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Just look at the maps and tell me its fair to have the islands that are merely few kms from their coast?? Also greek disnt allow Turkish right on the sea west of cyprus.
These islands were ancient greek since antiquity. Now a Turk would say "Yes and we conquered them,so they are ours by right of conquest!". Ok then,during the First Balkan war,we liberated them. And after WWII the Dodecanese were returned to Greece by the Italians.
The Turks don't have any right on them.
If you are referring to Kastelorizo,that small island with two other tiny islands next to it, west of Cyprus,that's an inhabited Island. People live there,it's not just a garrison.
There's countries with Islands far away from them and close to other countries. That doesn't mean the other countries can claim them just like that. If Sri Lanka was part of Pakistan,would the Indians be right if they said "Hey,it's closer to us,so it should be ours" ?

greece have always interfered with Turkey and i guess they have shown restraint.
What makes you think it's not the other way around? That Turkey has been causing trouble for decades?
You also cannot blame Turkey for the refugees, they disnt start the war. They cannot stop all the refugees and its not as if Greece is treating the refugees any better.
When it comes to the Syrian refugees,they are partly to blame because they had a big involvement to the uprise from the beginning. But I'm not blaming the Turks for the refugees coming from Asia and North Africa,but for using them as a weapon against us,especially during last year's events. There was an organized attempt by the Turkish authorities to push tens of thousands of refugees and immigrants from land and sea.Turkish MRAPs trying to pull down part of our border fence,Turkish police and army using small drones to drop tear gas on our side of the border,there were incidents were they fired at our police,they were constantly informing the refugees what routes to take to get into Europe,provided maps to them and even free or cheap bus rides to take them to the border at Evros. They also often misinformed them,saying the Greeks opened their border and when they got there,they found out that was a lie.
They would also prod them and often by violence,to try and get over the fences or break the border gates.
On the sea,they would send families on boats and as soon as we tried to push them back or rescue them on occasion,their coast guard would often try to interfere. Then,they lied and accused us of "firing at refugees".
And France will be signing its own death warrants by taking bout nuking anybody.
You think its childs play nuking countries in 2021?
Nobody said France would nuke someone. What are you talking about?

France itself has no capability to take in Turkey. Its not some small african colony it can exploit.
Why? Explain to me.

Greeks are exploiting them for cheap labour. And those idiots are stuck there out of shame.
5 or so euros a day? A labourer in Pak makes more.
Ok,take them to Pakistan.
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These islands were ancient greek since antiquity. Now a Turk would say "Yes and we conquered them,so they are ours by right of conquest!". Ok then,during the First Balkan war,we liberated them. And after WWII the Dodecanese were returned to Greece by the Italians.
The Turks don't have any right on them.
If you are referring to Kastelorizo,that small island with two other tiny islands next to it, west of Cyprus,that's an inhabited Island. People live there,it's not just a garrison.
There's countries with Islands far away from them and close to other countries. That doesn't mean the other countries can claim them just like that. If Sri Lanka was part of Pakistan,would the Indians be right if they said "Hey,it's closer to us,so it should be ours" ?

What makes you think it's not the other way around? That Turkey has been causing trouble for decades?

When it comes to the Syrian refugees,they are partly to blame because they had a big involvement to the uprise from the beginning. But I'm not blaming the Turks for the refugees coming from Asia and North Africa,but for using them as a weapon against us,especially during last year's events. There was an organized attempt by the Turkish authorities to push tens of thousands of refugees and immigrants from land and sea.Turkish MRAPs trying to pull down part of our border fence,Turkish police and army using small drones to drop tear gas on our side of the border,there were incidents were they fired at our police,they were constantly informing the refugees what routes to take to get into Europe,provided maps to them and even free or cheap bus rides to take them to the border at Evros. They also often misinformed them,saying the Greeks opened their border and when they got there,they found out that was a lie.
They would also prod them and often by violence,to try and get over the fences or break the border gates.
On the sea,they would send families on boats and as soon as we tried to push them back or rescue them on occasion,their coast guard would often try to interfere. Then,they lied and accused us of "firing at refugees".

