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Guardian: Long-range Iranian SAM Bavar 373 is being used by Russia against Ukraine


Sep 2, 2016
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Russian Federation

Russia is receiving munitions and military hardware sourced from Iraq for its war effort in Ukraine with the help of Iranian weapons smuggling networks, according to members of Iranian-backed Iraqi militias and regional intelligence services with knowledge of the process.

RPGs and anti-tank missiles, as well as Brazilian-designed rocket launcher systems, have been dispatched to Russia from Iraq as Moscow’s campaign has faltered in the last month, the Guardian has learned.

An Iranian-made Bavar 373 missile system, similar to the Russian S-300, has also been donated to Moscow by the authorities in Tehran, who also returned an S-300, according to a source who helped organise the transport.

Using the weapons-trafficking underworld would signal a dramatic shift in Russian strategy, as Moscow is forced to lean on Iran, its military ally in Syria, following new sanctions triggered by the invasion of Ukraine.

The developments also have huge implications for the direction and volume of trade in the international weapons trafficking business.

Iraq has hosted US and western troops since the 2003 overthrow of Saddam Hussein, and the US has trained and supplied various Iraqi army and special forces units to defend the Baghdad government against insurgencies. After two decades of war, the country is awash with weaponry.

Much of it has passed legally into the hands of Iran-backed Shia militias, which are opposed to the US presence in the country, but since 2016 have been officially incorporated into the Iraqi armed forces as part of the fight against Islamic State.

Known for their efficiency in dismantling Islamic State’s “caliphate” – and for their brutal treatment of Sunni civilians – these groups have become powerful actors in Iraq’s security establishment.

RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades) and anti-tank missiles in the possession of Hashd al-Shaabi, the most powerful Shia militia umbrella, were transported to Iran through the Salamja border crossing on 26 March, where they were received by the Iranian military and taken on to Russia by sea, said a commander of the militia branch that controls the crossing.

Ḥashd al-Shaabi also dismantled and sent in pieces two Brazilian-designed Astros II rocket launcher systems, known in Iraq as the licence-built version Sajil-60, to Iran on 1 April, according to a source within the organisation.

“We don’t care where the heavy weapons go [because we don’t need them at the moment],” one Hashd al-Shaabi source said. “Whatever is anti-US makes us happy.”

Three cargo ships capable of carrying such loads – two Russian flagged and one Iranian flagged – crossed the Caspian Sea from Iran’s port of Bandar Anzali to Astrakhan, a Russian city on the Volga delta, within the timeframes outlined.

“What the Russians need in Ukraine right now is missiles. These require skill to transport as they’re fragile and explosive, but if you are committed to doing it, it’s possible,” said Yörük Işık, an Istanbul-based maritime affairs expert. “It’s also not the kind of activity that would be picked up by satellite imagery as they can be transported in large boxes and regular shipping containers.”

Mohaned Hage Ali, a fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center, said: “That kind of sophisticated weaponry [rocket launcher systems] would make a big difference on the ground in Ukraine. Ḥashd al-Shaabi controls much of the border region with Iran, which would make this transaction easier.

“Other countries such as China are having to be very careful about giving weapons to Russia now, given the new sanctions situation. And Iran, as part of that axis, wants to make sure Russia doesn’t lose ground in this conflict.

“If the Putin regime is destabilised that has huge implications for Iran, particularly in Syria, where Damascus is dependent on Russian air support and Russia coordinates to avoid direct conflict between them and Israel.”

Extensive economic sanctions imposed on Moscow by western nations since the 24 February invasion have included bans on dual-use goods – items with a civilian and a military purpose – such as spare parts for vehicles and certain types of electronics and optical devices, as well as items with obvious military uses.

Russian manufacturers have reportedly been hit hard by the new restrictions, with Ukraine saying that the country’s main armoured vehicle plant, as well as a tractor factory, have run out of parts for making and repairing tanks.

Revised western estimates are that 29 of Russia’s original battalion tactical groups are now “combat non-ineffective” from an invading force that is estimated at 125 battalions, or about 75% of Russia’s total army, in the six-week-old “special military operation”.


Specification of Bavar-373 system

200-230 km (Sayyad-4 missile)
Maximum speedAverage 2,312 meters per second Mach 6.8 and 2,720 meters per second Mach 8






The Bavar-373 includes two radars. Bavar has an S-band acquisition radar for detection, and a (shorter-range) X-Band fire control radar for missile guidance. Both are Active Electronically Scanned Array radars.

