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Featured Greece to Buy 18 Rafale Fighters, Four New Frigates to Boost Defense

and your SCALP Missiles can be intercepted by ESSM , HISAR-O and KORKUT Systems
Your own missiles also thanks to Greek patriot missiles and other sam and DCA systems.
SCALP missile has flight altitude of 30 meters , not 3 meters
Turkish SOM missile has flight altitude of 3 meters with terrain hugging capability

1 KORKUT System = 3 x KORKUT 35mm SPAAG with 70km 3D Radar to detect and track SCALP missile and to destroy it with air burst ammunition in range of 4km

also HISAR-O Air Defense System with 120 km Radar can detect and intercept SCALP missiles

so Turkiye will produce enough numbers of KORKUT and HISAR-O Systems to protect S400s and Military Bases from Cruise Missiles
30 meters is the low flying of a Rafale in a war mission (more during peace training).
SCALP less.... thanks to digital mapping of the ground.

A 70km or 120km range ground radar is useless against a very low flying stealth missile. You know it perfectly. The SCALP and Tomahawk missiles fired on Lybia, Syria were never detected and even less destroyed. It's hard to detect such missile (even the Turkish SOM of course !) in the clutter in so small altitude if you don't have a airborn radar. And even in this case, it's so difficult.

Just see how it was easy to the turkish drone to destroy short range russian sam and dca in Syria ! It's not as powerfull as expected. Turkish products may be very good, they are not unrivaled and invicible.
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Turkey is getting radicalized under the garb of Islamism and is going rogue. It's not far that they will lose NATO membership under Erdogan. They can already kiss EU membership goodbye.
Turkey is getting radicalized under the garb of Islamism and is going rogue. It's not far that they will lose NATO membership under Erdogan. They can already kiss EU membership goodbye.
UE adhesion is in limbo for years. It's now definitively over.
NATO : the next hiatus will be a russian planes purchase. They now have no other option (the indigenous fighter is not for tomorrow, despite all the turkish patriots claming the contrary on these forums).
I think russia is not to fear as USSR was. Leaving Turkey out NATO is not the same challenge.

But the solution may come from Turkey itself. Erdogan remains popular, but not at the same extent than some years....
A 70km or 120km range ground radar is useless against a very low flying stealth missile. You know it perfectly. The SCALP and Tomahawk missiles fired on Lybia, Syria were never detected and even less destroyed. It's hard to detect such missile (even the Turkish SOM of course !) in the clutter in so small altitude if you don't have a airborn radar. And even in this case, it's so difficult.

Russians says Syria has intercepted 71 out of 103 cruise missiles fired by the United States and its allies

SCALP and TOMAHAWK can be detected and intercepted ........

Thanks to new Turkish UCAV named AKINCI

AKINCI UCAVs will be in the Sky 7/24 over the Aegean and in the Eastern Mediterranean for air based Air Defense role to detect and destroy Cruise Missiles


-- AESA Radar
-- KEMENT Tactical Data Link
-- to carry 4 GOKDOGAN air to air missiles ... ( range of 65 km ) to intercept Cruise Missiles

also Turkish AKINCI UCAV will give Turkiye cooperative engagement capability

AKINCI UCAV's AESA Radar can detect SCALP Missile and real-time network-centric warfare with integrated fire control capability for greatly enhance fleet air defense at extended ranges

-- AKINCI UCAV's AESA Radar ( to detect )
-- KEMENT Tactical Data Link ( to guide )
-- air based GOKDOGAN or land based HISAR-O or naval based G-40 networked Missiles ( to intercept )

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Greece can also destroy hangars in hours. France cans upply in a hurry up move some SCALP and some more MICA or Exocet or Hammer, as made for India some weeks ago. Not 1000, not x100, but some x10.

KORKUT 35mm is probably a nice DCA system, but without seeing the target, it is use less. SCALP fly low and stealthy. Your system, as all the other DCA system are too short in range and not able to detect it.

ESSM.... really? It's a old horse system. more short than medium ranged, with mainly the agility to chase fighters, not supersonic cruise missiles. Please.
Instead of fighting and facing an Air force in the air , destroying the fighters in bases and in hangers is a poor thinking. Generally air bases are bombed in a war , but that doesn't mean you can cripple or destroy an air force . It was happened in 1967 in Arab Israel war . But now a days it is not possible.
As MME claimed , to destroy 18 Rafaels in hangers, to do so first of all you have to know their locations which is not so easy . Greece air bases are NATO standards and heavily guarded. So it doesn't make any sense to destroy in the grounds.
It is better to plan to face air foraces in the air as Pakistan did in 27th February.
Just see how it was easy to the turkish drone to destroy short range russian sam and dca in Syria ! It's not as powerfull as expected

because of Turkish KORAL land based Radar Electronic Warfare Systems jammed Radar of Russian PANTSIR and BUK Air Defense Systems and Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs destroyed them

only Turkiye in Europe with this game changer technology

AFAIK TF-X is a pipe dream due to western embargo on Turkey because of Erdogan's hostility to Israel. Turkey can't make engine and China and Russia won't sell engine to Turkey due to Erdogan's backing of Muslim succession in Tatarstan and East Turkestan.
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Instead of fighting and facing an Air force in the air , destroying the fighters in bases and in hangers is a poor thinking. Generally air bases are bombed in a war , but that doesn't mean you can cripple or destroy an air force . It was happened in 1967 in Arab Israel war . But now a days it is not possible.
As MME claimed , to destroy 18 Rafaels in hangers, to do so first of all you have to know their locations which is not so easy . Greece air bases are NATO standards and heavily guarded. So it doesn't make any sense to destroy in the grounds.
It is better to plan to face air foraces in the air as Pakistan did in 27th February.

