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Grooming Gangs

As far as I fukin know Pak expats arent there to rape little girls... Rather UK accepts Proffesional or students... Both are damn scared of illegal shyt let alone running pedophile rings.

Those @Divergent s uncle jis as she had been calling them uncle jis, whose pics are posted on first page which she kept referring as "some member has posted links that they are not british nationals and are on visas" here is the news about them

These 4 guys are naturalised brits with double passports. After getting convicted their citizenships have been revoked, else they were not on some visas they held british citizenship. And she said they were on visas really what the hell?

Heres the link

Their pictures and info on those guys is mentioned in the news report.

Even iwas like what? People who go there on visas NEVER even for a second think of engaging in an illegal activity and here shes on s troll roll

Lmao please send me those report links I’m curious. Abuse because I’m blunt and say it how it is? I don’t do being foul with people but I do know how to shut them up. I’m discussing a social issue which is a rising concern and it’s not my fault they’ve turned out to be Pakistanis. So instead of getting wounded over the factual points I’ve presented, why not come up with rational sane points on how to resolve the problem rather than defending it?

Instead of working on "shutting others up" , how abt u shut urself up first and read up the post first before u reply and also go through ur own posted link and entire information cited there.

Firstly that obscure pvt thinkthank u liked to mention and repeatedly quoted, please do memroze its name correctly so not to confuse the readers here In one place u call it Quailiam , on the other it becomes Quilibrium.

And in prev post i have given that think tanks own website link to that report , one has to purchase that report in order to gain full access to its contents and sources and its a pvt org which has nothing to do with government stats , plus newspapers only quoted little overview or summary of that report which Quailium had made public, entire report is not even available in public domain.

Anyways, now This is the news report link u constantly shared?


This link contains info abt that obscure think tank Qualium (whose entire report is available only on purchase unlike pther gov bodies free reports)
Quailium said that they found out that 264 people convicted from 2005-2015 or 2017 on account of grooming offences , 84 pc were pakistanis.
Now there in britain grooming gangs issue has been v old and in most cases offenders are not arrested. So i dont know how all those convictions can be a reflection of all the grooming gang ethnicities all across the uk, ; also given the scenario people have accused police of not taking action against grooming gangs wich shows many gangs are left untouched,

In the same link below quailium findings further research is published, which u perhaps did not read or avoided to mention on purpose., which is as follows:

"The National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP) identifies two types of group-based child abuse.

It says in “Type 1” offenders work in groups such as grooming gangs to target victims based on vulnerability,

while “Type 2” offenders form paedophile rings to carry out abuse because of a specific sexual interest in children.

CEOP research published in 2012 states 85 per cent of offenders found guilty of sexual activity with a minor in 2011 were white.

Another CEOP study released the following year found 75 per cent of offenders in grooming-gang cases were from Asian backgrounds, while 100 per cent in paedophile rings were white."

By the paedophilia thing u were waving around, according to ur own link all paedo Rings crimes are done by whites.

While for grooming gangs they say 75 pc is linked with asians.

Now carrying on with the rest of ur news link.

"However, researchers said their data’s sample size had been too small and more research needed to be conducted."

the above statement also states their sample size was small to exactly clue one up on actual state of affairs

Continued with ur link

"In an inquiry by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner in 2012, 36 per cent of victims of group or gang child abuse identified their attackers as white, 27 per cent as Asian, 16 per cent as black, with 16 per cent unspecified."

According to 2012 report by CEOP which, mind it, is a government body states 36 pc victims blamed whites for the attacks, 27 pc blamed on asians and rest u can read.

CEOP is a government body instituted for child protection.

Now ceops stats are more trustworthy or an obscure think tank called quailium which uses number of convicts ethnicities as the sole parameter?

Lets say even if number of grooming gangs are dominated by asians or pakistanis (lets assume ) even then these offences make up a small part of entire sexual offences against woman and kids happening in uk, but somehow using this accusation entire pakistani community is blamed and is being showcased as some sexual predators and most importantly media has built the impression that majority of sex offences happening in Uk is at the hands of pakistanis.

