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Gun fires out side British Parliment multiple casulaties.

@waz why let romanian and indians troll in here with their unnecessary trollling during this tragic incident...

I've already banned one Indian and a Pakistani. Our Europeans posters have been nothing but sympathetic, unless I missed something.

Some people are saying it's this guy

He's been well known in the UK for years

It's not him bro. I've seen him in real-life, in a debate, and he is around 5ft 8, with a strong build. The guy in the picture is at least 6ft 3, his legs are nearly over the stretcher. He was also powerfully built, far more than Izzadeen has been.
I've already banned one Indian and a Pakistani. Our Europeans posters have been nothing but sympathetic, unless I missed something.
Read useless sarcasm of flamer in first page..instead of feeling sorry for victims they are guessing nationality of attackers
He used a car bro to crash into civilians, that's where we lost two people. He then got out of the car with a large "Rambo" type knife and rushed to attack an armed officer. This officer was stabbed, and sadly lost his life. The fourth is the savage who was shot.

it was similar trick used in France , maybe there is some sort of connection ...i hope he ( terrorist ) died slow and painful . May Allah grant Jannat to those Civilians who lost their lives, and the brave policemen who confronted him.

and people please stop using his race, religion and nationality or country of his origin , these Scums have no faith , no color , no nationality and no sense of mercy for anyone, just like these scums are united to fight us , we need to unite to fight them
your comment here is unfair and racist. why couldnt he be a homegrown, disenchanted, brainwashed domestic terrorist? why suggest he is a "refugee" from africa. are you that stupid to think that many black people in UK are refugees or former refugees?

For me he can be from Moon... But the point is the "Refuge" are responsible for many terrorist attacks in Europe and that is a fact not a racist comment ...
Read useless sarcasm of flamer in first page..instead of feeling sorry for victims they are guessing nationality of attackers

I see it and I'll get rid of it.

it was similar trick used in France , maybe there is some sort of connection ...i hope he ( terrorist ) died slow and painful . May Allah grant Jannat to those Civilians who lost their lives, and the brave policemen who confronted him.

He was coughing up blood and screaming, so I guess it was a painful way to go. He has been shot several times. I Thanks for your kind words.
I would utterly oppose the use of the army. Doing so would be conceding ground to the scumbags. The aversion to use of military force on Britain's street has been there for centuries now. Bad as this incident is but we must keep our perspective. Real character shows in times of stress. The way forward is investing in even more improved intelligence and police.

good stuff.
Agreed. Swift action here by our @waz
He was coughing up blood and screaming, so I guess it was a painful way to go. He has been shot several times. I Thanks for your kind words.

when i saw the Medical team trying to save his life, for once i thought that they should have left him to die but than i realize that that is the difference between us and these worse than animal scums, no matter how many innocent people they kill in our countries we are still bound not to treat them without mercy and inhumanly
your comment here is unfair and racist.
I don't think that was racist comment. Let us accept that the moment we heard this news we began to stack up the probable background of the culprit. The least probable was a Eskimo from Russian Siberia. Conversely other demographics were stacked higher. That is how it is, I am afraid.
One already has with his smart comments.

One more thing, if I may, that Indian Ashesh has posted a twitter message from a well known racist and Islamaphobe,Paul Joseph Watson. Appreciate it if you could remove it if it hasnt been already. Thanks.
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People on twitter saying he had been imprisoned earlier for terrorist links. If indeed it is true, why was he let out? Such people should be incarcerated for decades if proven guilty, if not hanged.

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