only smart nations like Israelis and Turks can do it ... ( to destroy most of Fighter Jets in Hangars )

1) Turkish Military Satellites GOKTURK1/2/3 to watch all Greek Air Bases
2) 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radars and Boeing E-7T AEWCs to track whole Greek Airspace and all Greek Air Bases

and hundreds of BORA , SOM , SLAM-ER , ATMACA and GEZGIN Missiles to hit Jet hangars of operational squadrons based at Araxos, Larisa, Nea Anghialos and Souda-Chania

and Greek F-16s - Rafales can not fly 7/24 in the Sky ,.., they need to return to Air Bases and Turkish Radars can track them where they landing

also Greek PATRIOT Air Defense Systems in Athens , Thessaloniki and Skyros will be destroyed by Turkish BORA Tactical Ballistic Missiles , ATMACA , GEZGIN and SOM stealth Cruise Missiles , also Turkish KARGI anti radiation Drones ( range of 1.000+ km )

even Turkish F-16 Jets and AKINCI - MIUS UCAVs will carry guided ammunitions to destroy mobile moving Air Defense Systems

-- 70 km TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile
-- 110 km KUZGUN with IIR seeker
-- 120+ km MRASHM cruise Missile with IIR seeker
-- 150+ km KGK-LR with IIR seeker
-- also 150 km HARM and AKBABA anti radiation Missiles

and Turkiye develops RAMJET powered supersonic Cruise Missile

also 8 Batteries of S400 Air Defense Systems with 40N6 long range missiles to block Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean against Rafale Jets

and Turkish HISAR-O , SIPER Air Defense Systems will protect all Turkish Military Bases

btw Turkish Air Force trained Pakistani Air Force for BVR Combat
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AFAIK TF-X is a pipe dream due to western embargo on Turkey because of Erdogan's hostility to Israel. Turkey can't make engine and China and Russia won't sell engine to Turkey due to Erdogan's backing of Muslim succession in Tatarstan and East Turkestan.

Turkiye has technology to develop turbofan Engine for the TFX by 2032
and Turkiye has already started developing turbofan engine for the TFX in 2018

also Turboshaft Engine for Helicopters and turbofan engine for MIUS UCAV will be developed via Turkish core engine of TS-1400 gas turbine engine

We dont need anyone .....
only smart nations like Israelis and Turks can do it ... ( to destroy most of Fighter Jets in Hangars )

1) Turkish Military Satellites GOKTURK1/2/3 to watch all Greek Air Bases
2) 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radars and Boeing E-7T AEWCs to track whole Greek Airspace and all Greek Air Bases

and hundreds of BORA , SOM , SLAM-ER , ATMACA and GEZGIN Missiles to hit Jet hangars of operational squadrons based at Araxos, Larisa, Nea Anghialos and Souda-Chania

and Greek F-16s - Rafales can not fly 7/24 in the Sky ,.., they need to return to Air Bases and Turkish Radars can track them where they landing

also Greek PATRIOT Air Defense Systems in Athens , Thessaloniki and Skyros will be destroyed by Turkish BORA Tactical Ballistic Missiles , ATMACA , GEZGIN and SOM stealth Cruise Missiles , also Turkish KARGI anti radiation Drones ( range of 1.000+ km )

even Turkish F-16 Jets and AKINCI - MIUS UCAVs will carry guided ammunitions to destroy mobile moving Air Defense Systems

-- 70 km TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile
-- 110 km KUZGUN with IIR seeker
-- 120+ km MRASHM cruise Missile with IIR seeker
-- 150+ km KGK-LR with IIR seeker
-- also 150 km HARM and AKBABA anti radiation Missiles

also 8 Batteries of S400 Air Defense Systems with 40N6 long range missiles to block Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean against Rafale Jets

and Turkish HISAR-O , SIPER Air Defense Systems will protect all Turkish Military Bases

btw Turkish Air Force trained Pakistani Air Force for BVR Combat
Happy to see all the achievements and advanced defence systems by Turkey.
Turkish pilots are one of the best pilots in the world. But as a realistic person you have to agree with that Turkish Airforce facing two problems.
1. TuAF have a fifth generation fighter problem.
2. US congress blocked F 16 upgrading kits too .
So the transition period is vital for TuAF . There is no suitable and good options for Turkey if they can't resolve the issues with the west.
because of Turkish KORAL land based Radar Electronic Warfare Systems jammed Radar of Russian PANTSIR and BUK Air Defense Systems and Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs destroyed them

only Turkiye in Europe with this game changer technology
View attachment 670142
View attachment 670144
All the weapons made and/or use by Turkish are marvellous and so powerfull. I think you have death star in the sky, on the ground, on and under the sea.
All the weapons opposed can be defeated, have weakness, are bull shit.
Case closed.
Turkiye has technology to develop turbofan Engine for the TFX by 2032
and Turkiye has already started developing turbofan engine for the TFX in 2018

also Turboshaft Engine for Helicopters and turbofan engine for MIUS UCAV will be developed via Turkish core engine of TS-1400 gas turbine engine

We dont need anyone .....
sound like Indian DRDO about Kaveri twenty five years ago...
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