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Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

thank you!
now is there a way to convince PDF mods to take my reports about moronic googly scholars seriously? I end up being banned if and when I confront them scholars directly :(

would it be better if we said "leave a legacy before you depart (this realm)"?
The PDf mods are doing their job ..sometimes..lol
I believe that confrontation is with facts and events in real life.. I don't really take a forum seriously.. because facts speak for themselves..while here people of all kind can express their opinions.. be it right or wrong..The thing is you come up with verified and validated facts and let the others speculate if they don't really have a good idea about what they are talking about..
To be honest , these arabs hold incredibly high leverage over Indians....

One little threat to deport indians from their territory or blocking oil supply would straighten modi up rather than 10 pulwama strikes.
Of course, they do

Recently they managed to pressurize our Indian Govt to turn their back on Turkey

Did pressure from Saudi Arabia see Pakistan PM Khan skip summit in Mahathir’s Malaysia?
  • The KL Summit, a forum of Islamic countries, has been dealt a blow after Khan’s withdrawal
  • The premier reportedly pulled out over the perception the summit was meant to replace the Riyadh-dominated Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
Of course, they do

Recently they managed to pressurize our Indian Govt to turn their back on Turkey

Did pressure from Saudi Arabia see Pakistan PM Khan skip summit in Mahathir’s Malaysia?
  • The KL Summit, a forum of Islamic countries, has been dealt a blow after Khan’s withdrawal
  • The premier reportedly pulled out over the perception the summit was meant to replace the Riyadh-dominated Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

Very old news and that matter has already been resolved.
The PDf mods are doing their job ..sometimes..lol
I believe that confrontation is with facts and events in real life.. I don't really take a forum seriously.. because facts speak for themselves..while here people of all kind can express their opinions.. be it right or wrong..The thing is you come up with verified and validated facts and let the others speculate if they don't really have a good idea about what they are talking about..
I was referring to the people who play at being linguists or those who discuss religions here but then go to google translate, google search and youtube for knowledge without realizing that google can't translate Arabic or Chinese. anyone can post on youtube. even from google you need to know who is who before using them as "proof" of anything
I was referring to the people who play at being linguists or those who discuss religions here but then go to google translate, google search and youtube for knowledge without realizing that google can't translate Arabic or Chinese. anyone can post on youtube. even from google you need to know who is who before using them as "proof" of anything
Let them be..because when you know the truth..it does not matter anymore.. be your best and let them be who they want to be.. fools, ignorants or delusional..
I doubt anyone goes to Jordan, which is only slightly richer than india in per capita PPP GDP terms. On the other hand, pretty sure tons of Jordanians go to GCC countries to be slaves.

For years Jordanians have been cannon fodder for oil-rich Arab states against Israel. Given the results not very good ones too

Jordan is an inconsequential Middle-eastern state given it has no oil.Plus they live off freebies

Jordan's message to the world: Don't cut our aid

Mohammad Ayesh

2 June 2018 09:33 UTC | Last update: 1 year 10 months ago
As protests grip the kingdom, Amman wants neighbouring states and the US to realise that maintaining stability requires continued support


Hence Jordanians leech off actions oil-rich Arab states to compensate for their insignificance.
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Very good, we only need educated Indians to work at substandard wages. Not those dumb *** Indians.
Are there arabs who are doctors and engineers? I heard you lot are lazy and dumb...i have also heard you people were roaming in deserts before 1971....is that true? Its only after US discovered oil in your lands did you become rich ...is that true...i have also heard arabs dont have the expertise to dig the oil and its US that does the job for you..is that true?if all these were true i would be ashamed of myself and wouldnt call indians dumb given their thousands of years of civilisation.
I can understand a chinese or an egyptian calling us dumb...but an arab?
Are there arabs who are doctors and engineers? I heard you lot are lazy and dumb...i have also heard you people were roaming in deserts before 1971....is that true? Its only after US discovered oil in your lands did you become rich ...is that true...i have also heard arabs dont have the expertise to dig the oil and its US that does the job for you..is that true?if all these were true i would be ashamed of myself and wouldnt call indians dumb given their thousands of years of civilisation.
I can understand a chinese or an egyptian calling us dumb...but an arab?
Arabs feel they are superior to all mankind for spawning the faith of Islam.

This superiority complex has often led to treachery.

