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Gulf cup 2014 moved to Jeddah, Iraq withdrew

hey hey hey gentlemen it was abut games as i remember ?:undecided:

Go settle in the old town. Deep down inside you like having plenty of people around you! We all do!

But go and settle on one of the over 1200 Saudi Arabian islands. Then you will have a guarantee of no traffic, 7abibi.

Aside from that then KSA is huge. Room for all! Thank God.

is there any baqala patrol station cooking gas cylinder shop laundry internet sheesha cafeteria frouts and vegetables shop meat and eggs shop albaik kfc mcdonalds fish shop fool tameez egyption syrian lebneese food shops kabsa mandi shop matblaat kabab shop hyper panda extra jarrir on Iceland ? ?:undecided: if yes i am ready

ohh sorry i foget sadlia nahdi and airport :cheesy:
is there any baqala patrol station cooking gas cylinder shop laundry internet sheesha cafeteria frouts and vegetables shop meat and eggs shop albaik kfc mcdonalds fish shop on Iceland ? ?:undecided: if yes i am ready

Try Farasan Island or the ancient Tarout Island. But I am afraid that you will have to do without some of the things you mentioned :coffee:

@al mujahed

هل أنت حقا من اليمن

اذا كنت من اهل اليمن فقد اعطية صوره غير مشرفه عن اليمن

@Aeronaut please see my post number 12 in this thread. Please take action.


Thank you for banning the false flagger and lunatic @Aeronaut. Much appreciated. I owe you, 7abibi!:D
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Try Farasan Island or the ancient Tarout Island. But I am afraid that you will have to do without some of the things you mentioned :coffee:

@al mujahed

هل أنت حقا من اليمن

اذا كنت من اهل اليمن فقد اعطية صوره غير مشرفه عن اليمن

@Aeronaut please see my post number 12 in this thread. Please take action.

so how can i transferred there ? i need all of them with me even i will be one and only customer of them there :P

i wish this damn road work finish soon and jeddah will be free of detours soon :cheers: and new stadium is out of city so we have not to be worry abut rush .
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Iraq failed to protect its citizens from getting bombed everyday let alone securing such a big event.

First of all then the "al mujahed" is not a Yemeni let alone an Arab. I highly doubt this. He could not answer my posts written in Arabic and knew nothing about Yemen and its great history and people. Just another troll. Probably an Iranian having fun. The chance of him living in Yemen is also tiny. He was looking at this page for over 30 minutes without answering. Clearly an false flagger. But whatever.

I suggest the moderators ban him. I find it very insulting that he has that pig as an avatar. A person responsible for many CIVILIAN Yemeni deaths and Muslim casualties first of all. I reported him at least. I suggest others do the same. He should not be able to ruin the name of us Arabs and Muslims of the region.

@Aeronaut please take a look at that individual and his user history. If a ban cannot be arranged then at least tell him to remove his flags which are false. You yourself can see if he indeed is based in Yemen. Which I highly doubt as I wrote earlier.:lol:

Lastly Yemen and the remaining countries on the Arabian Peninsula are the most brotherly and sisterly countries and people towards each other.

The only or at least the most crucial reason for Iraq having bigger revenues than Yemen is oil and gas. Otherwise the two countries have somewhat similar problems. For that reason you have foreigners investing in your country mainly from Turkey, a few Arab countries, Iran etc.

Yemen is considerably safer than Iraq as a whole. Let me tell you why. The insurgency against Al-Qaeda in Yemen SINCE 1992 have taken the lives of 2200 civilians. In 21 years time!

Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nearly 3 times as many civilians have perished in Iraq this year alone. Not comparable.

Sana'a is very safe overall. Other areas of Yemen are more dangerous.

Yes and I know that Basra is much safer than Baghdad and other areas of Iraq but it's still not safe enough hence the decision of FIFA.

Aside from that then Yemen were the host nation of the "Gulf Cup" in 2010 without any problems.