Nobody said France would nuke someone. What are you talking about?

Why? Explain to me.

Ok,take them to Pakistan.
France cant invade Turkey or do shit militarily.
Than why did you mention french nukes?
We would.. than again immigrants use greece as an entry point into europe. Nobody wants to live in a country that itself is reliant on EUs scraps.
France cant invade Turkey or do shit militarily.
Than why did you mention french nukes?
We would.. than again immigrants use greece as an entry point into europe. Nobody wants to live in a country that itself is reliant on EUs scraps.
I didn't mention French nukes. What are you talking about?
Don't underestimate your enemy - it is the biggest mistake one can make. Besides massive Turkish army Erdogan has army of terrorists and we do not now how far his influence in jihadists circles reach - I suppose he can make some troubles inside France.
But I think in long term France in much better position because it make ammunition and armament on its own. Turkey will be very vulnerable and depend on foreign supplies. They will very soon feel the shortage of ammunitions.
We are perfectly aware of the influence of Mister Erdogan in jihadism circles... The turkish mosques are under scrutinity for exemple....
France cant invade Turkey or do shit militarily.
Than why did you mention french nukes?
We would.. than again immigrants use greece as an entry point into europe. Nobody wants to live in a country that itself is reliant on EUs scraps.
Desert fighter = desert brain.
I didn't mention French nukes. What are you talking about?
He is a troll.
Some stuff said in this topic is a little crazy.

Some facts and i think @Foinikas already said most.

1. Greece has excellent relations with France and always had. So its no suprise that those aircrafts were ordered.

2. Someone here said "greeks are starving" and i was like...WHATTT? Greece is a EU member nation and has one of the highest living standards in the world. We had a economic crisis few years ago but even then Greece was above most of the world. Just to give a hint, the average income in Greece is 16.900 € per year. The average income in Turkey is 3.070 €- This means the average greek has an income 5.5 times higher than the average turk.

3. About the islands, i cant believe what i must read. XD Those islands are greek since thousands of years. Greeks lives always there. Only greeks live on them now. Evry of those islands is greek 100%.

4. Greece has excellent relations with all nations around the med. Just few days ago the leaders of the med nations had a meeting in Athens. The only one who has trouble with all med nations is Turkey. Turkey is in conflict with Creece, Cyprus, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and so on?

5. The conflict is not between Greece and Turkey. Its between Greece and Erdogan. We have no problem with the turkish people. The reason is clear, Erdogan loses more and more support in his own country and he needs outside enemies to at least win the nationalists.

The best we can do is to simply ignore Erdogan. He is old and soon history. His little provocations are funny and should seen as a clowns act.
Some stuff said in this topic is a little crazy.

Some facts and i think @Foinikas already said most.

1. Greece has excellent relations with France and always had. So its no suprise that those aircrafts were ordered.

2. Someone here said "greeks are starving" and i was like...WHATTT? Greece is a EU member nation and has one of the highest living standards in the world. We had a economic crisis few years ago but even then Greece was above most of the world. Just to give a hint, the average income in Greece is 16.900 € per year. The average income in Turkey is 3.070 €- This means the average greek has an income 5.5 times higher than the average turk.

3. About the islands, i cant believe what i must read. XD Those islands are greek since thousands of years. Greeks lives always there. Only greeks live on them now. Evry of those islands is greek 100%.

4. Greece has excellent relations with all nations around the med. Just few days ago the leaders of the med nations had a meeting in Athens. The only one who has trouble with all med nations is Turkey. Turkey is in conflict with Creece, Cyprus, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and so on?

5. The conflict is not between Greece and Turkey. Its between Greece and Erdogan. We have no problem with the turkish people. The reason is clear, Erdogan loses more and more support in his own country and he needs outside enemies to at least win the nationalists.

The best we can do is to simply ignore Erdogan. He is old and soon history. His little provocations are funny and should seen as a clowns act.

