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Gun fires out side British Parliment multiple casulaties.

When these attacks happen I don't believe any piece of news until a few days have passed. The MSM is just as unreliable, they read internet trolls comments and pass it off as facts.

Very true. It's a shocking lack of professionalism.

I hear tributes are coming in from Canada.

Ottawa, Ontario
March 22, 2017
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the attack in London, United Kingdom (U.K.):

“We strongly condemn today’s attack in London. I was shocked and saddened to learn of the innocent people who were killed and injured as a result of this cowardly attack.

“Canada and the U.K. are the closest of friends and allies. Our friendship is based on shared values and history – indeed, Canada’s Parliament is a descendant of the Chamber targeted this morning.

“Today’s attack on the U.K. Parliament is an attack on democracies around the world.

“The Canadian Parliament withstood a similar attack not so long ago by those who sought to instil fear and divide Canadians against themselves. Instead, Canadians came together. I am confident the British people will do the same, and will emerge from their grief stronger and more united than ever before.

“On behalf of all Canadians, I offer our full support to Prime Minister May and to the people of the United Kingdom. We stand ready to offer all possible assistance to the British government, to do what we can to bring to justice those responsible for this heinous act.

“Canadians stand united with the British people in the fight against terrorism. We will continue to work together with the U.K. and all our allies to show the world that freedom and democracy will always triumph.”

Thank you your excellency. The UK and Canada are brothers.

Very true. It's a shocking lack of professionalism.

I hear tributes are coming in from Canada.

Ottawa, Ontario
March 22, 2017
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the attack in London, United Kingdom (U.K.):

“We strongly condemn today’s attack in London. I was shocked and saddened to learn of the innocent people who were killed and injured as a result of this cowardly attack.

“Canada and the U.K. are the closest of friends and allies. Our friendship is based on shared values and history – indeed, Canada’s Parliament is a descendant of the Chamber targeted this morning.

“Today’s attack on the U.K. Parliament is an attack on democracies around the world.

“The Canadian Parliament withstood a similar attack not so long ago by those who sought to instil fear and divide Canadians against themselves. Instead, Canadians came together. I am confident the British people will do the same, and will emerge from their grief stronger and more united than ever before.

“On behalf of all Canadians, I offer our full support to Prime Minister May and to the people of the United Kingdom. We stand ready to offer all possible assistance to the British government, to do what we can to bring to justice those responsible for this heinous act.

“Canadians stand united with the British people in the fight against terrorism. We will continue to work together with the U.K. and all our allies to show the world that freedom and democracy will always triumph.”

Thank you your excellency. The UK and Canada are brothers.


Canada and all Canadians stand by Britain and the British people through this trying time. We too are no strangers to terrorism, in all it's flavours.
For those who have expressed sympathy for this attack, you have my deepest thanks. It goes more than that, in fact. Your revulsion to terrorism means that it brings us together. As Iqbal Ali says, we are all against terrorist attacks. We must become closer. All of us who hate to see innocent people killed.

In terror attacks, the innocents are the ones to suffer. It is nothing to do with Islam. I was in NIce last summer and saw what happened there after the attack. It is on the anniversary of the Brussels attack.

For us British, can I make this clearer? WE ARE NOT AFRAID. We were not afraid during the second world war, we were not afraid during the IRA attacks, we were not afraid after the 7/7 attacks and we are not afraid now.
confirmation there was only one terrorist. Theresa May said in her speech.
Actually, given my professional eye on such things, the car running into people on Westminster Bridge could not have been prevented. That the attacker killed a police officer with a knife, well given the immediacy of the attack, understandable, but the police did their job very well indeed. The nullified the attack very efficiently. They did not know at the time it was a single attack, but went into operation very quickly.

Also not to forget that a woman fell into the Thames at the point of attack and was taken out of a very cold river alive.
I have just received some very distressing news. One of victims worked in my friend's school in Westminster. He knew her personally and she had a lovely and warm personality. She came from a French/Spanish background and had two very young daughters. My friend told me the principle broke the news to the family along with police. The girls were crying for their mother. My friend just walked past her desk and her mug, her jumper and the photos of her daughters are at the table.
Please pray for the family.
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I have just received some very distressing news. One of victims worked in my friend's school in Westminster. He knew her personally and she had a lovely and warm personality. She came from a French/Spanish background and had two very young daughters. My friend told me the principle broke the news to the family along with police. The girls were crying for their mother. My friend just walked past her desk and he mug, her jumper and the photos of her daughters are at the table.
Please pray for the family.
May Allah make it easier for her daughters.
Actually, given my professional eye on such things, the car running into people on Westminster Bridge could not have been prevented. That the attacker killed a police officer with a knife, well given the immediacy of the attack, understandable, but the police did their job very well indeed. The nullified the attack very efficiently. They did not know at the time it was a single attack, but went into operation very quickly.

Also not to forget that a woman fell into the Thames at the point of attack and was taken out of a very cold river alive.

Spot on, it is very difficult to stop a lone terrorist. He only had a car and a large combat knife you can purchase online. He killed 3 and injured 20.
Oh My. Of course prayers are offered. I am Christian and will offer my prayers in my way, but I will ask God for hyis love for the victims.

I thought that one victim was French but was with another French person who also died.
Spot on, it is very difficult to stop a lone terrorist. He only had a car and a large combat knife you can purchase online. He killed 3 and injured 20.
You are correct but these people don't turn into a terrorist in a single day may community watch online activity should be monitored but again that would harm the privacy, it is becoming difficult to detect these people before hand.

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