2010 Gulf Cup of Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I said I was comparing to BASRAH and not all of Iraq. As for the rest, fair enough, it was my first encounter with the guy. I have nothing against Yemen but it was just a reaction.
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I don't think he was trying to lick whoever's butt :/ his motivation could have been a sect one.

If so, do you think Iraq did the right thing by withdrawing after moving it to Jeddah?

Yes, It doesnt make sense to host a sports competition when the basic infrastructure for the city is still not completed. The electricity is JUST starting to get better with some 20h+ per day.
Fair enough. I am just telling you about the realities.

Yes, It doesnt make sense to host a sports competition when the basic infrastructure for the city is still not completed. The electricity is JUST starting to get better with some 20h+ per day.

Who elected Iraq as a host then? And if Iraq withdrew or at least threatened to withdrew from the tournament KNOWING that just 1 stadium was ready (apparently not fully even) and the infrastructure in general was bad, then what are they complaining about? Just incompetence or what?

I read on an Arabic forum that a few Iraqi Shia Arabs were accusing KSA of somehow bribing FIFA, LOL. This decision derives from FIFA who deemed Basra unsafe. Security comes before anything else. It is a ridiculous accusation. Especially when Iraq is secured as the next host country if the security improves. So much for that.

Anyway instead of this Gulf Cup where you "only" have KSA, Yemen, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman participating (Yemen not even bordering the Gulf as the only country among all those) why not make an Arab tournament with all 22 Arab countries? Would be the biggest tournament next after the Asian Cup.

Also the Gulf Cup thing is strange. The only part of KSA that is Khaliji are the COASTAL regions of the Eastern Province that ironically are inhabited by Shias. Not only but at least 40%. The same region was part of the ancient Dilmun civilization, the historical Bahrain region and later Eastern Arabia.

Hijaz for example were over half of the Saudi Arabian population live are much closer to Egypt, Levant and Yemen than the Gulf region. In terms of everything. In fact all of Iraq is closer to the Gulf geographically than Hijaz and many other historical regions/provinces of today in KSA.

It is a flawed name just as other names deriving from the region.
Iran has to join.

Football is all about the tension between both sides that makes it fun for the supporters, them joining would fullfill that so the name of the cup has to change, nothing about the Gulf.
Iran has to join.

Football is all about the tension between both sides that makes it fun for the supporters, them joining would fullfill that so the name of the cup has to change, nothing about the Gulf.

What is the Gulf anyway? Is it a historical region? No. It is an old name? No. What does it mean? Does Iran border it but not Yemen for example? Yes. It makes no sense.

The same with some Iraqis calling the Gulf (meaning Arabian Peninsula which only SMALL parts border the Gulf) as Khaliji when this is COMPLETE and utter nonsense. In fact the dialect spoken in Southern Iraq and areas of Iraq that ACTUALLY border the Gulf are much more influenced by the culture of Gulf (if you can talk about a homogenous culture along the coast of the Gulf from Oman to Iraq) in dialect, cuisine, weather, music etc. than 90% of the Arabian Peninsula.

Yemen could not be further apart from the Gulf region in nearly everything. Likewise ALL KSA aside from the coastal regions of the Eastern Province which happen to have a sizable Shia community. Which differs from that found in nearby UAE, Bahrain etc. But let us not even discuss that to confuse more people here.

By that same logic we can conclude that Iran (which has a much longer Gulf border than KSA - the Red Sea is our longest sea and that which influences us most) is a Gulf country despite for example Tehran or Mashhad having nothing to do with the Iranian Gulf region in barely anything.

People do simply not understand that KSA is not tiny Bahrain, Qatar or Kuwait (which is not that tiny). KSA is a HUGE country. All kind of landscapes, large geographical distances, historical, cultural etc. differences depending on the ancient regions. 0.5 times bigger than Iran which itself divers greatly by religion if not more since 40% of the population is non-Persian.

We can met Iran in the Asian Cup (the most important trophy). The Gulf Cup is a smaller regional tournament. It's better to have an actual Arab Cup where 22 countries can participate. There we would have real emotion IMO.

