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Greece Quietly Provides Israeli Air Force Pivotal Assistance on S-300

@500: Americans never fought for Israel , directly NO - Indirectly Yes !
Yeah aliens from alpha centauri also iderectly fight for Israel.

In that video he said in farsi Marg ba Israel = Literal meaning Death to Israel Real meaning Down with Israel.
yeah Death to Israel actualy means lets live in peace.

(He didn't say "wipe Israel out of the map" which your media cries about )
You were crying about Ahmadinejad's shirt on the cartoon. I showed that shirt is 100% correct.

As for "wipe Israel out of the map", Iranians write this on their rockets during military parades and posters all over Tehran.

Many countries have the financial capacity to buy modern armaments.
Those who have are buying.

Iran's petrodollars are quite allow him to acquire a modern air defense
Iranians have lots of petrodollars, but they need to feed 70 million people. Thats why they cant afford lots of new weapons.
Israel offered a state to Palestinians several times. But they refused. They want a stead instead of Israel not near Israel.

By the way, who's Israel on the earth of God(Allah) to decide whether Palestinian need a independent state or not; however, if Israel did offer a state but on what terms...plz let us know...

If u check wikileaks logs u will see that Arab states are thow who are scared the most of Iranian nuclear program.
Wikileaks is not a final verdict or testimony of truth...& i don't understand why Arabs would be scared to death from Iran's Nuclear Program or nukes
@ Galaxy

Iranians have brave heart & courageous soul to & they say what they want to convey or say out loud without any fear
Those who have are buying.

Many countries restrict their range of weapons to be sold (for various reasons). For example, if you put up for sale a modern nuclear submarine you buy it at any price. For certain types of weapons there is a constant demand but no supply.

Iranians have lots of petrodollars, but they need to feed 70 million people. Thats why they cant afford lots of new weapons.[/QUOTE]

Who does not want to feed an army. He will feed someone else's army. Currently, Libya is a good example. Large foreign exchange reserves and a backward army. Lists you have Libya's modern air defense there would be no any aggression by NATO. NATO is like an adult bully in children consuming sweets. NATO is a force that recognizes only other force. All contracts and morality in this matter are not worth a dime.
Americans never fought for Israel. Americans fought for Arabs, USSR fought for Arabs. No country fought for Israel.

I understand what your saying but it should be noted that the IDF has a large number of Americans (dual citizens) serving in it since 1948. It was also the U.S. under Nixon that made emergency airlifts of needed supplies during the 73 war.
Yeah aliens from alpha centauri also iderectly fight for Israel.

Who provides technology & money to Israel ?

yeah Death to Israel actualy means lets live in peace.

As i said for what you are doing you deserve much more than condemnation.

You were crying about Ahmadinejad's shirt on the cartoon. I showed that shirt is 100% correct.

yes 100% correct Zionist propaganda.

As for "wipe Israel out of the map", Iranians write this on their rockets during military parades and posters all over Tehran.

If you can eat a whole country , they do deserve the right to put you in their gun sights. Tit for tat
Hello guys. Joining from Greece and having good access to Greek media I can assure you that there has been great criticism to the political and military leadership of my country as to where should we allow Israelis gain access to S300 intel.

Military sources in Greece both officially and unofficially made clear that this did not happen and can never happen. Besides Russia would never allow such a thing to happen. Russian leadership made also clear through unofficial sources that will not tolerate this.
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