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Greater Bangladesh

That's non-Hispanic whites. Now add the Hispanic whites!!

That was indeed non-Hispanic whites. Hispanic whites have a different language, culture, and ethnic origin that is distinct from non-Hispanic whites. They also have a different homeland. They meet your definition:
What's the difference? Ethnicity have 3 things that make them a nation (in the old world sense): 1. an ancestral land they own 2. speak a language (in private + public) different from other groups living around them 3. same race.

Not to mention that even most self-identified "White" Hispanics have quite a bit of Amerindian ancestry.
They also have a different homeland. .

Yes but USA is not their homeland. They are not living on their ancestral land.

The only real possibility of hispanics wanting to secede is if Mexicans ever became a majority (by a big margin) in Texas!! (and stopped speaking English in public, resulting in a cultural shift)

Whites will never let that happen and Trump is gonna drive all illegals out from Texas.

Not to mention that even most self-identified "White" Hispanics have quite a bit of Amerindian ancestry.

Bit doesn't matter. If you have 90% Pashtun genes and 10% Hazara - you will identify as Pashtun!
Bit doesn't matter. If you have 90% Pashtun genes and 10% Hazara - you will identify as Pashtun!

It's rarely a 90%-10% split. More like 60-70% European. Point is, they aren't completely, or almost completely, European in origin.

More importantly, you haven't addressed my other, more relevant, points:
And a bare majority of babies being born in this country are non-white.

Indonesia, Malaysia, and Switzerland are a few examples of multi-ethnic states. I don't think that they will disintegrate anytime soon. Also, not every ethnic group is large enough to form its own country.
Oh give me a break you bindi-wali bangladeshi


You guys call yourselves Muslim but follow these pagan customs and even wear bindis which represent goddess Parvati. I have never seen Indian Muslims do this. I mean what is this culture you bangladeshis have? Some kind of horrid mixture of Hindu and Muslim culture which is so weird in its extreme forms. Atleast West Bengalis haven't compromised their religion and the culture which comes along with it. Its so irritating to see you guys emulate these Hindu customs because we really don't want to have anything to do with you tossers.

Kindly don't invoke India in your posts from now on. Its quite irritating to be frank. I mean like seriously we don't want to have anything to do with bangladesh or whatever culture you have

I can only thank you once for this hard hitting truth you just despensed.
Indonesia, Malaysia, and Switzerland are a few examples of multi-ethnic states. I don't think that they will disintegrate anytime soon.

Indonesia will meet the same fate as India.

In Malaysia, Tamils and Chinese are not living in their homeland- even if they were, they are too scattered (which happens when you are migrant and not native).

Switzerland - not as long as they are super rich and everyone is happy with status quo.

Also, not every ethnic group is large enough to form its own country.

Every ethnic group is large enough to form a country or at least a city-state, unless theres a genocide to prevent that.

I can only thank you once for this hard hitting truth you just despensed.

Of course you will agree - you stupid jamatis and those RSS-tards are the same kind.
Of course you will agree - you stupid jamatis and those RSS-tards are the same kind.

Speaking like true Maloon because you endorsed this pagan mushrik culture you low life bigot.

Why don't you explain me in what angle this boishski mela part of Muslim culture? You can not unless your are a charal.
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I can only thank you once for this hard hitting truth you just despensed.
bangladeshis are like the weirdest people I have ever seen. When India, invaded Pakistan in '71, bangladeshis instead of resisting the enemy country, sided with us, lol. They readily betrayed their country for enemy country India. They took arms, training from India, financed from India, yet bangladeshis hate india now lol. Your language sounds like Sanskrit, even more than Hindi does. Even your script looks devanagari. On top of that the bindi culture- I mean seriously its so weird to see Muslims do this. I had seen that Shahbag protests on Al-Jazeera and every women there was wearing bindi. I was like wtf- is this really a Muslim country? Even Indian Muslims look down on bangladesh. They couldn't get a separate homeland for theirs, bangladeshis did, and it didn't even take 20 years from them to break it up, that too with our help. As India we just did what an enemy country does, nothing more, nothing less. We stay true to our culture and country always. Indians might fight among themselves, but against the enemy we are united. bangladeshis like that bindi guy matirpola are really irritating
bangladeshis are like the weirdest people I have ever seen. When India, invaded Pakistan in '71, bangladeshis instead of resisting the enemy country, sided with us, lol. They readily betrayed their country for enemy country India. They took arms, training from India, financed from India, yet bangladeshis hate india now lol. Your language sounds like Sanskrit, even more than Hindi does. Even your script looks devanagari. On top of that the bindi culture- I mean seriously its so weird to see Muslims do this. I had seen that Shahbag protests on Al-Jazeera and every women there was wearing bindi. I was like wtf- is this really a Muslim country? Even Indian Muslims look down on bangladesh. They couldn't get a separate homeland for theirs, bangladeshis did, and it didn't even take 20 years from them to break it up, that too with our help. As India we just did what an enemy country does, nothing more, nothing less. We stay true to our culture and country always. Indians might fight among themselves, but against the enemy we are united. bangladeshis like that bindi guy matirpola are really irritating