Some people infact u urself said these gang members engage in these acts due to some backward customs etc etc, dont know what world are u living in these kind of rings though with some different tactics to trap a prey also operate in pakistan and these people who are doing all of this arent upto it die to some customs etc, they are purely criminal minded people who need to be incriminated, tried and convicted if procen guilty.

Also u chose to blame pakistani community for not speaking up, then its not their fault. Its police fault who have not taken action despite the victims reporting incidents to them. The major roadblock here in nabbing the culprits is uk police itself.
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Those @Divergent s uncle jis as she had been calling them uncle jis, whose pics are posted on first page which she kept referring as "some member has posted links that they are not british nationals and are on visas" here is the news about them

These 4 guys are naturalised brits with double passports. After getting convicted their citizenships have been revoked, else they were not on some visas they held british citizenship. And she said they were on visas really what the hell?

Heres the link

Their pictures and info on those guys is mentioned in the news report.

Even iwas like what? People who go there on visas NEVER even for a second think of engaging in an illegal activity and here shes on s troll roll

Instead of working on "shutting others up" , how abt u shut urself up first and read up the post first before u reply and also go through ur own posted link and entire information cited there.

Firstly that obscure pvt thinkthank u liked to mention and repeatedly quoted, please do memroze its name correctly so not to confuse the readers here In one place u call it Quailiam , on the other it becomes Quilibrium.

And in prev post i have given that think tanks own website link to that report , one has to purchase that report in order to gain full access to its contents and sources and its a pvt org which has nothing to do with government stats , plus newspapers only quoted little overview or summary of that report which Quailium had made public, entire report is not even available in public domain.

Anyways, now This is the news report link u constantly shared?


This link contains info abt that obscure think tank Qualium (whose entire report is available only on purchase unlike pther gov bodies free reports)
Quailium said that they found out that 264 people convicted from 2005-2015 or 2017 on account of grooming offences , 84 pc were pakistanis.
Now there in britain grooming gangs issue has been v old and in most cases offenders are not arrested. So i dont know how all those convictions can be a reflection of all the grooming gang ethnicities all across the uk, ; also given the scenario people have accused police of not taking action against grooming gangs wich shows many gangs are left untouched,

In the same link below quailium findings further research is published, which u perhaps did not read or avoided to mention on purpose., which is as follows:

"The National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP) identifies two types of group-based child abuse.

It says in “Type 1” offenders work in groups such as grooming gangs to target victims based on vulnerability,

while “Type 2” offenders form paedophile rings to carry out abuse because of a specific sexual interest in children.

CEOP research published in 2012 states 85 per cent of offenders found guilty of sexual activity with a minor in 2011 were white.

Another CEOP study released the following year found 75 per cent of offenders in grooming-gang cases were from Asian backgrounds, while 100 per cent in paedophile rings were white."

By the paedophilia thing u were waving around, according to ur own link all paedo Rings crimes are done by whites.

While for grooming gangs they say 75 pc is linked with asians.

Now carrying on with the rest of ur news link.

"However, researchers said their data’s sample size had been too small and more research needed to be conducted."

the above statement also states their sample size was small to exactly clue one up on actual state of affairs

Continued with ur link

"In an inquiry by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner in 2012, 36 per cent of victims of group or gang child abuse identified their attackers as white, 27 per cent as Asian, 16 per cent as black, with 16 per cent unspecified."

According to 2012 report by CEOP which, mind it, is a government body states 36 pc victims blamed whites for the attacks, 27 pc blamed on asians and rest u can read.

CEOP is a government body instituted for child protection.

Now ceops stats are more trustworthy or an obscure think tank called quailium which uses number of convicts ethnicities as the sole parameter?

Lets say even if number of grooming gangs are dominated by asians or pakistanis (lets assume ) even then these offences make up a small part of entire sexual offences against woman and kids happening in uk, but somehow using this accusation entire pakistani community is blamed and is being showcased as some sexual predators and most importantly media has built the impression that majority of sex offences happening in Uk is at the hands of pakistanis.

Some people infact u urself said these gang members engage in these acts due to some backward customs etc etc, dont know what world are u living in these kind of rings though with some different tactics to trap a prey also operate in pakistan and these people who are doing all of this arent upto it die to some customs etc, they are purely criminal minded people who need to be incriminated, tried and convicted if procen guilty.

