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Featured Greece to Buy 18 Rafale Fighters, Four New Frigates to Boost Defense

Your own missiles also thanks to Greek patriot missiles and other sam and DCA systems.

Greece can produce nothing

but Turkiye can produce even thousands of Tactical Ballistic and Cruise Missiles also long range guided Bombs and anti radiation Missiles/Drones

all Greek PATRIOT Air Defense Systems in Athens , Thessaloniki and Skyros will be destroyed by Turkish BORA Tactical Ballistic Missiles , ATMACA , GEZGIN and SOM stealth Cruise Missiles , also Turkish KARGI anti radiation Drones ( range of 1.000+ km )

even Turkish F-16 Jets and AKINCI - MIUS UCAVs will carry guided ammunitions to destroy mobile Air Defense Systems

-- 70 km TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile
-- 110 km KUZGUN with IIR seeker
-- 120+ km MRASHM cruise Missile with IIR seeker
-- 150+ km KGK-LR with IIR seeker
-- also 150 km HARM and AKBABA anti radiation Missiles

also Turkiye develops RAMJET powered supersonic Cruise Missile

and Turkish KORKUT , HISAR-O , SIPER Air Defense Systems will protect all Turkish Military Bases

so France should stop provoke Greece against regional super power Turkiye or that will be suicide for Greeks
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Greek people are starving and sinking in unemployment but their government spend money in these things.

It would be better for Greek people be a Turkey colony than a EU colony, it would be cheaper at least.
Greece economy is recovering, see Greek 10y government bond yields. To the lowest level ever.
Turkey forex reserves is zero per Moody’s. Turkey is facing bankruptcy.
Greece economy is recovering see Greek 10y government bond yields. To the lowest level ever.
Turkey forex reserves is zero per Moody’s. Turkey is facing bankruptcy.

Greece already was bankrupt and Greece will be slave to Germany-France until 2060
all Greek Banks,Islands even all toll roads in Greece are working for huge debt to Germany-France

on the other hand ,, Turkiye has the 13th biggest GDP PPP in the World and Turkiye is a G-20 Country
even between 2011 and 2019 Turkiye spent over $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries and 3,5 millions of Syrian refugees in Turkiye

and Official reserve assets of the Turkish Central Bank reached $90.3 billion which $45.1B foreign currency reserves and $43.6B gold reserves

also Turkiye has one of lowest debt in Europe

since 2013 daydreamers says Turkey is facing bankruptcy........... keep dreaming dream is free
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Greece can produce nothing

but Turkiye can produce even thousands of Tactical Ballistic and Cruise Missiles also long range guided Bombs and anti radiation Missiles/Drones

all Greek PATRIOT Air Defense Systems in Athens , Thessaloniki and Skyros will be destroyed by Turkish BORA Tactical Ballistic Missiles , ATMACA , GEZGIN and SOM stealth Cruise Missiles , also Turkish KARGI anti radiation Drones ( range of 1.000+ km )

even Turkish F-16 Jets and AKINCI - MIUS UCAVs will carry guided ammunitions to destroy mobile Air Defense Systems

-- 70 km TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile
-- 110 km KUZGUN with IIR seeker
-- 120+ km MRASHM cruise Missile with IIR seeker
-- 150+ km KGK-LR with IIR seeker
-- also 150 km HARM and AKBABA anti radiation Missiles

also Turkiye develops RAMJET powered supersonic Cruise Missile

and Turkish KORKUT , HISAR-O , SIPER Air Defense Systems will protect all Turkish Military Bases

so France should stop provoke Greece against regional super power Turkiye or that will be suicide for Greeks
As already said : TURKEY UBER ALLES !
Stop listening all your weaponery. France don't care of Turkey.
As already said : TURKEY UBER ALLES !
Stop listening all your weaponery. France don't care of Turkey.

Turkiye doesnt show all weapons what we have

and Turks dont care about France who lost in Syria,Libya in the Eastern Mediterranean .....
MMM-E uber alles !!!
It's funny to read you.

Your ROJOVA dream is dead in Syria
Your HAFTAR dream is dead in Libya
Your GREECE dream is dead in the Eastern Mediterranean

the next is MALI ......... wait and see
Your ROJOVA dream is dead in Syria
Your HAFTAR dream is dead in Libya
Your GREECE dream is dead in the Eastern Mediterranean

the next is MALI ......... wait and see
In Syria we have killed, with some others, ISIS. And during this time you played a bad game....
In Lybia we have contributed to kill a despot.
In Greece : we will never let you make all that you want. Specially the Erdogan' Turkey. Erdogan is seen as a dangerous islamic leader.
Mali : we are smashing islamic terrorists for years. But at a moment, without european participation to share the burden, we will have to leave. But it will be our decision, not the terrorist muslims ones.

The bombing of one air base in Lybia was not enough? OK. Next time one of you ship will deseapear in a great ball of fire. I'm sure one of our SSN is in the eastern med, ready for action.

kisses my dear MMM-E
In Syria we have killed, with some others, ISIS. And during this time you played a bad game....