Bavar 373 system is capable of detecting up to 100 targets, tracking 60 of them and engage with six concurrently. Bavar can hit targets up to an altitude of 30 kilometers. Bavar-373 uses MERAJ-4 radar for tracking aerodynamic targets and ballistic missiles in medium to long ranges, mounted on the ZAFAR heavy truck. Meraj-4 (Ascension), with range of 450 km which uses fuzzy logic techniques to spot targets. Meraj can track up to 200 targets simultaneously. The arrangement allows a powerful acquisition radar to pinpoint nearby aircraft before the fire control radar locks on a target. When activated the radar feeds targeting data to the mobile command post before a missile is launched. The addition of a VHF radar, whose coverage may extend to twice the Sayyad-4 missile’s maximum range, together with the acquisition and fire control radars allows each Bavar-373 battery to observe enormous swathes of neighboring airspace.

The Rasoul advanced communications system is for encoding information, connecting the country's infrastructure and transferring radar information from the battle scene to commanding centres. The mobile command post of the Bavar-373 is run by a small team who are responsible for six launchers (24 missiles in total) in a single battery.

SAYYAD-4 TVC Missile

Bavar-373 is armed with Sayyad-4 missiles; a local design whose range is over 200 kilometers. Its flight altitude is above average as well, reaching almost 30 km or 30,000 meters. The extreme range is at least one indicator the Bavar-373 is an anti-ballistic and cruise missile system, both are features that earns comparisons with the S-400 Triumf.
Yeah, Ukrainians have so many aircrafts that Russians ran out of missiles! :crazy_pilot:

Considering his extensive background, if I were the owner of Guardian, I would had changed my carrier to toilet paper production already.
The news is unrealistic. It is a conflict between two countries ideally to achieve ceasefire outside flow of arms need to stop instead of pouring fuel to fire.

There is ceasefire opportunity and continuation of serious talks if both sides such as Russia stopping flow of army to expand more into Donbass region and at the same time heavy arms shipments stop to Ukraine in my opinion. At least during negotiations taking place. warcrimes accusations should be investigated by independent tribunals and should not be a blockage to negotiations.

Nato is supporting Ukr but only Ukr is fighting with the weapons and Russia has uses all the means that it possesses as well. Even China is not sending weapons to Russia currently. It is true that if the battle is carried somehow into Russian territory and disintegration risk is imminent other neighbours like Iran will be under risk as well. Even in that case Russia has security agreements with China and there is CSTO treaty as well. They can demand support from those countries instead of crazy tactical nukes scenario. China would possibly send support to push back with its drones-atgms-artillery which is more than enough instead of Russia using tactical nukes. That can result in a pacific conflict scenario but if the support is limited to defensive equipment to be used inside Ru borders recognized by China under agreements that might not happen. That is the worst case scenario in my opinion and wont include anyone else or tactical nukes.

Having said that the conflict showed vulnurability of static sam systems. Saturation cm attacks and hypersonic attacks. It would be a bad idea to mount these types of sams statically around airbases without sufficient secondary sam support against cms as they are almost equally vulnurable like airfields.

Maybe mountain bases containing sam equipment outside like radars and when a hypersonic attack is detected which are usually high altitude long range attacks the radar trucks can drive inside protected mountain base and return again. Nose section is not like bunker busting but for hypersonic speeds in those missiles unless they are tactical nukes which is another mad case altogether.
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The news is unrealistic. It is a conflict between two countries ideally to achieve ceasefire outside flow of arms need to stop instead of pouring fuel to fire.

There is ceasefire opportunity and continuation of serious talks if both sides such as Russia stopping flow of army to expand more into Donbass region and at the same time heavy arms shipments stop to Ukraine in my opinion. At least during negotiations taking place. warcrimes accusations should be investigated by independent tribunals and should not be a blockage to negotiations.

Nato is supporting Ukr but only Ukr is fighting with the weapons and Russia has uses all the means that it possesses as well. Even China is not sending weapons to Russia currently. It is true that if the battle is carried somehow into Russian territory and disintegration risk is imminent other neighbours like Iran will be under risk as well. Even in that case Russia has security agreements with China and there is CSTO treaty as well. They can demand support from those countries instead of crazy tactical nukes scenario. China would possibly send support to push back with its drones-atgms-artillery which is more than enough instead of Russia using tactical nukes. That can result in a pacific conflict scenario but if the support is limited to defensive equipment to be used inside Ru borders recognized by China under agreements that might not happen. That is the worst case scenario in my opinion and wont include anyone else or tactical nukes.

