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Grooming Gangs


Oct 27, 2016
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
There’s a rising concern on grooming gangs and its increase which unfortunately involves South Asian Men - specifically Pakistani. Since 2011 up and down United Kingdom, the following cities have been affected:
  • Rochdale
  • Birmingham
  • Burnley
  • Leeds
  • Rotherham
  • Petersborough
  • Oxford
  • Telford
  • Norwich
  • Leicester
  • Dewsbury
  • Middlesbrough
  • Bristol
  • Halifax
  • Newcastle

Only two of those cases were the men not of South Asian heritage and all of the victims except three were white/European teenage girls. There’s a clear pattern and roughly 84% of these cases involve South Asian heritage, one must beg the question - why?

We need to stop being uncomfortable and start addressing these issues. Communities need to identify any corrupt motives and alert authorities instead of concealing due to risk or fear of damaging ‘reputation’. When sane voices are dimmed and silenced. the extreme far rights then take lead.

Most of these guys are not UK born but middle aged men from abroad, their citizenship should immediately be revoked and they should be deported back with immediate effect. A female in less clothing and more friendly in nature than what they’re used to doesn’t qualify or warrant exploitation.

It’s crucial to call out these predators.

I will probably get huge backlash for calling this out, but I’m talking facts, it doesn’t make anyone a ‘sell out’, it’s calling a spade, spade.

@waz @Jungibaaz @The Diplomat you guys know exactly what I’m talking about
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UK has become the dump yard of importing migration from lowest strata of society and tolerate it in the name of multicultralism..some of the most violent and backward muslims come from UK..Many Pakistani and Indians who went to UK found obsolete and backward cultural and rituals still active.

Once I was interested in a British born British Pakistani girl who was living in an awfully backward mentality forcing me to quit.
UK has become the dump yard of importing migration from lowest strata of society and tolerate it in the name of multicultralism..some of the most violent and backward muslims come from UK..Many Pakistani and Indians who went to UK found obsolete and backward cultural and rituals still active.

Once I was interested in a British born British Pakistani girl who was living in an awfully backward mentality forcing me to quit.

Unfortunately a certain percentage of Mirpurees who’ve come here are still clinging onto old practices and rituals.
I will probably get huge backlash for calling this out, but I’m talking facts, it doesn’t make anyone a ‘sell out’, it’s calling a spade, spade.
Its called political correctness, police cannot go after them if they do it will be called racial or religious bias. So they end up saving their own ***. It happens in all the systems. Need to get police members who are of the same racial or religion to handle such issues to avoid controversies.
Once I was interested in a British born British Pakistani girl who was living in an awfully backward mentality forcing me to quit.
hey, arent you the guy who opened a thread about watching stupid movies? dont put the blame on others its not good.
It is mostly a Pakistani and some Bangladeshi heritage thing with a random sprinkling of few dudes of Indian Origin.

Before talking about the problem I would like to state that British of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origins are some of the most poor british. (Source: http://www.poverty.org.uk/06/index.shtml).

These living conditions seem to produce wannabe south asian *gangsters* from whom no one is scared neither they are living the high of life of crime, drugs and hoes. All they do is flip burger or kebab in the day and carjack in the night. When they hang out in clubs no one gives 'em attention no matter how hard they act.

So what do they do next, find vulnerable teenage white girls and ply them alcohol and drugs and groom them.

Unfortunately a certain percentage of Mirpurees who’ve come here are still clinging onto old practices and rituals.

That's it.
The irony is that this problem has been exposed by a brit-pakistani herself. So the brit-pakistanis that do indulge in this stupid shit have no excuse in terms of playing that racist card or whatever.
There’s a rising concern on grooming gangs and its increase which unfortunately involves South Asian Men - specifically Pakistani. Since 2011 up and down United Kingdom, the following cities have been affected:
  • Rochdale
  • Birmingham
  • Burnley
  • Leeds
  • Rotherham
  • Petersborough
  • Oxford
  • Telford
  • Norwich
  • Leicester
  • Dewsbury
  • Middlesbrough
  • Bristol
  • Halifax
  • Newcastle

Only two of those cases were the men not of South Asian heritage and all of the victims except three were white/European teenage girls. There’s a clear pattern and roughly 84% of these cases involve South Asian heritage, one must beg the question - why?

We need to stop being uncomfortable and start addressing these issues. Communities need to identify any corrupt motives and alert authorities instead of concealing due to risk or fear of damaging ‘reputation’. When sane voices are dimmed and silenced. the extreme far rights then take lead.

