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Gun fires out side British Parliment multiple casulaties.

Spot on, it is very difficult to stop a lone terrorist. He only had a car and a large combat knife you can purchase online. He killed 3 and injured 20.

He killed police officer with knife?
RIP to the deceased and prays for their family's :( and may that a**le burn in hell.
You are correct but these people don't turn into a terrorist in a single day may community watch online activity should be monitored but again that would harm the privacy, it is becoming difficult to detect these people before hand.

GCHQ do a great deal of snooping. Not all of them communicate with people about their intentions. Sometimes they just go off.
Radical Muslim cleric mistakenly named as London attacker

A report that identified the knife-wielding attacker who killed at least three people during a rampage in central London as Abu Izzadeen has been withdrawn.

The UK’s Channel 4 News and The Independent initially named Izaadeen as the suspect, but several sources told BBC News that the radical Muslim cleric is still in jail and not responsible for the attack.

In January 2016, Izzadeen and another Islamist militant were sentenced to two years in prison for breaching the Terrorism Act by leaving the UK without notifying the police, the BBC reported.

They were found on a train in Hungary that was headed for Bucharest, Romania, in Nov. 2015.

In 2008, he was convicted of inciting terrorist acts and funding terrorism after giving hate-filled speeches at the Regents Park mosque in London.


GCHQ do a great deal of snooping. Not all of them communicate with people about their intentions. Sometimes they just go off.
Yes you are correct here there is no way to know what is in ones heart.

London Attack details

One more information the Police officer killed in the attack was no armed.
It should be mentioned that conservative MP Tobias Ellwood (ex-British Army officer) ran towards the attack and attempted to save the life of the stabbed police officer by stemming the blood flow and administering CPR.




RIP to the victims. May the perp(s) rot in hell.

I pray and hope the UK smokes out and roasts any/all others involved in this heinous attempt to make you retreat and cower.

I know you guys will rally now in the stiff upper lip, no nonsense spirit!

@Blue Marlin @waz @mike2000 is back
One thing was sure that if the police man killed had a gun and the attacker got his hands on the gun there would have been more casualties and this would have turned into a more serious event if got his hands on the gun with in the Parliament building.
@Blue Marlin @waz @Kaptaan

That might explain it. RIP.

Yes mate, the news has come out that he was unarmed. Sad. Now the debate has opened up that every officer should have a taser.

It should be mentioned that conservative MP Tobias Ellwood (ex-British Army officer) ran towards the attack and attempted to save the life of the stabbed police officer by stemming the blood flow and administering CPR.




RIP to the victims. May the perp(s) rot in hell.

I pray and hope the UK smokes out and roasts any/all others involved in this heinous attempt to make you retreat and cower.

I know you guys will rally now in the stiff upper lip, no nonsense spirit!

@Blue Marlin @waz @mike2000 is back

Thank you bro, for your lovely words. Canada stands with it's brother the UK.
Scotland Yard has issued the statement that there was only one attacker but they are still investigating that he was acting alone or not.
One thing was sure that if the police man killed had a gun and the attacker got his hands on the gun there would have been more casualties and this would have turned into a more serious event if got his hands on the gun with in the Parliament building.

He would have had to undergone significant training. Taking an SMG from an officer, trying to use it, and whilst getting shot from multiple directions is just too much. Thankfully this savage had no such ability.
It should be mentioned that conservative MP Tobias Ellwood (ex-British Army officer) ran towards the attack and attempted to save the life of the stabbed police officer by stemming the blood flow and administering CPR.




RIP to the victims. May the perp(s) rot in hell.

I pray and hope the UK smokes out and roasts any/all others involved in this heinous attempt to make you retreat and cower.

I know you guys will rally now in the stiff upper lip, no nonsense spirit!

@Blue Marlin @waz @mike2000 is back
indeed i was just reading that half an hour ago

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