Iran could join but only with players from Khuzestan or the Southern Gulf regions of Iran, LOL. Meaning Iranian Arabs.

And Yemen should not be able to participate since it does not even border the Gulf. Iran could take their place.
What is the Gulf anyway? Is it a historical region? No. It is an old name? No. What does it mean? Does Iran border it but not Yemen for example? Yes. It makes no sense.

The same with some Iraqis calling the Gulf (meaning Arabian Peninsula which only SMALL parts border the Gulf) are Khaliji when this is COMPLETE and utter nonsense. In fact the dialect spoken in Southern Iraq and areas of Iraq that ACTUALLY border the Gulf are much more influenced by the Gulf in dialect, cuisine, weather, music etc. than 90% of the Arabian Peninsula.

Yemen could not be further apart from the Gulf region in nearly everything. Likewise ALL KSA aside from the coastal regions of the Eastern Province which happen to have a sizable Shia community. Which divers from that found in nearby UAE, Bahrain etc. But let us not even discuss that.

By that same logic we can conclude that Iran (which has a much longer Gulf border than KSA - the Red Sea is our longest sea and that which influences us most) is a Gulf country despite for example Tehran or Mashhad having nothing to do with the Iranian Gulf region in barely anything.

People do simply not understand that KSA is not tiny Bahrain, Qatar or Kuwait (which is not that tiny). KSA is a HUGE country. All kind of landscapes, large geographical distances, historical, cultural etc. differences. 0.5 times bigger than Iran which itself divers greatly by religion if not more since 40% of the population is non-Persian.

We can met Iran in the Asian Cup (the most important trophy). The Gulf Cup is a smaller tournament. It's better to have an actual Arab Cup where 22 countries can participate. There we would have real emotion IMO.

Iran could join but only with players from Khuzestan or the Southern Gulf regions of Iran, LOL.

Khaleeji cup is for small GCC states, they are the only Khaleejis so it makes no sense but it’s these states that put some pressure/fun in that cup, Iraq/Iran ( the opposition ) politically disagreeing with Gulf causing tensions which is why it is needed, barely any real pressure in Qatar-Bahrain.
Fair enough. I am just telling you about the realities.

Who elected Iraq as a host then? And if Iraq withdrew or at least threatened to withdrew from the tournament KNOWING that just 1 stadium was ready (apparently not fully even) and the infrastructure in general was bad, then what are they complaining about? Just incompetence or what?

I read on an Arabic forum that a few Iraqi Shia Arabs were accusing KSA of somehow bribing FIFA, LOL. This decision derives from FIFA who deemed Basra unsafe. Security comes before anything else. It is a ridiculous accusation. Especially when Iraq is secured as the next host country if the security improves. So much for that.

Anyway instead of this Gulf Cup where you "only" have KSA, Yemen, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman participating (Yemen not even bordering the Gulf as the only country among all those) why not make an Arab tournament with all 22 Arab countries? Would be the biggest tournament next after the Asian Cup.

Also the Gulf Cup thing is strange. The only part of KSA that is Khaliji are the COASTAL regions of the Eastern Province that ironically are inhabited by Shias. Not only but at least 40%. The same region was part of the ancient Dilmun civilization, the historical Bahrain region and later Eastern Arabia.

Hijaz for example were over half of the Saudi Arabian population live are much closer to Egypt, Levant and Yemen than the Gulf region. In terms of everything. In fact all of Iraq is closer to the Gulf geographically than Hijaz and many other historical regions/provinces of today in KSA.

It is a flawed name just as other names deriving from the region.

The "withdrawal" was proposed by some individuals who had absolutely no authority over the IFA (Iraqi football association). Only the the IFA decides whether to withdraw or not. As for the change, yes it may have been political, but it came in its place. The accusations by "Iraqi Shias" as you say are expected, and possibly true to an extent, aside from bribing FIFA.