Most of these guys are not UK born but middle aged men from abroad, their citizenship should immediately be revoked and they should be deported back with immediate effect. A female in less clothing and more friendly in nature than what they’re used to doesn’t qualify or warrant exploitation.

It’s crucial to call out these predators.

I will probably get huge backlash for calling this out, but I’m talking facts, it doesn’t make anyone a ‘sell out’, it’s calling a spade, spade.

@waz @Jungibaaz @The Diplomat @livingdead you guys know exactly what I’m talking about
no, i dont actually, am not pakistani , and dont have any community feeling whatsoever ... it came as shock to me as much as anybody else...
i blame police for not taking it seriously and now blaming the 'community' for it.. what will community do? if I do something wrong, can hindus stop me? may be muslims have better control over their community due to community spirit and mosques being important community space but still, you cant stop these sort of things from inside.

and are you sure these are from outside uk? because till now i thought they are predominantly british... sorry i have not closely followed the case but it seems lot of racist people are using this to blame south asians in general.. and pakistanis in particular...

we can go into the reason and psychology of the perpetrators and victims(much have been said)... but I refuse to take any blame for things I have zero control whatsoever.
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Awww... Britian first and Christian patrol.. Lol

These fukheads are criminals... Their leaders are we convicts...

There’s a rising concern on grooming gangs and its increase which unfortunately involves South Asian Men - specifically Pakistani. Since 2011 up and down United Kingdom, the following cities have been affected:
  • Rochdale
  • Birmingham
  • Burnley
  • Leeds
  • Rotherham
  • Petersborough
  • Oxford
  • Telford
  • Norwich
  • Leicester
  • Dewsbury
  • Middlesbrough
  • Bristol
  • Halifax
  • Newcastle

Only two of those cases were the men not of South Asian heritage and all of the victims except three were white/European teenage girls. There’s a clear pattern and roughly 84% of these cases involve South Asian heritage, one must beg the question - why?

We need to stop being uncomfortable and start addressing these issues. Communities need to identify any corrupt motives and alert authorities instead of concealing due to risk or fear of damaging ‘reputation’. When sane voices are dimmed and silenced. the extreme far rights then take lead.

Most of these guys are not UK born but middle aged men from abroad, their citizenship should immediately be revoked and they should be deported back with immediate effect. A female in less clothing and more friendly in nature than what they’re used to doesn’t qualify or warrant exploitation.

It’s crucial to call out these predators.

I will probably get huge backlash for calling this out, but I’m talking facts, it doesn’t make anyone a ‘sell out’, it’s calling a spade, spade.

@waz @Jungibaaz @The Diplomat @livingdead you guys know exactly what I’m talking about
Or perhaps you don't know about white gangs? Or Irish priests ?

Nice of to claim that all such arsehole are Pakistanis?

The irony here is that all are British... Second or third generation..
Unfortunately a certain percentage of Mirpurees who’ve come here are still clinging onto old practices and rituals.
the blame chain order
racist brits > muslims > pakistanis > mirpuris
In a civilized country govt/court punishes the criminals... only in countries where govt has abdicated responsibility you see tribes taking care of their own affairs.... girl was hassled by other tribe.. girl goes complains to her tribal elders.. they take complain to tribal elder of offending party..... they hand out punishment to perpetrator of crime... this equilibrium is maintained due to fear of inter tribe warfare.
we dont want none of that in uk.
Awww... Britian first and Christian patrol.. Lol

These fukheads are criminals... Their leaders are we convicts...

Or perhaps you don't know about white gangs? Or Irish priests ?

Nice of to claim that all such arsehole are Pakistanis?

The irony here is that all are British... Second or third generation..
Her source in original post where she claimed 84 pc offenders are of Pakistani origin is The Sun where some anonymous org British pakistani researches claims 84 pc of convicts are of pakistani background

the blame chain order
racist brits > muslims > pakistanis > mirpuris
In a civilized country govt/court punishes the criminals... only in countries where govt has abdicated responsibility you see tribes taking care of their own affairs.... girl was hassled by other tribe.. girl goes complains to her tribal elders.. they take complain to tribal elder of offending party..... they hand out punishment to perpetrator of crime... this equilibrium is maintained due to fear of inter tribe warfare.
we dont want none of that in uk.
I want to ask a question , whichever the ethnicity the gang comes from , why is brit police not catching the criminals? Why would they be so afraid of the whole racial non racail nonsense,criminals are criminals and should be incidminated .Lets say one girl gets trapped m and raped, then why she does not approach police? What hold sher back? Then if she gets intimidated by criminals why she or family dont report it to the police?

Or uk police is so impotent taht they cant arrest intimidaters and clear offenders? Or is there some more to the story?

