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Gun fires out side British Parliment multiple casulaties.

For me he can be from Moon... But the point is the "Refuge" are responsible for many terrorist attacks in Europe and that is a fact not a racist comment ...
offcourse he can be from the moon but u didnt suggest that initially. but EU has also had domestic terrorists ...but since u euros r feeling weird abt refugees NOW u will then "know "ots a refugee. the terrorist is in fact not a refugee.and u euros manipu'ated refugees for your economoc benefit so dont gimme any bs now about refugee problem....bcos of not for money there is no reason germany would take in 1m refugees....until it didnt work out.
Another Cowardly act May the victims Rest in peace !
This will leave many wondering how do stop some one this mad !? all one need is a car and use it to run over people , this kind of people are destructive in nature they havent done any thing meaningful or invented something usefull in their lives all they do is distroy and kill.
RIP to the dead, it could have easily been anyone of us there as a tourist getting caught up in this mayhem.

Why need to ask a simple question, what forces a man to kill another unknown person or blow himself up? Why do certain people like death more than life?

I am loosing faith in God as the years go by.
offcourse he can be from the moon but u didnt suggest that initially. but EU has also had domestic terrorists ...but since u euros r feeling weird abt refugees NOW u will then "know "ots a refugee. the terrorist is in fact not a refugee.and u euros manipu'ated refugees for your economoc benefit so dont gimme any bs now about refugee problem....bcos of not for money there is no reason germany would take in 1m refugees....until it didnt work out.

Oh myyyy and it comes form a boy from USA:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: You just described the situation in US :P And the "WE" is funny to Poland did not invite them or want them ... We got plenty of Ukrainians coming to Poland and working...
You know it's better to have "outside" enemies if the attack was work from inside its not good for the whole Uk muslims...
Brits are smart.
Unlike the americans they always say the politically correct things while do what ever is required behind the scenes.
Eg the innocent brazilian guy shot in london after the bus attacks. The police were cleared .
Or the rendition program carried out secretly.
Or the anti terror law , one of the most draconian.
But they could not hide when the brexit vote happenned. All their liberal credentials were shredded.
Exactly. The State apparatus is extremely cunning.
Idiot English government must help Russia-Syria and Iraq to counter terrorism and avoid refugee flood. Stupid western thugs, stop protecting Salafis and wahabis.
Stupid west is putting it's innocent people close to wolf's teeth. England is one of the greatest arms supplier of extremist governments in middle east.
Hey people they will keep protecting wahabis, do something for God's sake.
I am not religious but right now I am praying. I ask rest of PDF Pakistani's to also please pray, that.

* The the ba*stard who did this is not Pakistani or parents or grandparents are of Pakistani orgin.
* The the ba*stard who did this has nothing to did with Pakistan.
* The the ba*stard who did this has never set foot in Pakistan.
* The the ba*stard who did this has no friends who are Pakistani or of Pakistani origin.

I don't want to have anything to do with this scumbag. And I pray my wish comes true. Although things are looking grim.

He do not look pakistani from the face.
ISIS claims its ‘soldier’ carried out UK Parliament attack
Published time: 23 Mar, 2017 12:22Edited time: 23 Mar, 2017 13:23
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© Hannah McKay / Reuters
@nytimes graphic pointing out difference between IS actually carrying out an attack and it 'inspiring' themhttps://t.co/axTQ4aGOSxpic.twitter.com/GqZJgbjC00

— Patrick Galey (@patrickgaley) March 23, 2017
ISIS claim issued in English, Arabic, French and German. Yes, aimed at “enemy” but aimed at supporters too. IS needs to boostmorale. #london

— Jason Burke (@burke_jason) March 23, 2017
Amaq News Agency is a propaganda and news outlet for IS.

It was established in Syria in 2014 as an alternative to Western media coverage. It became more widely known after it began reporting apparent claims of responsibility for terrorist attacks in Western countries.

ISIS claims Westminster attack. pic.twitter.com/MSQFw8ukuQ

— Björn Stritzel (@bjoernstritzel) March 23, 2017
18/ As usual, ISIS is now publishing their claim of responsibility for #London attack in various languages. Here in English &French. @akhbarpic.twitter.com/SHq61LqQ9h

— Jenan Moussa (@jenanmoussa) March 23, 2017
The attacker is not among the 3,000 Britons on MI5’s list of individuals regarded as potentially capable of committing an act of domestic terrorism, the Guardian reports.

Around 3,000 Britons, mainly Islamists, are monitored because police suspect they may be capable of an attack. Of them, 500 are subject to active investigations and only a limited number of those become the targets of physical surveillance.

The newspaper says the attacker was not on that list.

3) #ISIS supporters online celebrating #London#Parliament attack as "blood with blood" & revenge for #UK strikes in #Mosul. pic.twitter.com/ws1nUGAcgi

— Rita Katz (@Rita_Katz) March 22, 2017
Earlier on Thursday, UK Prime Minister Theresa May said officials will release the attacker’s name “when operational considerations allow.”

She said the attacker was “British born” and had earlier been investigated by MI5 for links to violent extremism.

May says police believe the man acted alone and there is no reason to believe “imminent further attacks” are planned.

“Our working assumption is that the attacker was inspired by Islamist ideology. We know the threat from Islamist terrorism is very real. But while the public should remain utterly vigilant, they should not and will not be cowed by this threat.”
He was born in Britain to Christian parents of Jamaican origin. He was raised as a Christian but converted to Islam when he was 17.
This is the SOP these days for Western police forces, remain tight lipped for a few days then let such details trickle out in time once the focus has drifted away, it happened in the Orlando nightclub incident, San Bernidino shootings, Munich shootings etc etc.

They know the identity, they just don't want to tell us.

