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Grooming Gangs

@Divergent - I'll try and find some stats for you but I read an article earlier on this year i think about this issue.

The figures around grooming gangs are alarming, but you have to look at the definition of what they are representing. "Grooming gangs" is used to refer to 1 specific method of peadophillia.


Let me give you an idea of where this stands in the scale of things;

The NSPCC states that 54,000 sexual offences were commited against children in 2015/16. That's in one year.


Yet Quilliams report is focused on 222 incidents over a period of 15 years.


Now think about those figures;

222 incidents of a single type of sexual offence against children over 15 years, in a country where 50,000 sexual offences against children are reported a year.

PERSPECTIVE is imperative.

Since you’re the only one who conducts his points in a respectful manner, I appreciate that and I will get back to your points as I’m currently looking into this. I’d seriously like to emphasise that it brings no glory to admit they’re ‘Pakistani’ or the fact that I have no respect for ancestrial roots - I’ve defended it where need be but we can’t turn a blind eye to the flaws as horrendous as they might be.

Noone denied any pakistanis imvolvement where there is a proven when. Maybe u need to drink a glass of water and go back and read the thread from ur first post onwards where u threw a random figure of 84 pc claiming all those grooming gangs are made up of paksitanis upto 84 pc then u kept harping on the entire problem of grooming gangs is mainly due to pakistanis and then without researching u kept blamimg this community that community .
If u cant hold on to ur arguments then dont jump into debates

I’m not the one throwing abuse around, I specified the link so you might want to look it up.
Man i Live amongst desis over here. Have worked with Pakistani australians/americans and Pakistani canadians as well. This is a british Pakistani problem (not all obviously). American/Canadian/Australian Pakistanis are step to step with us in everything but difference between British Indian and British Pakistani socio-economic and culturally is too huge .
indian are angels.parsad guy was pakistani muslim.
I’m not the one throwing abuse around, I specified the link so you might want to look
after going rough all ur report links i believe u do deserve all the abuse and even more to be heaped on u


Just follow it
So here in this post she talks about a report where she posts no url to the report and quotes the name of research org as Quilium and call them authorities

Quilliam looked at 58 cases of grooming gangs identified in the UK between 2005 and 2017, which led to 264 convictions for grooming.

They discovered that 222 of those convicted, or 84 per cent, were men of Asian origin and mostly of Pakistani heritage. Only 22 were black and 18 were white with two offenders not having an identified ethnicity. The findings are in stark contrast to the fact that Asians make up only seven per cent of the UK population, the study noted.

Few posts down she doesnot even remeber the org and calls it Quilibrium

What anonymous ‘shyt’ Have I accepted? These statistics are from the Quilibrium report. .

And here is the website whose report she is bragging about


And here is the link ot the report which is published by her so called "authorities" but ironically no one can read the report as its only available after u pay 8 pounds

Link https://www.quilliaminternational.c...exual-exploitation-dissecting-grooming-gangs/
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This is actually genius when you think about it, send all the weird people outside the country and then there will be less of them in Pakistan itself

Someone get me a job in the qaumi assembly
This is actually genius when you think about it, send all the weird people outside the country and then there will be less of them in Pakistan itself

Someone get me a job in the qaumi assembly

umm... i don't know if you are aware, but there is a little Canadian flag flying under your avatar. :)

The British did it though - that's how Australia was born.
after going rough all ur report links i believe u do deserve all the abuse and even more to be heaped on u


Just follow it
So here in this post she talks about a report where she posts no url to the report and quotes the name of research org as Quilium and call them authorities

Few posts down she doesnot even remeber the org and calls it Quilibrium

And here is the website whose report she is bragging about


And here is the link ot the report which is published by her so called "authorities" but ironically no one can read the report as its only available after u pay 8 pounds

Link https://www.quilliaminternational.c...exual-exploitation-dissecting-grooming-gangs/

Lmao please send me those report links I’m curious. Abuse because I’m blunt and say it how it is? I don’t do being foul with people but I do know how to shut them up. I’m discussing a social issue which is a rising concern and it’s not my fault they’ve turned out to be Pakistanis. So instead of getting wounded over the factual points I’ve presented, why not come up with rational sane points on how to resolve the problem rather than defending it?
I have actually met Mirpuris who believe white women are sluts and the whole child grooming gang thing is racist. I didn't know getting caught by Police is racism.

Few years ago I was actually talking to a couple from my town whose daughter decided to go to university away from her home(Bradford university), the couple said they were sick and tired of the fact that their daughter constantly gets abused by young Pakistani men driving around calling her horrible names and even inviting her in their cars. This is their behaviours against a young educated woman, I dread to think what they get upto if they come across underage girls from vulnerable back grounds.
indian are angels.parsad guy was pakistani muslim.

It is mostly a Pakistani and some Bangladeshi heritage thing with a random sprinkling of few dudes of Indian Origin.

Before talking about the problem I would like to state that British of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origins are some of the most poor british. (Source: http://www.poverty.org.uk/06/index.shtml).

These living conditions seem to produce wannabe south asian *gangsters* from whom no one is scared neither they are living the high of life of crime, drugs and hoes. All they do is flip burger or kebab in the day and carjack in the night. When they hang out in clubs no one gives 'em attention no matter how hard they act.

So what do they do next, find vulnerable teenage white girls and ply them alcohol and drugs and groom them.

That's it.
I have actually met Mirpuris who believe white women are sluts and the whole child grooming gang thing is racist. I didn't know getting caught by Police is racism.

