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Growing Pak-Russia defence ties trouble India

Russian and Pakistani relations normalisation is the best news of 21st century....it will have big implications and lot of strategic gains for Russia as well as Pakistan.

Lets see how it pans out in coming years !!!
Yaaawwwnnnn.... blah blah blah... Even your oldest ally does not think so:-)
Let me know when your leadership can gather Russia support for Kashmir's cause in UN.lets see how strong your diplomacy is. I bet you Russia will vote in favour of India :D:D:D: smell air and come to your senses kid
Russian and Pakistani relations normalisation is the best news of 21st century....it will have big implications and lot of strategic gains for Russia as well as Pakistan.

Lets see how it pans out in coming years !!!
Let me know when Russia will support Pakistani kashmir cause in UN.lets see how strong your so called diplomatic ties are;);););)all dreams will blow in thin air then.
Let me know when your leadership can gather Russia support for Kashmir's cause in UN.lets see how strong your diplomacy is. I bet you Russia will vote in favour of India :D:D:D: smell air and come to your senses kid

In other news:


Pakistan, Russia sign defence co-operation agreement, discuss helo sales - IHS Jane's 360

"A military diplomatic source in Moscow told IHS Jane's that Pakistan is also interested in buying a batch of Mi-28NE 'Havoc' attack helicopters and that a Russian delegation is preparing to present data on the Mi-28NE as well as the Pantsir-S1 (SA-22), Tor-M2KM (SA-15), and Buk-M2 (SA-17) surface-to-air missile systems to Pakistani officials at the forthcoming International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) 2014 in Karachi."

In other news:


Pakistan, Russia sign defence co-operation agreement, discuss helo sales - IHS Jane's 360

"A military diplomatic source in Moscow told IHS Jane's that Pakistan is also interested in buying a batch of Mi-28NE 'Havoc' attack helicopters and that a Russian delegation is preparing to present data on the Mi-28NE as well as the Pantsir-S1 (SA-22), Tor-M2KM (SA-15), and Buk-M2 (SA-17) surface-to-air missile systems to Pakistani officials at the forthcoming International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) 2014 in Karachi."

Why you neglected my above question:D:D:D
It's cost is not even equal to the spares equipment india imports from Russia. As for SAM system as of know india not bought any SAM from USA.india operate s-300Pmu so forget you will get SAM from Russia I can bet you on this bookmark my this post.:cool::cool::cool:;);)and come after 5 years
Why you neglected my above question:D:D:D
It's cost is not even equal to the spares equipment india imports from Russia. As for SAM system as of know india not bout any SAM from USA.india operate s-300Pmu so forget you will get SAM from Russia I can bet you on this bookmark my this post.:cool::cool::cool:;);)

Because its not worth answering... Today the relation has reached a point you guys would have laughed about just 5 years ago... but then again you will keep shifting the goal post:

In other news:


Russian companies offer $2 billion credit line for Pakistan energy and steel sectors - The Economic Times

Chalo, going to sleep... hope you dont have a sleepless night:-)
Because its not worth answering... Today the relation has reached a point you guys would have laughed about just 5 years ago... but then again you will keep shifting the goal post:

In other news:


Russian companies offer $2 billion credit line for Pakistan energy and steel sectors - The Economic Times
Firstly the article is about energy and steel where it's say defense. I can post similar for the Chinese investment. i. India which has almost 100 billion Trade with China .still the relationship btw two is unstable.so what point you are trying to proove here pakistan thinks it's has capability to replace india in region come back from your lala land kid trade and diplomatic relationship are both played at different levels.Right now pakistan has no leverage against economical strong india.
deal would be the biggest Russian military sale to Pakistan, with the latter also have shown interest in buying the Mi-28NE Havoc attack helicopters, as well as surface-to-air missile systems. Officials from both countries are expected to meet up shortly to give final touches to their defence deal, while overlooking the Indian fury.

The news I had been anxiously waiting to hear - Mi-28NE :)
India imports annually arms and other stuff from Russia which is accounted for 15.7 billion last year's.come here when you get pocket to match that.Odd 20 helos are merely peanuts which attracts Russia in it bad economic situation but it's nowhere in scale of competing with India.
It is not the amount of money that counts in this situation as much as the political message Modi have sent to Russia by visiting the US and holding talks with the Americans While no such thing has happened in Russia.
This has to do with economics too, like every seller wants to fidelize his customers, Russia went beyond its limits and stretched them as much as leasing a nuclear submarine to India, which was the first and only instance of such a deal in the whole world, it has also provided India with its best fighter jets the SU-30 MK,and to top it it has made Brahmos with India, while it has its own versions of the missile. All this to keep its customer India happy, and what they have received for all their efforts and good will is India buying weapons from the US, their major rival, and leaning politically towards the West!
And u had to tell us this! You Indians are so insecure.
Same you will when Obama will visit India on 26 Jan.It will be enjoyable to see laal topi analysis and debate in you news channels that time:D:D:D:D
I dont see a few Mi 35's changing the strategic balance of the region. Although if they were to provide us with S 400s, that will completely change the situation, it will turn things in Pakistan's favor in a defensive war.
Same you will when Obama will visit India on 26 Jan.It will be enjoyable to see laal topi analysis and debate in you news channels that time:D:D:D:D

Funny what this had to do with Russia-Pakistan thread.

But Obama visiting India giving the Indians orgasm of saluting the king arrival. You Indians are pathetic and highly insecure to the core. A defeated American Empire in Afghanistan President coming to India is more than welcome sign for Pakistanis and Afghanis...they would laugh the hell out of it.

Indians are insignificant piece in the whole scheme of things...use them and then discard them like a tissue.
It is not the amount of money that counts in this situation as much as the political message Modi have sent to Russia by visiting the US and holding talks with the Americans While no such thing has happened in Russia.
This has to do with economics too, like every seller wants to fidelize his customers, Russia went beyond its limits and stretched them as much as leasing a nuclear submarine to India, which was the first and only instance of such a deal in the whole world, it has also provided India with its best fighter jets the SU-30 MK,and to top it it has made Brahmos with India, while it has its own versions of the missile. All this to keep its customer India happy, and what they have received for all their efforts and good will is India buying weapons from the US, their major rival, and leaning politically towards the West!
Really what move of india shows that it's policy lean towards West.India trashed us proposal towards Russian sanctions.india avoided all big defense deals from USA including mmrca javelin , M777.india avoided to join West to fight against ISIS whereas it committed to pay 100 billion in Bric bank and organised saarc to strengthen south asian ties.India has more than 200 jv projects with a Russia in various field including nuclear, defense etc worth more than 200 billion. Providing funds for Russia ambitious projects like PakFa and MTA.As for Russia they never shown a concern against Chinese threat against india.and also opening it's market to them which makes india to re look it's policies again If only Russians had shown concerns to solve things btw to bric countries india-china.india might not have been looking for the West.And multi-billion Deals like mmrca might had gone to Russia then.so Russia is also done mistakes to spoil it relation with its old ally india.
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