The name itself doesn't really matter. It's just a name used in the passed and continues to be used in the present despite of the inaccuracies.

Hosting the Gulf cup is not the sole intention of the Sports infrastructure anyway.
The "withdrawal" was proposed by some individuals who had absolutely no authority over the IFA (Iraqi football association). Only the the IFA decides whether to withdraw or not. As for the change, yes it may have been political, but it came in its place. The accusations by "Iraqi Shias" as you say are expected, and possibly true to an extent, aside from bribing FIFA.

The name itself doesn't really matter. It's just a name used in the passed and continues to be used in the present despite of the inaccuracies.

Hosting the Gulf cup is not the sole intention of the Sports infrastructure anyway.

Ok, that explains it. Not followed this case at all or any Gulf Cup news. This tournament has very little of my interest. I prefer the Asian Cup (main Asian tournament).

How can it be political when FIFA made the decision? Well the decision is obviously political (lack of enough security and Iraq not being ready apparently).

How are they true when it was a FIFA decision? Did you not admit to Iraq not even being ready to host the Gulf Cup in Basra? Then I struggle to see what the fuss is about.

Do we both agree that the security situation in Iraq has not been as bad as it is now since 2008 when it was very bad? Could the Iraqi state guarantee the safety of players, football fans - local as non-local? That is the big question here.

What interest would the remaining countries have to reject Iraq hosting it? Why not just reject Iraq altogether? And why say that Iraq will host the next Gulf Cup once security improves? Such accusations are childish and just based on sectarian hatred.

Well, it is a wrong word to use. People are already ignorant about history so I prefer to shout loudly on such matters.

Well, that we can agree on. At least it would be strange to built all those stadiums for the sole purpose of hosting a few football/sport tournaments and later leave it to rot.

Anyway I would have liked to see Iraq hosting it and prove their worth. Such tournaments are not only about the various football teams and their results but fellow Arab and Muslim countries (neighbors too) and their football fans having fun together and visiting each other. A occasion to show ones country and people in the best light. As with any other big sporting/cultural event in country x or y.
Ok, that explains it. Not followed this case at all or any Gulf Cup news. This tournament has very little of my interest. I prefer the Asian Cup (main Asian tournament).

How can it be political when FIFA made the decision? Well the decision is obviously political (lack of enough security and Iraq not being ready apparently).

How are they true when it was a FIFA decision? Did you not admit to Iraq not even being ready to host the Gulf Cup in Basra? Then I struggle to see what the fuss is about.

Do we both agree that the security situation in Iraq has not been as bad as it is now since 2008 when it was very bad? Could the Iraqi state guarantee the safety of players, football fans - local as non-local? That is the big question here.

What interest would the remaining countries have to reject Iraq hosting it? Why not just reject Iraq altogether? And why say that Iraq will host the next Gulf Cup once security improves? Such accusations are childish and just based on sectarian hatred.

Well, it is a wrong word to use. People are already ignorant about history so I prefer to shout loudly on such matters.

Well, that we can agree on. At least it would be strange to built all those stadiums for the sole purpose of hosting a few football/sport tournaments and later leave it to rot.

Anyway I would have liked to see Iraq hosting it and prove their worth. Such tournaments are not only about the various football teams and their results but fellow Arab and Muslim countries (neighbors too) and their football fans having fun together and visiting each other. A occasion to show ones country and people in the best light. As with any other big sporting/cultural event in country x or y.

I'm not fussing or even dissappointed with the decision. I'm just staying that the decision may have been politically motivated since the decision was not made based on the FIFA decision which could possibly change. But at the same time I'm glad it was taken, perhaps wait until the third stadium is completed and all the roads, hospitals, hotels, electricity to get better in the next few years. Also build the second stage of BSC so it becomes more professional.
Yes, It doesnt make sense to host a sports competition when the basic infrastructure for the city is still not completed. The electricity is JUST starting to get better with some 20h+ per day.

Ic. Don't you have any secuirty concerns as well?
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