Also u chose to blame pakistani community for not speaking up, then its not their fault. Its police fault who have not taken action despite the victims reporting incidents to them. The major roadblock here in nabbing the culprits is uk police itself.

Listen Ocean. Just because they FINALLY have a passport doesn’t mean they’re culturally British. Most British guys are used to seeing arms and legs, these are perverted mullah nobs and they are a disease. Either way they are of Pakistani origin, no? I’m discussing this in the EU section for a reason. Disgusting how you lot are making excuses when in fact should be calling a wrong - WRONG.
Listen Ocean. Just because they FINALLY have a passport doesn’t mean they’re culturally British. Most British guys are used to seeing arms and legs, these are perverted mullah nobs and they are a disease. Either way they are of Pakistani origin, no? I’m discussing this in the EU section for a reason. Disgusting how you lot are making excuses when in fact should be calling a wrong - WRONG.

Well that mask of civility slipped fast.

When "discussion" descends to what it has become in this topic, it's hard to tell what is a dig and what is a genuine view.

Just because you've not experienced racism - do you really think hatred of Muslims is not widespread in the UK?

I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist, but that comment was specifically targeted at me and to be honest getting tired of these forced to Marry Pupos and Chachas daughters fellas take their frustration out over here. The fact that Someone like me is saying this, doesn’t it show that this IS an issue??
Listen Ocean. Just because they FINALLY have a passport doesn’t mean they’re culturally British. Most British guys are used to seeing arms and legs, these are perverted mullah nobs and they are a disease. Either way they are of Pakistani origin, no? I’m discussing this in the EU section for a reason. Disgusting how you lot are making excuses when in fact should be calling a wrong - WRONG.

I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist, but that comment was specifically targeted at me and to be honest getting tired of these forced to Marry Pupos and Chachas daughters fellas take their frustration out over here. The fact that Someone like me is saying this, doesn’t it show that this IS an issue??

No not at all. I don't think you're coming across as well as you think you are. Re-read some of your own comments - the generalisations and the personal digs, the very "you-centric" spectrum of looking at it.

Just because people are rude and disagree with you = The pakistani community has a problem with grooming?

That's what the second paragraph of your post comes across as, whether you intend it to or not.

Look at the stats i posted.

54,000 incidents of sexual crimes against children last year in the UK. How many of those do you think Pakistani's are responsible for?

Quillium suggest it's 222 over 15 years (which are of the type that fit into the legal definition of grooming). If we assume that's equal over all years, 222/15 = roughly 15 offences a year.

In a country where 54,000 incidents of sexual crimes against children happened last year, if 15 of those were done by Pakistani's - do you think we have a societal problem? Note there are 1.2 million of us. Out of 1.2 million maybe 50 or so were involved in such crimes, maybe 100.

100/1.3 million = ~0.01% (I'm generously rounding up)
54000/60 million = 0.09%

Does that reflect a societal problem? 0.01% of our population were likely involved in grooming. Does that reflect a societal problem?

It would seem the rest of society is 9 times more likely to commit sexual offences against children compared to Pakistani men. Which society needs the introspection more?

do you think the media coverage the issue gets reflects the scope of the crime in context of all sexual crime against children?
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Exactly. I’m glad being who I am I’ve raised this because it would’ve been viewed as a ‘racist’ case if it was going to come from another person. As I predicted natives here are obviously wounded and constantly giving me the backlash, but I’m sorry it’s the bloody truth and I’ll tell you how it is. These morons need to be slapped up and police forces need more diverse members who can carry out these arrests without being ‘politically correct’.

People who are aware of the ground facts know that there is a problem amongst some British Mirpuri Pakistanis specially up here in North England. What I know is that both the Police and some British Pakistanis failed to stop these gangs, there must have been people in the local Pakistani community who might have had some suspicion as to what was going on in their communities, the Police isn't innocent either, political correctness is not a good excuse IMO.
Listen Ocean. Just because they FINALLY have a passport doesn’t mean they’re culturally British. Most British guys are used to seeing arms and legs, these are perverted mullah nobs and they are a disease. Either way they are of Pakistani origin, no? I’m discussing this in the EU section for a reason. Disgusting how you lot are making excuses when in fact should be calling a wrong - WRONG.