Your France supported PKK/YPG terror organization in Syria to destroy Syria's and Turkiye's territorial integrity

on the other hand in NATO only Turkish Army fought against ISIS in Syria and more than 3.000 ISIS terrorists were killed by Turkish Army

and Turkiye blocked over 70.000 foreign fighters to enter Syria for joing to ISIS
btw hundreds of Turks lost their lives in 14 major terror attacks by ISIS in Turkiye

In Lybia we have contributed to kill a despot.

in 2011 bandit France attacked Libya to steal oil from Libyan People
and now France support a criminal despot HAFTAR to make military coup against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA

In Greece : we will never let you make all that you want. Specially the Erdogan' Turkey. Erdogan is seen as a dangerous islamic leader.

or your MACRON is seen as a dangerous christian Crusader
and Turkiye never will let France make all that want in the Eastern Mediterranean , Syria and Libya

Mali : we are smashing islamic terrorists for years. But at a moment, without european participation to share the burden, we will have to leave. But it will be our decision, not the terrorist muslims ones.

one of the biggest terrorist is France who killed million of innocent People in Africa and stole $350-500 billion from 14 African Countries per year

and France is in Mali to steal Uranium reserves for 59 Nuclear Power Plants in France

The bombing of one air base in Lybia was not enough? OK. Next time one of you ship will deseapear in a great ball of fire. I'm sure one of our SSN is in the eastern med, ready for action.

kisses my dear MMM-E

what a funny

TURKS took Al Watiya Air Base from HAFTAR+WAGNER+France+Egypt+The Uae
and You failed to take Tripoli

btw after attack on Al Watiya Air Bases , Turkish UCAVs destroyed 1 PANTSIR Air Defense System in Jufra
3 WAGNER members dead and 7 injured

and this time be real men and dont cry to NATO that Turkish Frigate harassed French Frigate

kiss kiss bang bang
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Your France supported PKK/YPG terror organization in Syria to destroy Syria's and Turkiye's territorial integrity

on the other hand in NATO only Turkish Army fought against ISIS in Syria and more than 3.000 ISIS terrorists were killed by Turkish Army

and Turkiye blocked over 70.000 foreign fighters to enter Syria for joing to ISIS
btw hundreds of Turks lost their lives in 14 major terror attacks by ISIS in Turkiye

in 2011 bandit France attacked Libya to steal oil from Libyan People
and now France support a criminal despot HAFTAR to make military coup against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA

or your MACRON is seen as a dangerous christian Crusader
and Turkiye never will let France make all that want in the Eastern Mediterranean , Syria and Libya

one of the biggest terrorist is France who killed million of innocent People in Africa and stole $350-500 billion from 14 African Countries per year

and France is in Mali to steal Uranium reserves for 59 Nuclear Power Plants in France

what a funny

TURKS took Al Watiya Air Base from HAFTAR+WAGNER+France+Egypt+The Uae
and You failed to take Tripoli

btw after attack on Al Watiya Air Bases , Turkish UCAVs destroyed 1 PANTSIR Air Defense System in Jufra
3 WAGNER members dead and 7 injured

and this time be real men and dont cry to NATO that Turkish Frigate harassed French Frigate

kiss kiss bang bang
A full load of bull shit.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced on Saturday that Greece will buy 18 new Rafale aircraft and four frigates to address the defense needs of the country.

The Greek premier, speaking in Thessaloniki, said that the defense of the country will also be boosted through the acquisition of Romeo SH-60 Seahawk helicopters, torpedoes, anti-tank and guided missiles and the modernization of the Hydra-class frigates.

He also announced the hiring of 15,000 new professional recruits and the revitalization of the Greek defense industry.

The Rafale is a French twin-engine, multirole fighter aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation.

Equipped with a wide range of weapons, the Rafale is intended to perform air supremacy, interdiction, aerial reconnaissance, ground support, in-depth strike, anti-ship strike and nuclear deterrence missions. It is referred to as an “omnirole” aircraft by Dassault.

Hellenic Air Force deploying French Defense Industries - Dassault Avionics made Rafale Aircraft is the direct answer from French Military to the Turkish Military !!!

European Military Powers Headquarters powers can be reduced by this deployment !!! What the French Air Force is doing in Greek Military ? Performance of the Rus Federation Aircrafts have been not good in Balaad e Shaam !!!
and Official reserve assets of the Turkish Central Bank reached $90.3 billion which $45.1B foreign currency reserves and $43.6B gold reserves
Is that why Erdogan repeatedly kept asking the citizens to give all their foreign currency and gold,to the State? 😂 😂 😂
and this time be real men and dont cry to NATO that Turkish Frigate harassed French Frigate
Yes,they should have sank that Turkish Frigate on the spot. They need to understand that Erdy's only language is power. If you sink a ship or two,he'll cower back. If you shoot down 2-3 fighter jets,he won't dare to take them out for a year. Unfortunately,that's the only language he understands. "Strong messages" from Brussels and the threat of sanctions,don't scare him.
MMM-E uber alles !!!
It's funny to read you.
Mon ami,that guy was hilarious. Always boasting about "regional sup
Western arms embargo. They can't even upgrade their F-16C to F-16E like Greece is doing.
It's true.If the Americans decide to impose a total embargo,the THK will have a problem flying their F-16s and Phantoms after a while. And will stop using their HAWK batteries,they will have smaller problems with their vast fleet of M60s and M48s of course,but still...
Of course they could always buy stuff on the black market. And if more countries impose an embargo on them,then their air force is done. Of course these are all just theories...
Is that why Erdogan repeatedly kept asking the citizens to give all their foreign currency and gold,to the State? 😂 😂 😂

Yes,they should have sank that Turkish Frigate on the spot. They need to understand that Erdy's only language is power. If you sink a ship or two,he'll cower back. If you shoot down 2-3 fighter jets,he won't dare to take them out for a year. Unfortunately,that's the only language he understands. "Strong messages" from Brussels and the threat of sanctions,don't scare him.

Mon ami,that guy was hilarious. Always boasting about "regional sup

It's true.If the Americans decide to impose a total embargo,the THK will have a problem flying their F-16s and Phantoms after a while. And will stop using their HAWK batteries,they will have smaller problems with their vast fleet of M60s and M48s of course,but still...
Of course they could always buy stuff on the black market. And if more countries impose an embargo on them,then their air force is done. Of course these are all just theories...


Give it 5 years the gap between the 2 county will beyond repair of Americans or EU.
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