Remember you are on a forum where Pakistanis are more Turks than the Turks themselves and whose logic is simply "those islands are turkish because they are near Turkey".
Remember you are on a forum where Pakistanis are more Turks than the Turks themselves and whose logic is simply "those islands are turkish because they are near Turkey".
Oui c'est vrais! @Apollon There are a lot of amazing Pakistanis here,some fantastic people,but there are also A LOT who are fanatically loyal to Turkey,not just out of the traditional friendship or Pakistani-Turkish "brotherhood",but because they actually love Erdogan and see Turkey as the victim in everything and a brave conqueror when it they take hostile action. So basically these fanatic ones hear only one side of the story and believe it just like that. They don't care to check the other side. For them Erdogan is the protector of the Ummah and an example for muslim leaders to follow. And everyone else is the "evil West" and "crusaders".

2. Someone here said "greeks are starving" and i was like...WHATTT? Greece is a EU member nation and has one of the highest living standards in the world. We had a economic crisis few years ago but even then Greece was above most of the world. Just to give a hint, the average income in Greece is 16.900 € per year. The average income in Turkey is 3.070 €- This means the average greek has an income 5.5 times higher than the average turk.
Well we're still not as good as we used to be before 2009,we still have pensions and salaries cut significantly,but somehow everybody thinks that we are Uganda or something 🤷‍♂️

5. The conflict is not between Greece and Turkey. Its between Greece and Erdogan. We have no problem with the turkish people. The reason is clear, Erdogan loses more and more support in his own country and he needs outside enemies to at least win the nationalists.
Yeah.We've had problems before and we almost went to war twice the last 30 years or so,but the big problems and provocations started with Erdogan in the late 2000s and especially from the mid-2010s onward.
These islands were ancient greek since antiquity. Now a Turk would say "Yes and we conquered them,so they are ours by right of conquest!". Ok then,during the First Balkan war,we liberated them. And after WWII the Dodecanese were returned to Greece by the Italians.
The Turks don't have any right on them.
If you are referring to Kastelorizo,that small island with two other tiny islands next to it, west of Cyprus,that's an inhabited Island. People live there,it's not just a garrison.
There's countries with Islands far away from them and close to other countries. That doesn't mean the other countries can claim them just like that. If Sri Lanka was part of Pakistan,would the Indians be right if they said "Hey,it's closer to us,so it should be ours" ?

What makes you think it's not the other way around? That Turkey has been causing trouble for decades?

When it comes to the Syrian refugees,they are partly to blame because they had a big involvement to the uprise from the beginning. But I'm not blaming the Turks for the refugees coming from Asia and North Africa,but for using them as a weapon against us,especially during last year's events. There was an organized attempt by the Turkish authorities to push tens of thousands of refugees and immigrants from land and sea.Turkish MRAPs trying to pull down part of our border fence,Turkish police and army using small drones to drop tear gas on our side of the border,there were incidents were they fired at our police,they were constantly informing the refugees what routes to take to get into Europe,provided maps to them and even free or cheap bus rides to take them to the border at Evros. They also often misinformed them,saying the Greeks opened their border and when they got there,they found out that was a lie.
They would also prod them and often by violence,to try and get over the fences or break the border gates.
On the sea,they would send families on boats and as soon as we tried to push them back or rescue them on occasion,their coast guard would often try to interfere. Then,they lied and accused us of "firing at refugees".

Nobody said France would nuke someone. What are you talking about?

Why? Explain to me.

Ok,take them to Pakistan.

Often colonial states have such islands, see how brits have falklands, when it doesnt make any sense, the same goes for Gibraltar. I guess Turkey even ready to accept those islands as greek but the sea belongs to turks, u cannot have all the sea area west of cyprus. Refugees are used as weapon by westerners as well, Turkey hosts the most refugees, did anyone tap them on the back for that? I still find greeks way better than french and brits and think both Turkey and greece should work it out and greece should not become a pawn of western Europe.
ften colonial states have such islands, see how brits have falklands, when it doesnt make any sense, the same goes for Gibraltar. I guess Turkey even ready to accept those islands as greek but the sea belongs to turks, u cannot have all the sea area west of cyprus.
Man I suppose you are referring to Kastelorizo:

Screenshot_2021-09-30 Map of Syrian Civil War - Syria news and incidents today - syria liveuam...png

Screenshot_2021-09-30 Map of Syrian Civil War - Syria news and incidents today - syria liveuam...png

Now check the map of the Greek and Cypriot EEZs that are legal by international law and check Erdogan's claims in the same map.


