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Gun fires out side British Parliment multiple casulaties.

Certainly positive wishes for folks in UK , very concerning that it happened closed to their government center and they handled the situation professionally . It is good that the person in question was quickly taken care. Quite a concerning incident and tragic loss of life
Really saddened to hear about this incident. Hopefully, things are under control and injured may recover soon. RIP to the innocent and officials.

@Blue Marlin @waz what is situation now or details in short about attacker?
I would utterly oppose the use of the army. Doing so would be conceding ground to the scumbags. The aversion to use of military force on Britain's street has been there for centuries now. Bad as this incident is but we must keep our perspective. Real character shows in times of stress. The way forward is investing in even more improved intelligence and police.

Small numbers in key areas won't bring about the whole feeling of dread, or that we are under-siege. The SAS already operate teams in London, on the streets. Some uniformed presence will make an impact.

Really saddened to hear about this incident. Hopefully, things are under control and injured may recover soon. RIP to the innocent and officials.

@Blue Marlin @waz what is situation now or details in short about attacker?

It was one one attacker bro. At this point apart from his death, nothing is known of the attacker. I do believe by 22.00 GMT, when the big news buillteins report we should know more about him.

Certainly positive wishes for folks in UK , very concerning that it happened closed to their government center and they handled the situation professionally . It is good that the person in question was quickly taken care. Quite a concerning incident and tragic loss of life

Thank you bro.
It's about time there was a fatwa issued. That no more converts are sought from HM Prisons. Please spare us Muslim converts from the scum of society found in prisons. We really don't need any more 'Muslim's converted from a pool of rapists, murderers, drug dealers or other types of low lives.

Instead do please focus on converting from university faulty members, those with professional background, doctors are more than welcome and from the management class. One of this type of convert is worth more than million scumbag converts.

It's like that Micheal Okamumbajambo converted to Mohammed Okamumbajambo and then went on to kill Corporal Lee Rigby in London. I always say to people had he not converted what do you think he was going to do? Drop his machete and pick up surgical scalpel and become a heart surgeon? He was going to be scumbag either way and where ever he went. Some people are just born to be bad.
People on twitter saying he had been imprisoned earlier for terrorist links. If indeed it is true, why was he let out? Such people should be incarcerated for decades if proven guilty, if not hanged.

Good Lord, I hope this not the case, as there is going to be a huge uproar.
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I've heard they are ok bro and stable. Yes I do mean bringing the professionals out. In small teams at least.

I do remember reading on the SDSR 2015 that up to 10.000 troops could be deployed on the streets to support Police forces in case of an attack. @Blue Marlin

France currently deploys 7.000 to 10.000 soldiers (mainly from the ground forces,but also from the navy and air force)to patrol the streets and public places,sometimes in cooperation with the Gendarmerie and the Police Nationale. Mobile patrols are organized around important and strategic places. In most of the cases,they patrol on 3,one leading,two behind. But sometimes could be higher.


Personnels from the navy.


There are many advantages like disadvantages of deploying the army on the streets. Of course,this is on a French point of view.
They can be seen as a deterrent,able to intervene quickly on an incident,and to make the public feel safer. On the other hand,this diverts them from their main mission as soldiers aren't here to do Policing missions.
They are also a visible and strong magnet of people with bad intentions and terrorists willing to kill anyone representing any authority. There were many incidents against them. Such as what happened few days ago in Orly airport and in the Louvres museum.

Of course,they do their missions with pride while the politicians and the public strongly support this deployment,even if some are questonning it.
what a disgusting terrorist. good that the terrorist died.

They always are bro. Ironically his terrorist narrative was shattered by the British medics treating him i.e. they showed him humanity when he just murdered innocent people.

I do remember reading on the SDSR 2015 that up to 10.000 troops could be deployed on the streets to support Police forces in case of an attack. @Blue Marlin

France currently deploys 7.000 to 10.000 soldiers (mainly from the ground forces,but also from the navy and air force)to patrol the streets and public places,sometimes in cooperation with the Gendarmerie and the Police Nationale. Mobile patrols are organized around important and strategic places. In most of the cases,they patrol on 3,one leading,two behind. But sometimes could be higher.

View attachment 385662

Personnels from the navy.

View attachment 385664

There are many advantages like disadvantages of deploying the army on the streets. Of course,this is on a French point of view.
They can be seen as a deterrent,able to intervene quickly on an incident,and to make the public feel safer. On the other hand,this diverts them from their main mission as soldiers aren't here to do Policing missions.
They are also a visible and strong magnet of people with bad intentions and terrorists willing to kill anyone representing any authority. There were many incidents against them. Such as what happened few days ago in Orly airport and in the Louvres museum.

Of course,they do their missions with pride while the politicians and the public strongly support this deployment,even if some are questonning it.

Yes I think you are spot on there bro. There are both positive and negative aspects to such a deployment.

Lone Wolf attacks are really hard to stop wherever they happen in the world. Let's just be thankful this animal hadnt figured out how to make explosives. God forbid.

It literally sends chills down my spine.
Channel Four confirm the scumbag was 'Tevor Brooks'. Latterly convert Jamaican to Abu Izzedine.

There are many advantages like disadvantages of deploying the army on the streets. Of course,this is on a French point of view.
Can't see that happening in UK. The IRA launched reign of terror in UK mainland during 1980s and 90s but the military was never deployed. Centre of Manchester was blown up, London took multiple hits and the country steadfastly faced that with normal police. So I can't see this change now when the actual threat while bad is no where near from IRA in 1908s-90s. And I agree with that. Having lots of armed soldiers will not stop lone scumbags doing what they do. Instead investment in intelligence and rapid response (ARV) teams is the way forward. Although I guess having armed soldiers does assure the public but I think you know the famous British aversion to guns.
They always are bro. Ironically his terrorist narrative was shattered by the British medics treating him i.e. they showed him humanity when he just murdered innocent people.

Yes I think you are spot on there bro. There are both positive and negative aspects to such a deployment.

It literally sends chills down my spine. I mean just imagine he had detonated a high explosive improvised devise on Westminster Bridge.
Agreed that the British medical showed the terrorist humanity.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has called the attack on “our shared values”, but said they would never be destroyed.

Rudd has been in Lahore in Pakistan, but is currently making her way back to London.

She said:

We do not yet know the full impact of this terrible incident. But I know that the whole country will be thinking and praying for those who are affected as I am. I want to thank the emergency services for the quick response and pay tribute to their bravery their courage and their professionalism.

I’ve been briefed by the Met Police and by the security services and the security minister has also been updated. This is an ongoing incident and the government will continue to be updated. The Prime Minister will chair Cobra today.

The Government’s top priority is the security of the people and I urge everyone to remain calm but to be vigilant and if they see anything they are concerned about they should report it to the police. We have the best police, the best security services in the world and we must make sure that we let them get on with doing their job.

The British people will be united in working together to defeat those who would harm our shared values. Values of democracy, tolerance and the rule of law. Values symbolised by the Houses of Parliament. Values that will never be destroyed.
According to Sky News the Police knows who the suspect is, but the name has not been released.
The car used, was from Birmingham.
R.I.P. to the deceased, and fast recovery to the injured.
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