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Greece Quietly Provides Israeli Air Force Pivotal Assistance on S-300

Look at Ahmadinejad's shirt --

shirt doesn't say to wipe Israel off the map it says death to Israel. this is chanted by all at most rallies sponsered by the Government. Ahmadinejad did quote Khomeini concerning wiping Israel off the map. And used the quote to show support for such a thing happening. Couple that with Irans funding, training, and arming of proxy armies all around the middle east. And Israel and the rest of the world has a reason to be alarmed if Iran was to build nukes.
So you are suggesting that it would be US tax payer dollars , Soldiers , machines going to war with Iran on the behalf of Israel (yet again) ?
Americans never fought for Israel. Americans fought for Arabs, USSR fought for Arabs. No country fought for Israel.

Look at Ahmadinejad's shirt --

Iran will always be a threat for Israel :flame:
Its much bigger threat for local sunni dictatorships with shia minorities/majorities.
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As far as Israel is concerned...it's ideology difference....faith difference...difference of religion...whether it's be Pakistan or Iran...Jewish successfully use U.S to advocate their ideology. Why not Israel accept Palestine people right to have their own Muslim state??? & Why Israel is scared of Iran's Nuclear Program???
It wouldn't be on behalf of Israel. Iran is a threat to the entire region. We will see what happens after the 2012 US elections. The UN as well as Obama lack the backbone to do anything right now. You can only draw so many lines in the sand with Iran before action needs to be taken.


Funny how this cartoon reminds me of Obama asking Israel pre 1967 borders and Israelis telling him to f off correct me if i am wrong that also has some thing to do with lines so when are you yanks going to attack Israel for the oh i don't no 10000s of UN resolutions against them or only UN resolution that's in favor of Israel written by Israel is acceptable to the Americans Funny isn't it.
=500;1833834]Americans never fought for Israel. Americans fought for Arabs, USSR fought for Arabs. No country fought for Israel.

Ouch that would hurt if i was an American all that loyalty and 100s of billions of dollars/ yr yet not even a simple thank you out right denial that's got to hurt.

Its much bigger threat for local sunni dictatorships with shia minorities/majorities.

psss you might not have heard but the secret is out Friends of Israel also known as dictators ships are threat to all Muslim.

Video editing who would no more about it then People who run Hollywood
As far as Israel is concerned...it's ideology difference....faith difference...difference of religion...whether it's be Pakistan or Iran...Jewish successfully use U.S to advocate their ideology. Why not Israel accept Palestine people right to have their own Muslim state???
Israel offered a state to Palestinians several times. But they refused. They want a stead instead of Israel not near Israel.

& Why Israel is scared of Iran's Nuclear Program???
If u check wikileaks logs u will see that Arab states are thow who are scared the most of Iranian nuclear program.
1. Greeks in this situation proved to be shallow asshole.
2. Here's a reason why Russia supplies its weapons for export to the understated performance.
3. If the United States despite protests from Russia will deploy a European missile defense system. U.S. and its allies will have a big problem. Small victorious war will leave in the past. Russia will supply its arms to all comers. Then, Israeli jets can test the effectiveness of S-300 systems in real combat conditions. :tdown:
Iran doesn't have anything worth worrying about except it's nuclear program. There are no sophisticated Russian or Chinese weapons, but there are some neat little domestic toys but they will have little significance against Israeli F-16's and their army will do little good invading Israel for a retaliation because then the whole world will make Iran a glass factory including our Arab allies.
1. No smart weapons by NATO. But there are very expensive. However it is his single "Dignity ".
2. If Russia will allow the free purchase of its weapons to Iran. Then an Israeli F-16 and even American F-18 will be like ducks in hunting season. :P
1. Greeks in this situation proved to be shallow asshole.
2. Here's a reason why Russia supplies its weapons for export to the understated performance.
3. If the United States despite protests from Russia will deploy a European missile defense system. U.S. and its allies will have a big problem. Small victorious war will leave in the past. Russia will supply its arms to all comers. Then, Israeli jets can test the effectiveness of S-300 systems in real combat conditions. :tdown:
Russia does not have money to supply weapons free like USSR did before.
@500: Americans never fought for Israel , directly NO - Indirectly Yes !

In that video he said in farsi Marg ba Israel = Literal meaning Death to Israel Real meaning Down with Israel.
(He didn't say "wipe Israel out of the map" which your media cries about ) What is wrong with that ?

For what you are doing to Palestine , you deserve much more than condemnation.
Russia does not have money to supply weapons free like USSR did before.

Many countries have the financial capacity to buy modern armaments. Iran's petrodollars are quite allow him to acquire a modern air defense, coastal defense systems (flushing foreign carriers in the Persian Gulf), tactical missile systems, a nice bonus for purchasing information in the form of satellite reconnaissance and targeting systems (to all become "more interesting"). The only problem is that Russia does not want an escalation of military tension in its southern borders. Therefore, Russia supplying arms to the region defined doses. However, all may change over time (by NATO troops in Iran in clear violation of Russia's security). Afghanistan is no exception. If, after the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan sovetskih there continued to be held pro-Moscow regime (which succeeded in overthrowing only after the "collapse" of the USSR). Pro-American regime there obviously will not stay (according to some sources from the press the Karzai government is already buying up property in some Arab countries). Success of NATO's forces are far from making statements of their commanders (though the Taliban did not supply weapon is not one of the superpowers). Between the Soviet and American presence, there is one significant difference. All that is functioning at present in Afghanistan were built by Soviet specialists (schools, hospitals, power plants, roads, tunnels, factories). USSR invested huge funds for development in Afghanistan.
Americans for the duration of your stay dug a couple of miserable wells (with their inherent hype). Instead, something to take the local population the real work of NATO condemned them to engage in drug production (the only power in Afghanistan, which is really struggling with this problem were the Taliban).
Iran doesn't have anything worth worrying about except it's nuclear program. There are no sophisticated Russian or Chinese weapons, but there are some neat little domestic toys but they will have little significance against Israeli F-16's and their army will do little good invading Israel for a retaliation because then the whole world will make Iran a glass factory including our Arab allies.

Experts would say otherwise, there are numerous weapons systems that came from Russian that were later copied; and a number of occasions where Russian systems were though to be inferior but upon examination that was not the case.
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