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Growth rate lower than Bangladesh is BJP's achievement

Of course, budgetary allocations for healthcare sector in Bangladesh is low, however, Bangladesh is still better than India on all the primary health indicators as the data shows:

That's because Indians are genetically inferior. The delta variant also didn't hit Bangladesh that bad, there were still beds available at hospitals while it was a catastrophe in India.
thank you my dear Countryman for saying the highest truth. THEY ARE INDEED GENETICALLY INFERIOR. I am however quite superior as I have persian blood+Jalali blood. I give long speeches to my friends and audience in general about their genetical inferiority and how Bengalis with india genes are busy sucking tyrannical lollipops in our country.
Nobody cares even you die. CNN/BBC/NYT is not going to go to that shithole to report anything. They don't care about africa, they also don't care about bd. All bd is good for is sewing underwear for low price. Live with that. Half of bd will die of scratching their balls if they don't cross over to India for medical treatment.

Don't insult Africa by comparing it with Bangladesh.

Nigeria with same population as Bangladesh, publishes 2-3x more patents than BD.
They are simply killing them and their superior companies like Bhalton on innovation.

Nigeria had 153 patents v/s 89 in Bangladesh in 2019.

Have you ever seen a Nigerian bragging about how innovative his nation is despite being 2x more innovative than South Asian Superpower (Bangladesh). We only see the Bangalis doing that.

So comparing them with Africa is actually an insult to the black community,

Gay hind...
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You guys talk as if every street has a billionaire in Bangladesh.

Come on dude, you are a Bengali, you should do better, don't act like those low IQ bhakt brigade.

All the shopping centers in Kolkata are full of Bangladeshi customers and the local businesses in Bangladesh are not even affected. What does it tell you about our consumption level comparing with India? Not to mention all the undocumented billions of dollars worth of goods smuggled in from India.
The hatred against Bangladesh on this thread by Indians is insane.
They hate everyone in the neighborhood and everyone in neighborhood hates them - match made in heaven

I am just hoping the Chinese helps the neighborhood out, this is the clearest fault line in SA, any power can exploit it
thank you my dear Countryman for saying the highest truth. THEY ARE INDEED GENETICALLY INFERIOR. I am however quite superior as I have persian blood+Jalali blood. I give long speeches to my friends and audience in general about their genetical inferiority and how Bengalis with india genes are busy sucking tyrannical lollipops in our country.
What are you talking about 🙄
The hatred against Bangladesh on this thread by Indians is insane.

Yet we continue to support their down-in-the-dumps economy, buying stuff and services worth about $50 Billion a year, in spite of them blocking our exports on zero excuses. Mittrooon-desh. :sarcastic:

Once we stop trading with them, we will see where all this puffery goes...
Careful there, one of those illegal Bangladeshi could very well be the biological father of your future PM or Army chief. lol

If you listen to this guy, it seems all Indian women are like beauty queens ready to be plucked. :-)

Where do the ugly Indian guys come from?
I know which report you are quoting but as per the same report, Bangladesh didn't have any millionaire before 2010, do you really believe that?

A large part of the wealthy in Bangladesh don't really disclose their assets due to various reasons, tax evasion, security etc. You will see families in small cities, have their kids educated in the US but live a humble lifestyle in Bangladesh.

Oh yes, you wanna hear another joke? - Indian men are masculine. lol

Macho, macho, bhaiyaaaa


Yet we continue to support their down-in-the-dumps economy, buying stuff and services worth about $50 Billion a year, in spite of them blocking our exports on zero excuses. Mittrooon-desh. :sarcastic:

Once we stop trading with them, we will see where all this puffery goes...

India will be ripped into pieces if Bangladesh puts a sanction on them. Rising unemployment, starvation and widespread riots will make the government fall while separatist groups in half of their provinces will go into full blown war of secession.
Come on dude, you are a Bengali, you should do better, don't act like those low IQ bhakt brigade.

All the shopping centers in Kolkata are full of Bangladeshi customers and the local businesses in Bangladesh are not even affected. What does it tell you about our consumption level comparing with India? Not to mention all the undocumented billions of dollars worth of goods smuggled in from India.
Consumption in Bangladesh is lower than India
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