They gleefully collaborated with the British to destroy the Ottoman empire and for the stupidity of trusting British Arabs are in the current state of turmoil they are in.
Are there arabs who are doctors and engineers? I heard you lot are lazy and dumb...i have also heard you people were roaming in deserts before 1971....is that true? Its only after US discovered oil in your lands did you become rich ...is that true...i have also heard arabs dont have the expertise to dig the oil and its US that does the job for you..is that true?if all these were true i would be ashamed of myself and wouldnt call indians dumb given their thousands of years of civilisation.
I can understand a chinese or an egyptian calling us dumb...but an arab?
wow! what an amazing post. you ought to get a thumbs up from Rafi and a mod or 2. once Rafi was praising Pakistani Hindus, alluding to their sacrifices for Pakistan. I asked how many died for Pakistan, someone came up with one single solitary one. I asked 1 out of how many in the population? instead of a reply I got a ban for insulting a religion
yes but some (many) members believe them and it feels wrong to let them be misled

3 examples:

100s more, this place has tons of misinformation
I would even say thousands of them on the net..That is why it is important for one to seek the truth.. after it everything becomes clear.. and you can see people as they are.. sometimes pity them, sometime appreciate them and most of the time just ignore them because you know the truth and they don't..you can help some only if you know they need a little push.. some are lost cases though..so don't bother too much..

Arabs feel they are superior to all mankind for spawning the faith of Islam.

This superiority complex has often led to treachery.

They gleefully collaborated with the British to destroy the Ottoman empire and for the stupidity of trusting British Arabs are in the current state of turmoil they are in.
I see an inferiority complex speaking..not the Arabs..
Officials in Kuwait and UAE seem to have woken up to the threat Hindutva cadres pose to their countries.

Great job for all those reporting on Hindutva villians in Muslim countries. Special thanks to the Pakistanis :pakistan:
Come back in 6 months..and we will compare the remittances of both pak and india from gulf...we will see how much indian workforce will be sent back by gulf countries
Sometimes smart and thinking is a synonym for cowardice...

*Not directed at religion, just a general observation*
That depends on intent. Respecting the importance of others and God and accepting that one is not Superman who can do anything is not cowardice.

Some of you live under the impression that only Gulf exports oil. If GCC ever stops exports, we have Iran, Russia, US, Canada, Venezuela and Iraq to turn to. Sure it might be a little more expensive, but we will never ever go without oil. Iraq now accounts for the greatest percentage of oil exports to India. Besides, whatever Modi does, doubt GCC will ever stop oil exports. This is a buyer seller relationship, no one is doing the other a favor. GCC survives on oil exports and we are their largest oil customer. If they stop exports, they will suffer just as much as we do.
GCC has to supply oil as that is what makes them strong. Without oil supply, people will stop being dependent on Muslim countries and that will mean people will start being aggressive to them. They will face serious military threats.

Nevertheless, it is a fact that there is no alternative to muslim oil exports. USA is net importer. Canada & Venezuela produces oil sands and not oil and hence needs serious upgradation to be used. Russia is the only other major oil supplier but Russia alone can't substitute Muslims. Secondly, Iraq & Iran are also muslims with their own agendas which are worse than GCC. So, they are not exactly an alternative to GCC. Muslim oil, whether from GCC or Iran-Iraq, is dangerous for one reason or another.

Like China, India lacks soft power. India is more vulnerable the majority of what it produces can be sourced from other nations. #Boycottindia is gaining momentum.
India is least vulnerable as India hosts 20 crore Muslim who are agents of Muslim Ummah and hence responsibility of muslim countries. India is not strong because of its manufacturing exports but simply because of its ability to host and feed 20 crore Muslims which has no substitute. If India decides to expel Muslims, then there will be massive crisis in middle east and muslim countries which will be impossible to contain. The service India provides is so great that even countries like USA & China appear disposable in comparison. India has so much hard power on oil supply that it far exceeds the power of USA and China. Soft power is irrelevant when one has so much hard power.

I do find it strange that Indians and Pakistanis are always arguing about who Arabs support more.
I will never understand this obsession with Arabs by Indians and Pakistanis.

In The Netherlands, nobody cares about what Arabs think and many people hate them.
They call them sand niggers, goatfuckers, desert rats, inbred etc.

So, I do not get it.

Can an Indian or a Pakistani tell me why you people always fight amongst each other for the validation of Arabs?
It is not about validation but about Indian might and superpower status which is being questioned by Pakistani PDFers who try to show that India doesn't have the strength to stand up against Arabs.
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