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Growth rate lower than Bangladesh is BJP's achievement

Ironically, the reverse actually happens when a Bangladeshi tourist visits India, you lot look cute subserviently serving us. lol
We serve whoever comes to our hospitals. We make money, that's called business. Subserviently serving us would be countless illegal Bangladeshis working as cleaners, sweepers, maids and prostitutes and GOB ofcourse.
The wealthy in Bangladesh hardly travels to India, although Bangladeshi lower-middle class tourists in India may seem rich to you lot considering your low standards.

Death by COVID in India is 20 times higher than in Bangladesh.

Number of millionaires in Bangladesh is 21,399, whereas in India it's almost 700,000. Even if you consider 8x population, India has 4x more millionaire per capita basis.
Number of millionaires in Bangladesh is 21,399, whereas in India it's almost 700,000. Even if you consider 8x population, India has 4x more millionaire per capita basis.

I know which report you are quoting but as per the same report, Bangladesh didn't have any millionaire before 2010, do you really believe that?

A large part of the wealthy in Bangladesh don't really disclose their assets due to various reasons, tax evasion, security etc. You will see families in small cities, have their kids educated in the US but live a humble lifestyle in Bangladesh.
Don't take him seriously, he is just a joker.

Oh yes, you wanna hear another joke? - Indian men are masculine. lol
India is affordable to Bangladesh rich.
Bangladeshi rich never goes to india for anything other than visiting Taj Mahal or may be Nizamuddin Awliyas Dargah.
While their poor just die with no medical facilities.
When? Back it up with proves man. Even in this pandemic our poor didn't suffered like indian middle class. Show us one pic with mass cremation like india.
Don't take him seriously, he is just a joker.

Like the one you elected ?

Other regional countries took a lesson from India yet Bangladesh managed it badly even after India IMO.
What kind of mismanagement?
it just shows the absurd medical facilities that are present in Bangladesh
It also shows our affordability.
I hear that they come to India for even a fever.
Per capita spending on healthcare in Bangladesh is nowhere near India by the way.
We know, yet in this pandemic we didn't die like indians. We live longer compared to indians too...
You heard right, those filthy people will come here for anything as they don't even have basic health facilities there.
Now the question is, who is more filthy? Us? Or the people who serves us for money?
In most hospitals here you will find booths setup to manage the influx of people from bangladesh.
Mostly because, we can pay more than indians and you are filthier than us (for serving us).
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I know which report you are quoting but as per the same report, Bangladesh didn't have any millionaire before 2010, do you really believe that?

A large part of the wealthy in Bangladesh don't really disclose their assets due to various reasons, tax evasion, security etc. You will see families in small cities, have their kids educated in the US but live a humble lifestyle in Bangladesh.

Oh yes, you wanna hear another joke? - Indian men are masculine. lol

According to Forbes, there are not a single billionaire in Bangladesh.

You guys talk as if every street has a billionaire in Bangladesh.
What kind of mismanagement?

It also shows our affordability.


We know, yet in this pandemic we didn't die like indians. We live longer compared to indians too...

Now the question is, who is more filthy? Us? Or the people who serves us for money?

Mostly because, we can pay more than indians and you are filthier than us (for serving us).

Nobody cares even you die. CNN/BBC/NYT is not going to go to that shithole to report anything. They don't care about africa, they also don't care about bd. All bd is good for is sewing underwear for low price. Live with that. Half of bd will die of scratching their balls if they don't cross over to India for medical treatment.
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All of the above reflect your incompetence. Don't know why it is being used as a boast.

"Bangladesh becomes 4th largest remittance source for India"

This is a myth. lol.

This was proven, at least 50,000 Highly paid Indian IT professionals work in Bangladesh, not to mention countless C level people and Apparel factory managers and workers (latter mostly from NE). Google it yourself, you being Indian should be pretty good at it. Onus is on you to prove us wrong.
According to Forbes, there are not a single billionaire in Bangladesh.

You guys talk as if every street has a billionaire in Bangladesh.

Nobody cares even you die. CNN/BBC/NYT is not going to go to that shithole to report anything. They don't care about africa, they also don't care about bd. All bd is good for is sewing underwear for low price. Live with that. Half of bd will die of scratching their balls if they don't cross over to India for medical treatment.

Don't insult Africa by comparing it with Bangladesh.

Nigeria with same population as Bangladesh, publishes 2-3x more patents than BD.
They are simply killing them and their superior companies like Bhalton on innovation.

Nigeria had 153 patents v/s 89 in Bangladesh in 2019.

Have you ever seen a Nigerian bragging about how innovative his nation is despite being 2x more innovative than South Asian Superpower (Bangladesh). We only see the Bangalis doing that.

So comparing them with Africa is actually an insult to the black community,
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