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Featured Govt to clear $2 billion deal for Israeli-made AWACS amid stand-off with China

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13 to 14 AWACS by 2025

3rd Netra at DRDO retained for future development of more NETRA
c295 or airbus 300 both being considered for future AWACS.

I repeat AGAIN

5 phalcon awacs Will work along side 6 and possibly many more NETRA

THIS IS OUR OWN AWACs we can build as many as we want and improve as we go along
OK, As I suspected, no proof of a firm order, just more BS. Made my point.

NOBODY said about firm orders
I busted and rebuked your pathtic attempt to belittlle NETRA suggesting it failed and aid poor image of netra

I tried to explain we are building a fleet of AWACS both in house & imported to work side bv side

YOU SIMPLY refuse to accept this to spread your narritive

envy and jea;lousy ........ i get it ........ you people rely on china only
A very stupid argument!!! All purchases you are refering to is over a period of decade....
You have to agree that India defence aquisition is slow as hell.... how many years did india take to decide on mmrca, then comes tejas, then comes scorpene, then comes arjun..... etc.....
Pakistan handles its budgets much better than india... having way less budget it still manages to buy the right equipement ......

this argument for all those who are jumping here with each Indian purchase that it has to do with current border conflict....
Feb 27th proved IAF are not data linked with their AEW, by IAF's own accounts we scrambled their comms, many of them including Chief Tea Taster lost all situational awareness. As of today IAF do not have a service wide data link. Shit happens when you fly 8 different fighter types
Exactly my point!!!
LISTEN firm orders will happen WHEN they happen.
You thought you were being clever
by suggesting i was making things up.
NETRA is the start

AS FOR F16 FOR PAF ......... that option died they day USA found osma bin laden in pakistan . Your relations with USA is over

They are with India NOW

This is so cringe

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