Only after running 20+ people down on the nearby bridge, ramming into the wall of the Parliament and attacking multiple police officers, I wouldn't call it "quick".
do you expect the poilce to be in every square meter of london. from the moment of first hitting someone to ending up dead it was under only several hundred meters. literally across the bridge and 150 yards before stopping.
do you expect the poilce to be in every square meter of london. from the moment of first hitting someone to ending up dead it was under only several hundred meters. literally across the bridge and 150 yards before stopping.
This is the most protected public site in the entire UK, i expected a superior response yes given the immense resources given to the Met for counter terror activities. He managed to get inside the parliament and kill a security officer, this is a complete failure IMHO. Imagine if there had been multiple attackers or they had been armed.

And don't forget the PM of the UK was present.
Home | News | World
ISIS Claims UK Parliament Terror Attack: Reports
Agence France-Presse | Updated: Mar 23, 2017 18:30 IST

ISIS has claimed the UK Parliament attack according to propaganda agency linked to the organisation.

London: ISIS on Thursday claimed the deadly assault at the British parliament, as Prime Minister Theresa Mayidentified the attacker as a British-born man known to intelligence services. "An act of terrorism tried to silence our democracy," May told a packed House of Commons, which stood for a minute's silence in remembrance of the victims of Wednesday's strike on the symbol of Britain's democracy. "We are not afraid and our resolve will never waver in the face of terrorism," May said.

Armed police have arrested eight people in raids linked to the rampage that left three people dead and sowed panic in the heart of London.

ISIS said it was responsible, according to the Amaq propaganda agency linked to the jihadist organisation.

"The perpetrator of yesterday's attack in front of the British parliament was a soldier of the Islamic State and the operation was carried out in response to calls to target coalition countries," Amaq said citing a "security source."

Defiant British lawmakers returned to "business as usual" in the surreal silence of an area of central London normally thronged with tourists.

Twenty-nine people were treated in hospital, including seven in critical condition, some with "catastrophic" injuries. Among them were French school children and foreign tourists.

The attacker mowed down pedestrians with a car on Westminster bridge, killing two, and then jumped out and stabbed to death a police officer guarding parliament before being shot dead.

The carnage was unleashed on the same day Brussels was marking the anniversary of ISIS bombings that killed 32 people.

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Hundreds of extra police were on patrol in London as officers worked around the clock to piece together what happened in the deadliest attack in Britain since four suicide bombers killed 52 people on the capital's transport system in July 2005.

Europe has been on high alert after a wave of deadly jihadist assaults over the past two years.

May said the attacker's identity was known to the police and the MI5 domestic intelligence service.

He was British-born and some years ago had been a "peripheral figure" investigated over concerns about violent extremism.

"There was no prior intelligence of his intent - or of the plot," May said.

Britain's top anti-terror officer Mark Rowley said that police had arrested eight people in raids on six houses in London, the central city of Birmingham and elsewhere.

"It is still our belief... that this attacker acted alone yesterday and was inspired by international terrorism," he said.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon told BBC radio the working assumption was that the attack was linked to "Islamic terrorism in some form".

The British flag over parliament flew at half-mast in a sign of mourning while forensic officers in white suits carried out a fingertip search of the courtyard outside where 48-year-old policeman Keith Palmer was stabbed to death.

Police officers lined up outside their new headquarters nearby for a minute's silence in front of the eternal flame to officers who have given their lives in service.

Queen Elizabeth II was due to open the building formally on Thursday but postponed the visit.

"My thoughts, prayers, and deepest sympathy are with all those who have been affected by yesterday's awful violence," she said, in a statement expressing her "enduring admiration" for the police.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan called a candlelit vigil on Trafalgar Square later Thursday.

Among those in parliament was Foreign Office minister Tobias Ellwood, whose face was left smeared with blood after giving first aid to the fatally wounded police officer.

US President Donald Trump and French President Francois Hollande both spoke to May and Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany stood with Britons "against all forms of terrorism".

Britain's last terror attack was the 2016 assassination of MP Jo Cox by a pro-Nazi sympathiser in her constituency in northern England shortly before the vote to leave the European Union.

That vote triggered a push in Scotland for a second referendum on seceding from the United Kingdom.

The Scottish Parliament has postponed a debate and vote on the referendum following the London attack.

The debate is now due to resume on Tuesday, the day before Britain is set to trigger the Article 50 two-year departure process for leaving the EU.

May's spokesman said there was no intention to delay Article 50 because of Wednesday's attack.

International victims

A Spanish diplomatic source confirmed that one of the dead was 43-year-old British citizen Aysha Frade, whose mother was Spanish.

Media reports said she was on her way to pick up her two daughters, aged seven and nine, from school.

A man in his 50s was also killed.

Several international tourists visiting one of London's most iconic sights were also caught up in the violence.

Those wounded included 12 Britons, four South Koreans, three French children, two Romanians, two Greeks and one each from China, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland and the United States, May said.

Three police officers were among those hurt, two of them seriously, and a seriously injured woman was rescued from the River Thames after coming off the bridge.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault travelled to London to visit three French pupils on a school trip who were among those hurt
British police identify parliament attacker

LONDON: The man who mowed down pedestrians and stabbed a policeman in an assault on the heart of British democracy was 52-year-old Khalid Masood, who was born in Kent in southeast England, police said on Thursday.

Islamic State claims responsibility for British parliament attack

London’s Metropolitan Police said in a statement that Masood was known by “a number of aliases” and had been living in the West Midlands, which includes the city of Birmingham where there was an armed police raid overnight.

He was born in Britain to Christian parents of Jamaican origin. He was raised as a Christian but converted to Islam when he was 17.

Let me guess, he converted to Islam in jail :unsure:

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