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Greater Bangladesh

not a chance, remember we got the other half side of Papua too, and adding the already diverse linguistic ethnic Papuan into much larger and diverse culture of Nusantara with more than thousands language.

Well... Then perhaps Papua New Guinea is the second one.. :D
Later due to our culture, language, years of West Pakistan's oppression we decided to secede from Pakistan and made a country based on our language and ethnicity.

Like many other disoriented people you are also here distorting the history of 1971 liberation war. It was not the so-called culture that divided Pakistan because there is only a thin line among many definitions of what culture is, and the language issue was settled in 1952 and also in 1962 when the Pakistan's new Constitution specifically stipulated that Bengali and Urdu would be the State languages of Pakistan. Note also one point: Urdu is not the native language of the Pakistanis except those Muslim migrants from India, who settled mostly in Karachi and Hyderabad.

So, in 1971 no one of us was at all thinking of language and culture as the issues. It was the economic deprivation during the previous 23 years and the unwise military crackdown in March 1971 that were the issues in the minds of east Bengalis and this is what divided Pakistan. Please stick to the facts laid down by the history and do not indulge in substituting facts with made-up stories.
As we alone were not powerful enough to secede from Pakistan we took India's help. Indians helped us and together we won the war and Bangladesh was created in world map. What is so weird about it?

Yeah... And today your compatriots come here and publicly fantasize about breaking India, seizing Indian provinces and other such adorably malicious shit..!! I hope you do realize this is the exact catalyst that triggers all the relentless trolling and shit-shovelling directed at Bangladesh.. o.0
Yeah... And today your compatriots come here and publicly fantasize about breaking India, seizing Indian provinces and other such adorably malicious shit..!! I hope you do realize this is the exact catalyst that triggers all the relentless trolling and shit-shovelling directed at Bangladesh.. o.0
What is now Indian Provinces near BD originally belong to it.
Hey if you like the idea of a permanently sunk BD (atlantis style), go for it!

We'll even throw in the plutonium free of charge!

Meanwhile tell your SHW to bend over some more. We have more things to do with her while she diddles with you lot. :D
Nice way to treat your neighbours... No wonder everyone seems to hate India.

Lol strategic ally. You have nothing to offer anyone....its why SHW is our plaything. She'll take it where we tell her to take it, and she'll either like it or pretend to like it. Doesn't matter to us which one it is.

While this is all happening you all have to dream to escape the reality....knowing next genocide that happens to you if you try put any stupid dream ambition to action...will not be something you have to come up with a random number for. There will be nothing left after all. You won't walk away from it, you wont even flow away from it....you will be burned in instant sunshine.

Focus on your swamphole and don't look this way....and speak when spoken to like a good little servant nation. Got it? SHW gets it. As do all your womenfolk creaming themselves watching bollywood soaps 24/7.

Dont let the superpower fantasy get you, your GDP per capita is not even 2k$. India has no balls to laugh at any other countries than few African, even many of them have higher average wealth than India.

Dude aren't you Muslim? Its sad to see that you are ignorant of your own religion. Islam specifically states that religious identity comes first, then your ethnic or tribal affiliation.

You said you guys were mixture of Hindu and Muslim.......you can't be Hindu and Muslim simultaneously. There is a grave punishment prescribed in your holy book for such people

You must be some special kind of stupid to say that. Also I haven't seen Indian Muslims copying Hindu idolatry culture like bangladeshi Muslims do even though they live in Hindu majority country. Why are you bangladeshis so obsessed with Hindu culture?

Look at these bangladeshis shamelessly copying Hindu culture. Dude wearing bindis which represent Goddess Parvati amounts to shirk. I don't have to elaborate the punishment prescribed in your holy book for such people

We are not obsessed with Hindu culture. Our country is not based on religion. Its based on language and ethnicity. Bangla Desh (Country of Bengali people). East Pakistan was made on religion due to inter religious violence between Hindus and Muslim Bengalis but Bangladesh was created on linguistic line. The country belongs to Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists and other people who speak Bengali language. We have only 2% non-Bengali (Tribals, Biharis). They even speak Bengali language as second language. Everything Bengali is our culture. Don't you get this simple fact? West Bengal is also Bengali but they are Indians. We are Bengali but our nationality is Bangladeshi. Arabia is far away from Bengal but India is just right adjacent to Bengal. So we have more commonality with India than Arabia. Since India is Hindu dominated country our culture has shaped up in Hindu-Muslim blended culture. We are proud of our culture and identity.
We are not obsessed with Hindu culture. Our country is not based on religion. Its based on language and ethnicity. Bangla Desh (Country of Bengali people). East Pakistan was made on religion due to inter religious violence between Hindus and Muslim Bengalis but Bangladesh was created on linguistic line. The country belongs to Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists and other people who speak Bengali language. We have only 2% non-Bengali (Tribals, Biharis). They even speak Bengali language as second language. Everything Bengali is our culture. Don't you get this simple fact? West Bengal is also Bengali but they are Indians. We are Bengali but our nationality is Bangladeshi. Arabia is far away from Bengal but India is just right adjacent to Bengal. So we have more commonality with India than Arabia. Since India is Hindu dominated country our culture has shaped up in Hindu-Muslim blended culture. We are proud of our culture and identity.
So what is this thread about : Mental Masturbations of Bangladeshis ?

Dont let the superpower fantasy get you, your GDP per capita is not even 2k$. India has no balls to laugh at any other countries than few African, even many of them have higher average wealth than India.

Another pathetic false flagger
Says a sweatshop worker who mentally masturbates about Bangladesh expanding its territory...
Seeing you criticize others is quite hilarious.You were one of the clowns who were bragging about India's
state of the art railway system.And a few days later....
Seeing you criticize others is quite hilarious.You were one of the clowns who were bragging about India's
state of the art railway system.And a few days later....

Understand the difference between mainline & metro rail, sweatshop coolie :lol:

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