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Gun fires out side British Parliment multiple casulaties.

Mayby he broke out just to make a hit?

Are you serious? How is he going to break out of a Maximum Security prison like Belmarsh where most of these crazies are housed? Have you seen the security in those places? Even oxygen doesnt escape.
If this Abu Izzadeen convert did the terrorist attack, what did he achieve? what a bloody idiot.
He killed an innocent people. Its as if he killed all of mankind.
Are you serious? How is he going to break out of a Maximum Security prison like Belmarsh where most of these crazies are housed? Have you seen the security in those places? Even oxygen doesnt escape. Too much vodka?
Nope i was not serious but its strange that he is in a prison when all say he did it ;p

It's not him mate, I've already wrote a post stating that I have met that scumbag and he bears no resembalance to him, aside that they have black roots.

Oh so it was a false information thx
It's not him mate, I've already wrote a post stating that I have met that scumbag and he bears no resembalance to him, aside that they have black roots.
Thanks for the correction. So it was not Abu Izzadeen guy.

Was the terrorist of a Muslim background?
Where is my post dear mods?

Your post was deleted by myself. I have already very carefully warned people not to point score on the back of this terrorist attack. Thanks.

Thanks for the correction. So it was not Abu Izzadeen guy.

Was the terrorist of a Muslim background?

It's not him bro.
Yes he belonged to the Muslim faith, his race is unknown.
It's not him mate, I've already wrote a post stating that I have met that scumbag and he bears no resembalance to him, aside that they have black roots.

There is always false news like this whenever a terrorist attack occurs. Idk why some sickos get pleasure out of blaming others when they know that person had nothing to do with it.
There is always false news like this whenever a terrorist attack occurs. Idk why some sickos get pleasure out of blaming others when they know that person had nothing to do with it.

True mate. What's even more hilarious is folks who don't live in the UK making up things as they type. I read one saying that an ISIS assault team made up from Muslims in East London has overrun Westminster. o_O:confused:
True mate. What's even more hilarious is folks who don't live in the UK making up things as they type. I read one saying that an ISIS assault team made up from Muslims in East London has overrun Westminster. o_O:confused:

When these attacks happen I don't believe any piece of news until a few days have passed. The MSM is just as unreliable, they read internet trolls comments and pass it off as facts.
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Home Secretary Amber Rudd has called the attack on “our shared values”, but said they would never be destroyed.

Rudd has been in Lahore in Pakistan, but is currently making her way back to London.

She said:

We do not yet know the full impact of this terrible incident. But I know that the whole country will be thinking and praying for those who are affected as I am. I want to thank the emergency services for the quick response and pay tribute to their bravery their courage and their professionalism.

I’ve been briefed by the Met Police and by the security services and the security minister has also been updated. This is an ongoing incident and the government will continue to be updated. The Prime Minister will chair Cobra today.

The Government’s top priority is the security of the people and I urge everyone to remain calm but to be vigilant and if they see anything they are concerned about they should report it to the police. We have the best police, the best security services in the world and we must make sure that we let them get on with doing their job.

The British people will be united in working together to defeat those who would harm our shared values. Values of democracy, tolerance and the rule of law. Values symbolised by the Houses of Parliament. Values that will never be destroyed.

High time Amber Rudd also understands our concerns about wanted terrorists Altaf Hussain and likes being given safe haven in London.

This must end. There are no good terrorists and bad terrorists, the world should be united and act together as one to get rid of the maniac of terrorism!
At least two victims known to be in a critical condition in hospital
Two people are known to be in a critical condition in hospital in London tonight.

King's College Hospital in south London confirmed they have treated eight people, two of whom are in a critical condition.

Two patients are in a stable condition at St Thomas' Hospital, which is located right beside Westminster Bridge where the attack happened.

Among them are thought to be two Romanian tourists.

Their friend Patrick Tracey spoke to our reporter Henry Bodkin outside St Thomas Hospital.

He was due to meet two friends from Romania at the London Eye only to realise they had been injured in the attack.

He said their names were are Andrei and Andrea, both in their late 20s.

Mr Tracey said he confirmed with the Romanian embassy that Andrei has been taken to King's hospital with an injured leg and Andreea is in St Thomas's in an unknown condition.

"They never made it (to the Eye). I phoned and could here shouts in the background and knew instantly something was wrong. I'm in shock. It's incredibly distressing for him because he doesn't know how his girlfriend is."
religion is the opium to the illiterate masses... how easily this can turn human into monsters...

Civilisation and barbarism can never go hand in hand.

Deeply disturbed to see this sick maddness unleashed in London.

Blind hate for what purpose? Which object?

What have these murders of innocents have achieved for these monsters?

All our sympathies and compassion for the victims, their families and friends.

May they dead have Eternal Harmony, may the living find Eternal Solace.

We need a global approach to solving this madness... it can never be just Western or Eastern problem. We all are in this boat together.

It is the question of our Shared Humanity.... we must think ahead.

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