Few years ago I was actually talking to a couple from my town whose daughter decided to go to university away from her home(Bradford university), the couple said they were sick and tired of the fact that their daughter constantly gets abused by young Pakistani men driving around calling her horrible names and even inviting her in their cars. This is their behaviours against a young educated woman, I dread to think what they get upto if they come across underage girls from vulnerable back grounds.

Exactly. I’m glad being who I am I’ve raised this because it would’ve been viewed as a ‘racist’ case if it was going to come from another person. As I predicted natives here are obviously wounded and constantly giving me the backlash, but I’m sorry it’s the bloody truth and I’ll tell you how it is. These morons need to be slapped up and police forces need more diverse members who can carry out these arrests without being ‘politically correct’.
As per O.P and most of the teeny Brit stock at PDF they are also Brits like O.P so don't call it Asians or Pakistanis.

Bloody western apologists.

Suffering from inferiority complex after years of suffering from white gangs questioning about their true ethincity now they turned to de-root themselves, my question ...what you will do about your skin color? Would you go Micheal Jackson's way?
As per O.P and most of the teeny Brit stock at PDF they are also Brits like O.P so don't call it Asians or Pakistanis.

Bloody western apologists.

Suffering from inferiority complex after years of suffering from white gangs questioning about their true ethincity now they turned to de-root themselves, my question ...what you will do about your skin color? Would you go Micheal Jackson's way?

Never been a victim of racism, ‘white’ people attacking and very happy about my roots thanks. Please stop making absurd accusations

@Cherokee Please ignore them. We know the ground realities and exactly how it is. Thank you for the input and continue doing so
we should not blame the victim... its police and justice system... they are to be blamed..
hope now due to so much news coverage, they cant hide their as* behind 'oh it will be racist thats why we did nothing'.. the fear of being called racist does not affect their 'random search of young black males' or 'immigration vans targetting asians'... lol
I am not blamimg victims.
When u see a prolonged inaction against a crime from one feels pressed to find put abt the problem in lil more detail.
One of the main reasons is alos the unchecked lifestyle of teenagers in western coutnries. In majority non muslim and even in indian non muslim households parents let their teen kids go out and hangout with anyone. Dont keep checks whether they use drugs, drink alcohol , hangout with guys, sleep with them. Seriously does any teemager needs to get involved in such activities, its byblarge their parents fault. Then there are predators out there who will always come up with new and innovative methods to satisfy their lust then these young people get exploited by these groups.

These young girls ,mainly white and even indian background girls are open to relationships. They get approached by young men of their age, these men befriend them , make them feel special like it happens in real relationships , buy them drinks , or get them joints either they persuade them into drugs or the gals themselves are interested (as in west many youngsters whether men or women are already into drugs ) , in some cases guy will take them out to some hotel room and rape them and take pvt pictures and threaten to show them to the family and in some other cases when girl is wilfully cosying up with the guy, couples picture are taken to threaten the girl in the future , similarly sometimes these youngsters would willfully commit criminal offense on the behest of their boyfriend (who is actually a hook used by the gang members to catch the prospect), and will later be threatened to be reported to the police on that crime if they wont comply.to now these people have tonnes of tactics to trap the victims etc.
But in the beginning phase the victims own consent is involved in hanging out with the new found bf.
Anyways, u are absolutely right its polices fault which has been for so long on purpose looking the other way. The racial excuse to not go after cirminals is as crass as it gets

I have actually met Mirpuris who believe white women are sluts and the whole child grooming gang thing is racist. I didn't know getting caught by Police is racism.

Few years ago I was actually talking to a couple from my town whose daughter decided to go to university away from her home(Bradford university), the couple said they were sick and tired of the fact that their daughter constantly gets abused by young Pakistani men driving around calling her horrible names and even inviting her in their cars. This is their behaviours against a young educated woman, I dread to think what they get upto if they come across underage girls from vulnerable back grounds.
So pakistani men catcalling on white girls becomes ermmm entire pak communitys fault? Have u ever seen white men not catcalling or harassing other women , or abusing or attacking asian and muslim women and pulling off their scarves? Also the rise in acid attacks from whites? What point are u trying to make?
These guys need to be reported to the police and law enforcement wont fix it then whose fault is it?
And i really dont get how a one off couples example here has got to do with all mirpuris or all pakistanis?
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I have actually met Mirpuris who believe white women are sluts and the whole child grooming gang thing is racist. I didn't know getting caught by Police is racism.

Few years ago I was actually talking to a couple from my town whose daughter decided to go to university away from her home(Bradford university), the couple said they were sick and tired of the fact that their daughter constantly gets abused by young Pakistani men driving around calling her horrible names and even inviting her in their cars. This is their behaviours against a young educated woman, I dread to think what they get upto if they come across underage girls from vulnerable back grounds.

You've only seen this in Bradford? Not in Pakistan? Just because you call it "eve teasing" doesn't make it any less sexual harrassment.
We know these pricks are Pakistani origins gagging to release sexual frustration and they’re not UK citizens.

And George is better than hypocrital skanks.

Well that mask of civility slipped fast.

That wasn’t targeted at you. I’m disgusted by the George comment. What a total idiot.

When "discussion" descends to what it has become in this topic, it's hard to tell what is a dig and what is a genuine view.

Just because you've not experienced racism - do you really think hatred of Muslims is not widespread in the UK?
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