Have u gotten some psychological issues? Consult a psychiatrist.

Few pages back u claimed these guys are uncle jis on Visa, so i posted the convicted ones were british nationals with dual pakistani nationality. Now what with this culturally british thing, some new gibberish u are coming up with or they are mullahs or what not. the same link u had shared has governments report that says 36 pc victims said their grooming predators were white, 27 pc said asian orgin men were their attackers. Now all those whites who attacked 37 pc victims were they also not culturally british? Or they were mullahs too?

All those posts that myself and desert fighter or anyone else who posted with stats, u are not even reading our posts cause ur replies are extremely incoherent.

U claimed these 40 yr olds approach n befriend girls, no these 40 yrs old dont approach them, they have young teenage guys who approach n befriend these gals.

U claim its pakistani community's fault who dont report such culprits from their community, when i did share that forget about other community members when the victims themself report issues to police , cops take zero action , do zilch. Also victims are threatened by gang members ,sometimes their families are threatened and harassed too, due to polices deliberate inaction these gangs have managed to plant their fear in victims', victims familys, and community members hearts. a common community member at times is not aware of stuff and if so he fears for his own safety.

The media has painted grooming gangs problem in a way which portrays that all kinds of paedophiliac and sectual(correct spellings through my post in moderation queue) crimes in Uk are carried out MAINLY by entire pakistani origin muslim commuity.

Now stop being absurd in throwing around rubbish statememts that we are not calling a WRONG - a WRONG . obviously every one who is involved in such activities should be taken to task. Lets say majority of grooming gangs are indeed operated by only pakistani origin people ,even then arrest them thats authorities job. And lets say even if all these "pakistani" operated groups are nabbed. the child abuse and exploitation crime rates will see a small drop as these people are a v small fraction of overall rape and abuse problem.

People whether they are victims or community members will only come forward when police and social services will offer them needed suport which for most of the times they were not provided and on purpose those gangs were allowed to flourish, and later blame was conveniently dumped on entire community, oh and specially mirpuris.

Anyways, carry on with ur attention seeking that suits u best , even a brick wall holds more iq than u.
People who are aware of the ground facts know that there is a problem amongst some British Mirpuri Pakistanis specially up here in North England. What I know is that both the Police and some British Pakistanis failed to stop these gangs, there must have been people in the local Pakistani community who might have had some suspicion as to what was going on in their communities, the Police isn't innocent either, political correctness is not a good excuse IMO.

Actually the problem is all punjabis.Those people who are aware of the facts know this.

Have u gotten some psychological issues? Consult a psychiatrist.

Few pages back u claimed these guys are uncle jis on Visa, so i posted the convicted ones were british nationals with dual pakistani nationality. Now what with this culturally british thing, some new gibberish u are coming up with or they are mullahs or what not. the same link u had shared has governments report that says 36 pc victims said their grooming predators were white, 27 pc said asian orgin men were their attackers. Now all those whites who attacked 37 pc victims were they also not culturally british? Or they were mullahs too?

All those posts that myself and desert fighter or anyone else who posted with stats, u are not even reading our posts cause ur replies are extremely incoherent.

U claimed these 40 yr olds approach n befriend girls, no these 40 yrs old dont approach them, they have young teenage guys who approach n befriend these gals.

U claim its pakistani community's fault who dont report such culprits from their community, when i did share that forget about other community members when the victims themself report issues to police , cops take zero action , do zilch. Also victims are threatened by gang members ,sometimes their families are threatened and harassed too, due to polices deliberate inaction these gangs have managed to plant their fear in victims', victims familys, and community members hearts. a common community member at times is not aware of stuff and if so he fears for his own safety.

The media has painted grooming gangs problem in a way which portrays that all kinds of paedophiliac and sectual(correct spellings through my post in moderation queue) crimes in Uk are carried out MAINLY by entire pakistani origin muslim commuity.

