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Greater India

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I must buildup my stamina and bring up all my energies and use all my knowledge I acquired in recent years and give em my best in TROLLING in this Troll Thread
Nope they gave it up after Islam came to South East Asia...since then they used Jawi and now they use Latin and Jawi

So even if Indians did come to S.E.Asia...China had more accounts of it...either Indians didnt keep accounts or they ended up paying tribute to China (List of tributaries of Imperial China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The empire was ruled by pagan or Hindu kings converted to Islam by Indians, Arabs and merchants from other parts of Maritime Southeast Asia who came to trade and spread Islam. No local or indigenous sources exist to provide evidence for any of this, so Chinese texts have been used to construct a history of early Brunei.[1] Boni in Chinese sources refers to probably Borneo as a whole, while Poli 婆利, probably located in Sumatra, is claimed by local authorities to refer to Brunei as well. The earliest diplomatic relations between Borneo (Boni 渤泥) and China are recorded in the Taiping huanyuji太平環宇記

History is history...it keeps changing with new info added every now and then..not until some stable info is added I dont bother much about it :tup:

Plus its an Indian speaker def he will support man started from India over Man started from Africa theory...
The list is a joke. All kingdoms that sent ambassadors to the Chinese court were treated like tributary kingdoms.
But the Chinese culture only influenced Vietnam.
The list is a joke. All kingdoms that sent ambassadors to the Chinese court were treated like tributary kingdoms.
But the Chinese culture only influenced Vietnam.
Dude do you know the meaning of sending tributary? They brought their "gifts" for the emperor in return for trade and other goodies + protection....and def had culture change ...Do you think Chinese emperors wouldnt have any form of influence on their tributary kingdoms?
Dude do you know the meaning of sending tributary? They brought their "gifts" for the emperor in return for trade and other goodies + protection....and def had culture change ...Do you think Chinese emperors wouldnt have any form of influence on their tributary kingdoms?

There is very little Chinese influence in those countries compared to those came from India. Only Vietnam, Japan and Korea had a cultural influence from China.
Why are you always so pissed up, any problem........
Ahh leave him,he is one of those internet keyborad warrior type troll who doesn't have a real job(other than trolling) to do!!:rofl:
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There is very little Chinese influence in those countries compared to those came from India. Only Vietnam, Japan and Korea had a cultural influence from China.
You think? And Singapore and Malaysia celebrates Chinese New Year for fun :rofl:
You can always try this.......


Shove this to your silencer and you will be fine.......

What's that? An Ingenious Indian hand grenade?
What's that? An Ingenious Indian hand grenade?
No it's actually a Canadian hand granade!Btw dude why did you remove your own picture from your profile:(?You looked such handsome:rofl::rofl::rofl: in that picture!!Btw how's life in Canada because the last time i checked your country was literally owned by the Indian Sikh diaspora:omghaha::omghaha:
No it's actually a Canadian hand granade!Btw dude why did you remove your own picture from your profile:(?You looked such handsome:rofl::rofl::rofl: in that picture!!Btw how's life in Canada because the last time i checked your country was literally owned by the Indian Sikh diaspora:omghaha::omghaha:

I have lost some weight so I don't look as great sitting in that armchair any more (I don't want to misrepresent, you know).
Some part of Canada is owned by Indians, Sikhs especially. That's true.

Where I am, I haven't met one yet. Indians in general like living in cities, big cities where there are plenty of convenience.
Dude you work or live on Pension...........Looks your mind doesn't work.......

You do like to make assumptions, don't you?

I am retired. It doesn't mean I sponge off the government. There is this thing call investment and savings you know.
But you are right about one thing, my mind doesn't work as quick as it used to. And that's why I came to pdf to sharpen my mind.
You do like to make assumptions, don't you?

I am retired. It doesn't mean I sponge off the government. There is this thing call investment and savings you know.
But you are right about one thing, my mind doesn't work as quick as it used to. And that's why I came to pdf to sharpen my mind.

And why so much hate for India/Indian.........any personal reason.
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