Having said that the conflict showed vulnurability of static sam systems. Saturation cm attacks and hypersonic attacks. It would be a bad idea to mount these types of sams statically around airbases without sufficient secondary sam support against cms as they are almost equally vulnurable like airfields.

Maybe mountain bases containing sam equipment outside like radars and when a hypersonic attack is detected which are usually high altitude long range attacks the radar trucks can drive inside protected mountain base and return again. Nose section is not like bunker busting but for hypersonic speeds in those missiles unless they are tactical nukes which is another mad case altogether.

Buddy, Bavar-373 is a full road-mobile long-range SAM system, not static.
Buddy, Bavar-373 is a full road-mobile long-range SAM system, not static.
Nowadays, every major SAM system are road mobile. Even the old SA-2 is considered road mobile.
Buddy, Bavar-373 is a full road-mobile long-range SAM system, not static.
S300 is also mobile but since these are heavier systems unlike Tor-Pantsyr it takes time for all those vehicles to pack and leave in case of attack. In scan mode they are static and most hit videos they are employed that way. In case of a cruise missile attack moving to a cover(mountain base or underground bunker) would protect them regardless of secondary protection sam systems.

Cruise missiles have radar + iir other than gps so moving without cover can still result in a hit to S300-Bavar. Anti radar missiles also use iir and active seeker as well. In a saturation scenario It would be better to move in somewhere protected. But it would reduce the scan coverage because of mountain. Maybe camouflaged underground bunker would do the job as well.

Moving away would reduce hit of hypersonic cruise missiles. Their course correction is limitied because of high speed and nose cone + plasma may not allow radar or iir seeker but gps-ins only.
"Call with FM Hossein Amir Abdollahian. Iran stands against Russia’s war on Ukraine, supports a diplomatic solution. Grateful to FM Abdollahian for refuting allegations of arms transfers to Russia with the help of Iranian companies, as well as for the medical team sent to Ukraine."
Iran has an anti-war position on the Ukraine issue and refuses to transfer arms. The rest are just propaganda.
"Call with FM Hossein Amir Abdollahian. Iran stands against Russia’s war on Ukraine, supports a diplomatic solution. Grateful to FM Abdollahian for refuting allegations of arms transfers to Russia with the help of Iranian companies, as well as for the medical team sent to Ukraine."
Iran has an anti-war position on the Ukraine issue and refuses to transfer arms. The rest are just propaganda.

He is misquoting him. He would never say that.

Why should Iran stay neutral in action?
which side is a better friend for Iran?

You are saying Guardian and the west are lying.
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Why should Iran stay neutral in action?
which side is a better friend for Iran?
This is not my opinion, but notes from the meeting of the foreign minister of Ukraine with his Iranian colleague. Iran's position is 'pro Russian' neutrality if you ask me. Just as many others. Not being directly engaged in this war creates great advantages for both Iran and Turkey. In terms of Iran; The EU's only real alternative to Russia, as of energy demand is Iran. This also provides leverage in the face of unfair embargoes against Iran. I understand that the Iranian authorities are sufficiently aware of this when following their statements. It is the interests that guide international relations, mostly.

You are saying Guardian and the west are lying.

No. You saying British propaganda machine is right but Ukranian and Iranian FM are lying.
This is not my opinion, but notes from the meeting of the foreign minister of Ukraine with his Iranian colleague. Iran's position is 'pro Russian' neutrality if you ask me. Just as many others. Not being directly engaged in this war creates great advantages for both Iran and Turkey. In terms of Iran; The EU's only real alternative to Russia, as of energy demand is Iran. This also provides leverage in the face of unfair embargoes against Iran. I understand that the Iranian authorities are sufficiently aware of this when following their statements. It is the interests that guide international relations, mostly.

Agreed but weapon transfer is not off the table. Turkey sent Bayrakdar too.
Neutrality will not change.

Ukrainian quote is not exact wording of Iran.

Turkey lost a lot in this war including the collaborations with Ukraine and also tartars.
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Agreed but weapon transfer is not off the table. Turkey sent Bayrakdar too.
Neutrality will not change.

Ukrainian quote is not exact wording of Iran.

Turkey lost a lot in this war including the collaborations with Ukraine and also tartars.
its completely of the table please show any Iranian weapon in use in Ukraine
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