Now stop being absurd in throwing around rubbish statememts that we are not calling a WRONG - a WRONG . obviously every one who is involved in such activities should be taken to task. Lets say majority of grooming gangs are indeed operated by only pakistani origin people ,even then arrest them thats authorities job. And lets say even if all these "pakistani" operated groups are nabbed. the child abuse and exploitation crime rates will see a small drop as these people are a v small fraction of overall rape and abuse problem.

People whether they are victims or community members will only come forward when police and social services will offer them needed suport which for most of the times they were not provided and on purpose those gangs were allowed to flourish, and later blame was conveniently dumped on entire community, oh and specially mirpuris.

Anyways, carry on with ur attention seeking that suits u best , even a brick wall holds more iq than u.

Facts are for people who are interested in truth.
Actually the problem is all punjabis.Those people who are aware of the facts know this.

Never seen people from Lahore or Faisalabad origin in UK being involved in grooming gangs. Its definitely a Mirpuri thing. No disrespect to average law abiding Mirpuris but these folks are very very backward in their mentality despite being in the UK for some 50 odd years.
Actually the problem is all punjabis.Those people who are aware of the facts know this.

Facts are for people who are interested in truth.
Its a great thing to raise issues but one needs to invest time in researching a bit on subject so that one doenst ruin discussions by broad generalizations.

Shes acting similar to sharmeen obaid chonoy- personally dont like that woman one bit , but ifound her in the right for reporting the doctor who sent friends request, but the way shirmeen put the case on twitter she wrote in a smug way and made an insulting statement about pakistan that there are no limits in pakistan. And from there she ruined even a genuine grievance case.

And btw shes not even here for a serious discussion, she habitually opens a thread on a controversial topic (i am all for discussing controversial stuff) but she does it for attention seeking and starts posting flamebait stuff , when countered with facts she simply ignores ur posts content on purpose and gives a beat-around- the- bush reply.

I honestly can't give much credibilty to her since the first time i ever bothered to reply to her post here on the forum was when she posted picture of food from lahores restaurant and she tried to pass it off as her home cooked food, as i knew the restaurant -whose name i am sure does not even know- i wrote the name and then she was like oh yes when did i say i cooked it , i went to the place once , yeah right u went there last year and next year ramadan u are showing the pic as ur home cooked food forgetting the butter paper below ur sandwich has a dim image of restaurants logo.
Never seen people from Lahore or Faisalabad origin in UK being involved in grooming gangs. Its definitely a Mirpuri thing. No disrespect to average law abiding Mirpuris but these folks are very very backward in their mentality despite being in the UK for some 50 odd years.
Brother neither have I but what about the culture in Mirpur do you think is responsible? Do you think up in the foothills of the himalayas we all go around raping pale skinned children? You think we then import that attitude to the UK? Do you think people from other parts of Pakistan or other countries don't do the same thing?

Your statements are equally irresponsible as those of the white people who blame Pakistanis. The difference is you blame a small community within Pakistanis.

Do you think ethnicity has any link to likeliness to sexual exploiting of children?
Never seen people from Lahore or Faisalabad origin in UK being involved in grooming gangs. Its definitely a Mirpuri thing.
That's not actually true tbh. If you look at some of the places where these gangs operate (e.g. Oxford, Rochdale, Huddersfield), the majority of Pakistanis in these areas are actually Punjabis. So it's likely some/many of the people in these gangs are Punjabi too. I know for a fact the Oxford one included Faisalabadis. There's currently another Oxford one on trial. I also know the ringleader of the Rochdale gang was from Gujrat.
importing migration from lowest strata of society
Me. And proud of it.

Its called political correctness, police cannot go after them if they do it will be called racial or religious bias.
I have a sibling in the police force. Your right. The police are terrified of picking on on any racial or religious minority. If they see BAME they look the other way.




As you can see police in UK go out of their way to avoid Asian or Black minority groups and instead pick on white people.
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That's not actually true tbh. If you look at some of the places where these gangs operate (e.g. Oxford, Rochdale, Huddersfield), the majority of Pakistanis in these areas are actually Punjabis. So it's likely some/many of the people in these gangs are Punjabi too. I know for a fact the Oxford one included Faisalabadis. There's currently another Oxford one on trial. I also know the ringleader of the Rochdale gang was from Gujrat.

Don't share facts, they only upset thier preconceptions. Some people are willfully ignorant.
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