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Guardian: Long-range Iranian SAM Bavar 373 is being used by Russia against Ukraine

its completely of the table please show any Iranian weapon in use in Ukraine

How can Iran acquire weapons from Russia and forbid exports to Russia?

That does not sound fair.

A country sanctioned to the maximum for years is now needed at the height of oil and gas prices to calm the market, if they halt their nuclear works. :D

Until gas prices come lower and new supplies hit the market. What a great transaction for Khatami.
This is not my opinion, but notes from the meeting of the foreign minister of Ukraine with his Iranian colleague. Iran's position is 'pro Russian' neutrality if you ask me. Just as many others. Not being directly engaged in this war creates great advantages for both Iran and Turkey. In terms of Iran; The EU's only real alternative to Russia, as of energy demand is Iran. This also provides leverage in the face of unfair embargoes against Iran. I understand that the Iranian authorities are sufficiently aware of this when following their statements. It is the interests that guide international relations, mostly.

No. You saying British propaganda machine is right but Ukranian and Iranian FM are lying.

Nowhere FM-Iran said such stuff. Ukrainian is misquoting him.
Nowadays, every major SAM system are road mobile. Even the old SA-2 is considered road mobile.
Yes,I remember seeing some of the attempts at adapting the sa-2 into a road mobile system.Lets just say that I dont think that it was ever going to be able to have a realistic "shoot and scoot" capability.
I can remember an excellent drawing on an old iranian military forum that showed a concept for making the sa-5 road mobile[!!].It actually looked some what semi-feasible,but gigantic,with each tel having 6 or 7 axles and carrying only a single missile.
I wish I`d kept the picture.
Nowadays, every major SAM system are road mobile. Even the old SA-2 is considered road mobile.
well I consider this road mobile

this also Road mobile

I may consider this also road mobile as well the bashir radar is way behind the lines and the system don't need to work

but look at the radar , is it considered road mobile (well the newer generation are a lot better)


or what about these ,again just look t the radars

what about these

when you consider a system road mobile usually the limiting factors are the radars not the missiles themselves
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I think Iran's stance in this Ukraine Russia war is passive. Iran must be stronger and weigh strong support on the Russians. Russian Iranian strategic military alliance is very important for the future of both the powers.

I have to say so far Iran's stance has been DISAPPOINTING. Iran must openly and actively support the Russians.
Yes,I remember seeing some of the attempts at adapting the sa-2 into a road mobile system.Lets just say that I dont think that it was ever going to be able to have a realistic "shoot and scoot" capability.
I can remember an excellent drawing on an old iranian military forum that showed a concept for making the sa-5 road mobile[!!].It actually looked some what semi-feasible,but gigantic,with each tel having 6 or 7 axles and carrying only a single missile.
I wish I`d kept the picture.
I remember that well and was always curious what the mobile system looked like when hey announced that it would be made fully mobile.
I think that they were cryptically referring to the development of the Talash system that initially used some of the s200 missiles and radars, then slowly eliminated them from the system with the development of the various planar array radars and the Sayyad series of missiles.
I still believe that Talash itself is more of an evolving laboratory for testing and bringing together various air defence sub systems that eventually became the 15th of Khordad and the Bavar.
I think it was when PEED stated last year that there is simply no way sa5 could ever be road mobile that I gave up on the concept.
Also, aren't the current s200 sites slaved to the local 15th Khordad's radars or other newer and mobile systems? I've seen pics of sa2 systems totally controlled by 3rd Khordad and Tabas systems.
And another thing, what kind of mongoloid retarded down syndrome cretin would you have to be to believe in the news of Iran's ad systems going to Russia!?
I think Iran's stance in this Ukraine Russia war is passive. Iran must be stronger and weigh strong support on the Russians. Russian Iranian strategic military alliance is very important for the future of both the powers.

I have to say so far Iran's stance has been DISAPPOINTING. Iran must openly and actively support the Russians.

If it’s passive, it’s because Iran knows Russia will likely just stab Iran in the back once it is back in the West good graces.

Iran helped Turkey during the coup attempt....what did that open verbal support and intelligence support end up getting us?

Plus Iran had good relations with Ukraine prior to conflict.

You forget the KH-22’s that formed the basis of Iran’s CM program. Who do you think gave that to you? russia? They worked with Iran on IR-140 jet when no one else would.
Iran did not provide active assistance to Turkey during the coup attempt in Turkey. The allegations on this subject are propaganda content far from seriousness and devoid of concrete evidence. The mechanisms within the Turkish state stood up to the coup with great devotion. It is a much more national resistance than Iran's 1974 revolution. Of course, since this is a US initiative, countries such as Russia and China, as well as Iran and some other anti atlanticist countries, and many brotherly countries such Pakistan, Azerbaijan chosed the right place to be on the anti-coup side from the very beginning of the process. Because if the coup had been successful, an Atlanticist-Gulenist structure was not an option for Iran's national interests. Iran had to make a statement in favor of the democratic elements in the US intervention attempt in Turkey, not as a choice but as a necessity.
Iran did not provide active assistance to Turkey during the coup attempt in Turkey. The allegations on this subject are propaganda content far from seriousness and devoid of concrete evidence. The mechanisms within the Turkish state stood up to the coup with great devotion. It is a much more national resistance than Iran's 1974 revolution.