These "young girls" about 13-14 or even younger in age ,befriend the guys and are happy to call them their boyfriends, accept gifts form them, get alcohol. drug joints and are then after some days attacked by the culprits...... Some have either been pushed into some crime opagainst their will or some at one point when they trusted their boyfriend had willingly involved themself in some criminal activity which is later used as a blackmailing threat by the gang members to orevent girls reporting them to the polic.e

Accept it or not but these young girls or their parents are at fault too in this whole mess. And there must a reason fro such a prolonged inaction from the police,
Her source in original post where she claimed 84 pc offenders are of Pakistani origin is The Sun where some anonymous org British pakistani researches claims 84 pc of convicts are of pakistani background

I want to ask a question , whichever the ethnicity the gang comes from , why is brit police not catching the criminals? Why would they be so afraid of the whole racial non racail nonsense,criminals are criminals and should be incidminated .Lets say one girl gets trapped m and raped, then why she does not approach police? What hold sher back? Then if she gets intimidated by criminals why she or family dont report it to the police?

Or uk police is so impotent taht they cant arrest intimidaters and clear offenders? Or is there some more to the story?

These "young girls" about 13-14 or even younger in age ,befriend the guys and are happy to call them their boyfriends, accept gifts form them, get alcohol. drug joints and are then after some days attacked by the culprits...... Some have either been pushed into some crime opagainst their will or some at one point when they trusted their boyfriend had willingly involved themself in some criminal activity which is later used as a blackmailing threat by the gang members to orevent girls reporting them to the polic.e

Accept it or not but these young girls or their parents are at fault too in this whole mess. And there must a reason fro such a prolonged inaction from the police,

These ‘12-16yr olds’ are kids compared to 40+. Half of these girls come from broken homes and they are groomed. That is disgusting and wrong

Awww... Britian first and Christian patrol.. Lol

These fukheads are criminals... Their leaders are we convicts...

Or perhaps you don't know about white gangs? Or Irish priests ?

Nice of to claim that all such arsehole are Pakistanis?

The irony here is that all are British... Second or third generation..

They’re not ‘British’ - a whole gang got busted in Rochdale and it was uncle jis here on VISAs. It is the truth and you don’t let patriotism cloud your judgement

the blame chain
racist brits > muslims > pakistanis > mirpuris
In a civilized country govt/court punishes the criminals... only in countries where govt has abdicated responsibility you see tribes taking care of their own affairs.... girl was hassled by other tribe.. girl goes complains to her tribal elders.. they take complain to tribal elder of offending party..... they hand out punishment to perpetrator of crime... this equilibrium is maintained due to fear of inter tribe warfare.
we dont want none of that in uk.

The truth is bitter but it’s facts not opinions
Praju Prasad, 24, from North Shields in Tyne and Wear, thought he had been talking to the schoolgirl on social media, but in fact he was messaging members of vigilante group, Guardians of the North.


Rochdale grooming gang : Top row left to right: Abdul Rauf, Hamid Safi, Mohammed Sajid and Abdul Aziz; Bottom row left to right: Abdul Qayyum, Adil Khan, Mohammed Amin and Kabeer Hassan


Shabir Ahmed, the ringleader of the Rochdale child sex grooming gang

I can go on and on but OP has made the point already.
It's a serious issue that needs to be looked at, I've often and at length spoken about generally how backwards and dysfunctional some British Pakistani communities are, specifically those that have been around for a few decades.

They're extremely isolated, poor, less well educated, they're communities exist inside their own bubble relative to the rest of the towns and cities in which they live. And it's not just those who've recently come to Britain, the youth in these places are of concern too, they're well on their way to be much poorer than ethnics and migrants of other backgrounds.

I personally do not know where these grooming gangs came from and where they existed in our communities before they were found out, but frankly, given what I've seen of our backward communities I can put the pieces together and see how we got to this stage.
These ‘12-16yr olds’ are kids compared to 40+. Half of these girls come from broken homes and they are groomed. That is disgusting and wrong
these "13-16" years are not approachd by 40 years old, they are approached and befriended by men of around their own age, these young men act as hooks on behalf of older men who later prey on these younger women. How about u start to research a subject before u post stuff, or else continue posting 84 pc type of figures posted by a sensational toilet rag "The Sun" which again quotes an obscure private org.

Lastly, instead of blaming entire community or mirpurees (@django) how about blame the cops for inaction and the victims and their parents who do not report, or the victims parents who dont raise their kids to know they should better avoid buying drugs from suspicious individuals. Also why uk police is so mellow in its action? Are they in bed with culprits? Or they know victims too are at fault in not reporting or too involved in some criminal activity
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