I must add is that today there was a meeting in USA on how to tackle ISIS. So date time and place are pointing in the direction but that is just an assessment for now.

He tried to kill as many people he can on the road and then reach the Parliament building where he tried to do damage and expired so this event was focused to UK gov and fighting ISIS meeting.

BBC just reported that total number of 40 people have been injured in this attack.

The terrorist has been related to a terrorist group but no further information is being provided at this stage.

Westminster terror attack: Five dead as pedestrians mowed down and police officer stabbed
Five people have died and more than 40 have been injured after a knifeman brought terror to the heart of Westminster before being shot by armed officers on Wednesday.

Here is what we know so far:

  • The attacker, armed with two large knives, mowed down pedestrians with his car on Westminster Bridge
  • He then rushed at the gates in front of the Houses of Parliament, fatally stabbing a police officer
  • The knifeman was shot dead moments later by another officer
  • Two people are thought to have died in the incident on the bridge
  • A group of French schoolchildren were among those targeted on the bridge
  • A woman ended up in the Thames and was treated for serious injuries after being pulled from the water
  • Prime Minister Theresa May praised the bravery of police officers and said any attempt to defeat the values Parliament stands for was "doomed to failure"

  1. 22 March 2017 at 10:27pm
Attack had been 'expected' by security forces
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ITV News Security Editor Rohit Kachroo, said that an attack in the UK had been expected by security forces, and the UK has been at a "severe" threat level for some years.

"This was like terrorism from a textbook," he said. "If you had to imagine how an attack in the UK might look, where it might be, this was precisely it."

He added: "It couldn't have been any more political. What a statement - first, in the shadow of the mother of parliaments, and then inside it.

"I think the authorities appear to have established who the attacker is."

Last updated Wed 22 Mar 2017

We can´t say that this is an isolated phenomenon anymore. As a result of reaching a critical demographic mass"Lone wolf" attacks which in reality is terrorism perpetrated by the fifth column emanating from local bases that will pave the way for open sedition and then conquest.
Maybe someone refuge from Africa, but the beard suggests a muslim... And im 100% shure 99% media will connect him with it until its proven wrong.

Ya... so what does a Swedish Christian have to do with a black Christian in Congo raping?!?

Black Muslim wahabbi... F him... and glad the cops took him out... not my concern beyond that...

Not us...
@Nilgiri @waz @Kaptaan @Blue Marlin @Abingdonboy

The officer was named as 48 years old PC Keith Palmer,married and father. 15 years of service.

In a statement late tonight, Acting Deputy Commissioner Rowley paid tribute to his colleague: ‘He was someone who left for work today expecting to return home at the end of his shift – and he had every right to expect that would happen.’


"I will not comment on this stage on the identity of the attacker but our working assumption is he was inspired by international terrorism," Acting Deputy Commissioner of the London Metropolitan Police Mark Rowley said in a statement hours after the attacks. He also said that among the injured were "three police officers, two of whom are in a serious condition," Australian broadcaster ABC reports.

Police claim to know the identity of the assailant, who was reportedly shot dead, but have thus far refused to release it to the press. Police are treating the incident as a terrorist attack.

Ya... so what does a Swedish Christian have to do with a black Christian in Congo raping?!?

Black Muslim wahabbi... F him... and glad the cops took him out... not my concern beyond that...

Not us...
The Salafis condemn terrorism. Ever been to Makkah?
Any ideas why the police are holding back the identity of the attacker? The only reason I can think is that by giving away his identity it will reveal his background and are worried about potential backlash. They would rather maintain state of ambiguity, as the event stabilizes and emotions settle they will reveal his background. This does not look good for BPs.

The Salafis condemn terrorism. Ever been to Makkah?
In Makkah. Everywhere else they nurture it.
Any ideas why the police are holding back the identity of the attacker? The only reason I can think is that by giving away his identity it will reveal his background and are worried about potential backlash. They would rather maintain state of ambiguity, as the event stabilizes and emotions settle they will reveal his background. This does not look good for BPs.
This is the SOP these days for Western police forces, remain tight lipped for a few days then let such details trickle out in time once the focus has drifted away, it happened in the Orlando nightclub incident, San Bernidino shootings, Munich shootings etc etc.

They know the identity, they just don't want to tell us.

there's ALWAYS someone armed at parliament. the officer who died was probably not armed but but those near by were and he was quickly neutralised.
Only after running 20+ people down on the nearby bridge, ramming into the wall of the Parliament and attacking multiple police officers, I wouldn't call it "quick".

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