Do you see how much sea the Turks have for them? And besides...Erdogan claims they found "135 billion cm" of gas in the Black Sea. If they really did find such resources,why do they want to risk war and bad relations with all the countries in the east Mediterranean for the uknown quantities there? ;)

Erdogan's policy is this: What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine. They demanded the Greek Cypriots to either share the profits from their EEZ with the Turkish Cypriots or not drill at all.
Often colonial states have such islands, see how brits have falklands, when it doesnt make any sense, the same goes for Gibraltar. I guess Turkey even ready to accept those islands as greek but the sea belongs to turks, u cannot have all the sea area west of cyprus. Refugees are used as weapon by westerners as well, Turkey hosts the most refugees, did anyone tap them on the back for that? I still find greeks way better than french and brits and think both Turkey and greece should work it out and greece should not become a pawn of western Europe.

Those islands are greek since thousands of years, they are inhabitated only by greeks. What makes you think Turkey "maybe" will accept this reality? There is nothing to accept, its simply reality.
Man I suppose you are referring to Kastelorizo:

View attachment 781046
View attachment 781047

Now check the map of the Greek and Cypriot EEZs that are legal by international law and check Erdogan's claims in the same map.

View attachment 781048

Do you see how much sea the Turks have for them? And besides...Erdogan claims they found "135 billion cm" of gas in the Black Sea. If they really did find such resources,why do they want to risk war and bad relations with all the countries in the east Mediterranean for the uknown quantities there? ;)

Erdogan's policy is this: What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine. They demanded the Greek Cypriots to either share the profits from their EEZ with the Turkish Cypriots or not drill at all.

That Turkish line seems fair, its right in the middle between Turkish and greek mainland. Thats how it is supposed to be, small islands dont have 200 mile EEZ. The sea to south of kastelorizo should belong to Turkey. I dont know why u cant see that greeks are unfairly claiming all the sea.
Those islands are greek since thousands of years, they are inhabitated only by greeks. What makes you think Turkey "maybe" will accept this reality? There is nothing to accept, its simply reality.

And u also claim that each of those islands will have a 200 mile EEZ with it as well. What makes u own the sea as well??
Pardon me, Im poking my nose without reading the entire thread!

I'm talking about a defensive war. We don't want to start a war with Turkey,but if they attack us,we will fight back. We're not such an easy target as they might present us in their media. Just like India presents Pakistan as a smaller country with smaller population and bad economy,that is in an arms race with India and asks for the help of China etc.
I liked this comparison :p:
What good would do Pakistan to give nukes to Turkey?
Well it is my illogical hunch, I believe "if Turkish homeland is threatened" and Turkey asks for nukes Pakistan will help them. :rolleyes1:

Man, we South Asian Muslims are more Turk then westernized turks... :whistle:
Easy, Give Support to Kashmir W.r.t To Pakistan and win Respect, That's what Turkeys doing, they are raising Voice Diplomatically, Is Greece doing that? 🤔
BTW, why you folks are discussing about war between Greece vs Turkey?

I believe, Turks aren't idiot enough (even with mr Erdogan on helm) to go to war or any skirmish with any country when Turkish economy is in bad situation. And, Greece ain't going to gain anything by taking Turkish land.

They're just doing arms race as a body building competition...
That Turkish line seems fair, its right in the middle between Turkish and greek mainland. Thats how it is supposed to be, small islands dont have 200 mile EEZ. The sea to south of kastelorizo should belong to Turkey. I dont know why u cant see that greeks are unfairly claiming all the sea.

And u also claim that each of those islands will have a 200 mile EEZ with it as well. What makes u own the sea as well??

So what zone in the sea is greek around our islands? Please tell.
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