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Gun fires out side British Parliment multiple casulaties.

LONDON -- Four people died in a car rampage and knife attack in London, including a police officer guarding Parliament and an attacker, police said.

A vehicle mowed down pedestrians on London’s Westminster Bridge Wednesday around the same time a knife-wielding attacker stabbed a police officer and was shot on the grounds outside Britain’s Parliament, sending the compound into lockdown.

London police said they believe there was only one attacker.

Authorities said they were treating the attacks, which took place in the same area, as a terrorist incident.

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London police treating Parliament attack as terror incident

There was no immediate claim of responsibility. London Police Commander B.J. Harrington said a full counter-terrorism investigation was underway.

The area in which the incidents took place is home to popular tourist sites, CBS News Jonathan Vigliotti reports. The area was blocked off and metro stations in the area were shutdown as an investigation was underway.

The London Eye, a large Ferris wheel with pods that have views over the capital, stopped rotating and footage showed the pods full as viewers watched police and medical crews on the bridge, which has at its north end Big Ben and Parliament, two iconic symbols.

“The whole length of the bridge there were people on the ground,” Richard Tice, a witness, told Sky News. The London Ambulance Service said it had treated at least 10 people on the bridge.

“There were people across the bridge,” said Colleen Anderson of St. Thomas’ Hospital. “There were some with minor injuries, some catastrophic. Some had injuries they could walk away from or who have life-changing injuries.”

British port officials say they pulled a woman from the Thames river. She was injured but alive after the attack.

Romain Nadal, a spokesman for the French Foreign Ministry, said three students from Saint-Joseph high school in Concarneau who were on a school trip were among the injured.

London’s Metropolitan Police said they were called at approximately 2:40 p.m. local time to reports of the incident on Westminster Bridge, which is located just outside the Palaces of Westminster, home of the Parliament.

Photos posted on social media showed a dark SUV had come to rest with its front end smashed into a fence around the perimeter of the Houses of Parliament compound.

A medivac helicopter landed in the area as police cordoned off the streets in the area.

Rick Longley told the Press Association that he heard a bang and saw a car plow into pedestrians and come to a crashing stop. Images from the scene showed pedestrians sprawled on the ground, with blood streaming from a woman surrounded by a scattering of postcards.

“They were just laying there and then the whole crowd just surged around the corner by the gates just opposite Big Ben,” he said. “A guy came past my right shoulder with a big knife and just started plunging it into the policeman. I have never seen anything like that. I just can’t believe what I just saw.”

At Parliament, a body was seen lying in the yard. It wasn’t clear if it was the attacker.

Prime Minister Theresa May, who had been in the Parliament complex when the incident occurred, was whisked away from the area and was safe.


A policeman points a gun at a man on the floor as emergency services attend the scene outside the Palace of Westminster, London, Wednesday, March 22, 2017.

Stefan Rousseau/PA via AP
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson expressed his condolences to the victims and their families on behalf of the United States.

“The American people send their thoughts and prayers to the people of the United Kingdom,” he said in a statement. “We condemn these horrific acts of violence, and whether they were carried out by troubled individuals or by terrorists, the victims know no difference.”

The White House said earlier that U.S. President Donald Trump was briefed on a gun and knife incident at Britain’s Parliament in London. Trump himself said during a brief appearance Wednesday before reporters at the White House that he was just getting the news. He called it “big news.”

Trump’s spokesman, Sean Spicer, said that the U.S. will continue to monitor the situation and update the president.

The U.S. State Department said it is closely monitoring the incident outside London’s Parliament and urged Americans in London to avoid the area.

Spokesman Mark Toner said Wednesday: “We stand ready to assist in any way the U.K. authorities would find helpful.”

He added that the U.S. Embassy in London is closely following the news and stands ready to help any affected Americans.

He said: “Our hearts go out to those affected.”

The incident comes on the one year anniversary of a double suicide bombing attack on the Belgian capital, Brussels, that left more than 30 people dead. ISIS was behind that attack.


Armed police officers guard at a police cordon outside the Houses of Parliament in central London, March 22, 2017 during an emergency incident.

British security thwarted some 13 terror plots over the past four years, but the U.K. has largely been spared major international terror attacks such as the ones seen in Belgium and France.

Last year, a far-right supporter shot and killed British lawmaker Jo Cox, who had campaigned for the U.K. to remain in the European Union. Prior to that, an attacker stabbed three people at a train station in east London in response to the Royal Air Force’s bombing of the Islamic State group in Syria.

The most gruesome recent attack occurred in 2013 when two Muslim converts of Nigerian descent attacked Lee Rigby, a British Army soldier who was walking down the street. The men ran Rigby down with their vehicle and then used a cleaver to hack him to death as bystanders watched in horror.

The worst peace time attack on Britain this century was on July 7, 2005, when four al Qaeda-inspired bombers blew themselves up on three subway trains and a bus in London, killing 52. Three of the bombers were British-born, all of Pakistani descent; the other emigrated from Jamaica.

Did attacker survive? I don't think he's Pakistani, doesn't look like one from that angle. Likely ISIS north african or somewhere in middle east.
I just don't understand how he managed to kill one of our officer's who was armed with an SMG. From what I have read he wasn't surprised and there was a struggle, before his colleagues opened fire. I've always maintained the training soldiers go through just primes them for war,and something like this would not have seen casualties amongst professional troops. Maybe it is time to bring our forces to the streets, something our stupid public so opposes.

@Vergennes. As a serving solider what do you think.

Once again thank you for your service our brave officer.
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I am not religious but right now I am praying. I ask rest of PDF Pakistani's to also please pray, that.

* The the ba*stard who did this is not Pakistani or parents or grandparents are of Pakistani orgin.
* The the ba*stard who did this has nothing to did with Pakistan.
* The the ba*stard who did this has never set foot in Pakistan.
* The the ba*stard who did this has no friends who are Pakistani or of Pakistani origin.

I don't want to have anything to do with this scumbag. And I pray my wish comes true. Although things are looking grim.

The attacker was black...
Britain is a remarkably tolerant country - probaby one of the most tolerant and equitable in the world. I struggle to understand how these animals can do this to a country that offers so much. I can't understand it.

The attacker was black...
Source? So don't tell me a it is a "Leroy" reverted to "Mohammed"?

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