Iran’s Revolution happened in 1979....

As for the “Atlantis-Gulenist structure” or this “Wannabe Ottoman structure” Sultan Erodgan is preaching.....neither is in Iran’s interest.

So I think the difference in the end wouldn’t be that big as you allude. Erodgan at the time was much more moderate, however since then his policies and philosophies have changed significantly especially in the realm of geopolitics.

Now he is kissing up to the Zionists that just a few years ago he was condemning in the harshest words.....
I think Iran's stance in this Ukraine Russia war is passive. Iran must be stronger and weigh strong support on the Russians. Russian Iranian strategic military alliance is very important for the future of both the powers.

I have to say so far Iran's stance has been DISAPPOINTING. Iran must openly and actively support the Russians.

Russians didn't accept to sell spare parts or Overhaul our Mig29-A in past 20 years and they side with the west and signed all UNSC resolution against us ...

They activly side with Israel and Turkey against us in Syria ...

They werent willing to give us our S-300 which we paid in advance for it ( and for god sake , S300 is over hyped consider its actually performance in real battle )

why we should side with them ?
If it’s passive, it’s because Iran knows Russia will likely just stab Iran in the back once it is back in the West good graces.

Iran helped Turkey during the coup attempt....what did that open verbal support and intelligence support end up getting us?

Plus Iran had good relations with Ukraine prior to conflict.

You forget the KH-22’s that formed the basis of Iran’s CM program. Who do you think gave that to you? russia? They worked with Iran on IR-140 jet when no one else would.
I hope you are aware that Iran received those Items from Russian aligned governments in former Soviet states. I know that Russians are responsible for the past mistrust but they sent us pieces of Nebo radars in disguise of civilian assets.
We received Mig-29s spares through third countries having Russia as the providing station.
Russia avoided sanctions in the past, Let's see if they have any excuse left from now on.
Ask yourself, would Zelenskyy give us KH cruise missiles too?
Russians didn't accept to sell spare parts or Overhaul our Mig29-A in past 20 years and they side with the west and signed all UNSC resolution against us ...

They activly side with Israel and Turkey against us in Syria ...

They werent willing to give us our S-300 which we paid in advance for it ( and for god sake , S300 is over hyped consider its actually performance in real battle )

why we should side with them ?

Iran uses Russia as a bargaining chip in dealings with west because leadership knows very well that West hates the thought of Iran-China-Russia axis. Which is why JCPOA is happening at fast pace.
I hope you are aware that Iran received those Items from Russian aligned governments in former Soviet states. I know that Russians are responsible for the past mistrust but they sent us pieces of Nebo radars in disguise of civilian assets.
We received Mig-29s spares through third countries having Russia as the providing station.
Russia avoided sanctions in the past, Let's see if they have any excuse left from now on.
Ask yourself, would Zelenskyy give us KH cruise missiles too?

look how fast Turkey got S-400

Look how fast Iran got S-300

And your memory of the 90’s is nostalgic. They were not “Russian aligned governments”. Once the Soviet empire collapsed it was chaos. Russia wasn’t even Russia at that point, let alone having any states being aligned to a Russia in chaos.

Former (Soviet) Generals and satellite states (Ukraine/Belarus) were selling high priced military items to the highest bidders because they were desperate for cash/hard currency. It was a free for fall for a period of time.

Iran uses Russia as a bargaining chip in dealings with west because leadership knows very well that West hates the thought of Iran-China-Russia axis. Which is why JCPOA is happening at fast pace.

Terrible take.

You have it backwards. Russia has been USING Iran in its dealings since the 1990’s when it violated numerous arms contracts under US pressure.

And JCPOA is moving quickly because oil prices are high and China is skirting sanctions. At the same time Iran has installed advanced centrifuges and is enriching at 60%. Its program is more advanced then 2015 JCPOA signing.
look how fast Turkey got S-400

Look how fast Iran got S-300

And your memory of the 90’s is nostalgic. They were not “Russian aligned governments”. Once the Soviet empire collapsed it was chaos. Russia wasn’t even Russia at that point, let alone having any states being aligned to a Russia in chaos.

Former (Soviet) Generals and satellite states (Ukraine/Belarus) were selling high priced military items to the highest bidders because they were desperate for cash/hard currency. It was a free for fall for a period of time.

Terrible take.

You have it backwards. Russia has been USING Iran in its dealings since the 1990’s when it violated numerous arms contracts under US pressure.

And JCPOA is moving quickly because oil prices are high and China is skirting sanctions. At the same time Iran has installed advanced centrifuges and is enriching at 60%. Its program is more advanced then 2015 JCPOA signing.

Bro lmao, I bet the Israelis are foaming at the mouth right about now 🤣

Let's hope for continued progress in the nuclear arena!
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