The country with biggest identity crisis in the world....by a large margin.

If you question it too much, you will get labelled a psychopath by the usual BAL twits :P
Yes but USA is not their homeland. They are not living on their ancestral land.

The only real possibility of hispanics wanting to secede is if Mexicans ever became a majority (by a big margin) in Texas!! (and stopped speaking English in public, resulting in a cultural shift)

Whites will never let that happen and Trump is gonna drive all illegals out from Texas.

Bit doesn't matter. If you have 90% Pashtun genes and 10% Hazara - you will identify as Pashtun!
You idiot we aided bangladeshis in the civil war, providing arms, training, money. Instead of being grateful you are thinking of breaking India up. Pakistani army was right in killing terrorists from bangladesh. You people are traitors and parasites

Speaking like true Maloon because you endorsed this pagan mushrik culture you low life bigot.

Why don't you explain me in what angle this boishski mela part of Muslim culture? You can not unless your are a charal.
this matirpola bindi guy is probably a xenophobe whose likes killed Bihari Muslims in East Pakistan in the months leading up to Operation Searchlight. Take a look at this report from March 1971:

Screenshot (592).png

I got loads of other reports like this. Spread this around to give these bindi bangladeshis like matirpola some real burn.
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@madokafc @initial_d @pr1v4t33r @CountStrike @faries @MarveL @Boss Dragun

You guys are all going to break up too! You have the multi-ethnic curse! :lol:

Have anything to say to this BD guy? Hope you understand the mentality of many BD people now if you didn't before.

The butthurt from Indonesia-India military and economic cooperation is seeping in good and hard with such people :D

Nations with multi ethnic identity usually will facing tremendous challenges in one or two periods of her life, but if they capable to solve it right they usually will became a great and large Nations if not they will breaking apart
Nations with multi ethnic identity usually will facing tremendous challenges in one or two periods of her life, but if they capable to solve it right they usually will became a great and large Nations if not they will breaking apart

You think India and Indonesia are capable of solving it right? :)
Nations with multi ethnic identity usually will facing tremendous challenges in one or two periods of her life, but if they capable to solve it right they usually will became a great and large Nations if not they will breaking apart
and others tagged by that Indian - @initial_d @pr1v4t33r @CountStrike @faries @MarveL @Boss Dragun

Just for the record, I have nothing against Indonesians, contrary to what that Indian would like you to believe.

I hope your country does indeed become a great and large nation - with eventual ethnogenesis as a single Indoensian ethnic identity.
Guys, come back to the topic. BD people are really enthusiastic about adding a part of Indian NE including Tripura, and western Assam to BD. Note that BD lost Tripura only because of short-sighted Nawab Khwaja Nazimuddin, the first Chief Minister of East Pakistan. He became the President (Governor General) of Pakistan after the death of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Tripura Maharani came to Dhaka in Sept. 1947 and stayed in the Shahbag Hotel for two weeks to get an appointment with the Nazimuddin. Maharani wanted Tripura to join east Pakistan. She went back empty handed without getting an appointment. Finally, Tripura joined the Union of India sometime in 1949. But, even today, the Tripura people think themselves as part of East Bengal. Manik Sarker, the Tripura Chief, forcefully and rightfully demand that BD took care of his little Rajjya as if it is still a part of East Bengal/BD. He and many others are migrants from east Bengal.

Look at the proposed map of east Pakistan long before Pakistan was created. Indian NE was included in it. Now, the time is becoming right for us to re-claim all these lands. Note also that a new Province was created by the British Indian govt. in 1905 that included the present BD and Indian NE. It was finally undone in 1910 because of the movement by the Indian Congress-led Hindu Babu class people in Calcutta. So, history is also in our favour.

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