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Govt. should enrich uranium to level needed to operate vessels: Iranian MPs

We are in a peaceful neighbourhood? Where do you think Iran is located? Somewhere near Belgium and Switzerland?

American has attacked 2 of our neighbours. Have military bases in all countries surrounding us and have puppet regimes set up everywhere that will do whatever they like... Not to even mention the daily threats from Israel and Saudi Arabia (Saudi King said cut the head of the snake in reference to Iran).

I really think you where either trying to troll or are very ignorant about the area... If it is indeed the second option I hope you go and read up on it rather then making bad claims.

Israel is not even on your border, they have never invaded any nation with a population and military as large as Irans, their force is mostly defensive. Saudia Arabia???? lol whom have they ever invaded alone?
USA wont attack you if you dont mess with them or their allies. Iraq invaded Kuwait, Afghans refused to hand over OBL.

Seriously. You sound as paranoid as North Koreans.
Israel is not even on your border, they have never invaded any nation with a population and military as large as Irans, their force is mostly defensive. Saudia Arabia???? lol whom have they ever invaded alone?
USA wont attack you if you dont mess with them or their allies. Iraq invaded Kuwait, Afghans refused to hand over OBL.

Seriously. You sound as paranoid as North Koreans.

:rofl: I see from your profile that you are a "conservative"... So I guess pretty much a neo-con that is supportive of the military industrial complex and wants a new "Western" empire all around the world and to control our oil... No point discussing with you any further.

PS Bin Laden was in Pakistan, not Afghanistan. Also America had no problem with Saddam when he was terrorising Iranians and Kurds for 8 years. They also didn't invade when he attacked Kuwait. They only invaded when the Neo-Cons came in power as they wanted free Iraqi oil. Thats when they made baseless claims about Iraqi Weapons of mass destruction.
:rofl: I see from your profile that you are a "conservative"... So I guess pretty much a neo-con that is supportive of the military industrial complex and wants a new "Western" empire all around the world and to control our oil... No point discussing with you any further.

PS Bin Laden was in Pakistan, not Afghanistan. Also America had no problem with Saddam when he was terrorising Iranians and Kurds for 8 years. They also didn't invade when he attacked Kuwait. They only invaded when the Neo-Cons came in power as they wanted free Iraqi oil. Thats when they made baseless claims about Iraqi Weapons of mass destruction.

I'm conservative when it comes to police, I believe the cops should do their jobs, and avoid political correctness. lol.
Otherwise I hold no particular political viewpoint. I am merely inquiring about the reasons underlying your nations ambitions.

1. OBL was indeed in Afghanistan. The US gave an ultimatum for the Taliban to hand him over and they refused.
2. Iran was in the US bloc during the cold war, so Soviets turned to Arabs. When you took hostages you left that alliance and US did nothing when Iraq invaded. You guys were enemy nations by then.
3. Iraq had Soviet backing. They were untouchable during the Iran Iraq war.

Now with the removal of Saddam you really have little to worry about, Iraq has a pro Iran government now. Israel is nowhere near your border, and Saudi Arabia does not invade countries. Yes maybe Pakistan could be a threat with the rise of sunni fanaticism. Otherwise I fail to see why you must sacrifice everything for nuclear weapons.

And I hope you realise the stronger your army gets, the stronger the mullahs get.
I'm conservative when it comes to police, I believe the cops should do their jobs, and avoid political correctness. lol.
Otherwise I hold no particular political viewpoint. I am merely inquiring about the reasons underlying your nations ambitions.

1. OBL was indeed in Afghanistan. The US gave an ultimatum for the Taliban to hand him over and they refused.
2. Iran was in the US bloc during the cold war, so Soviets turned to Arabs. When you took hostages you left that alliance and US did nothing when Iraq invaded. You guys were enemy nations by then.
3. Iraq had Soviet backing. They were untouchable during the Iran Iraq war.

Now with the removal of Saddam you really have little to worry about, Iraq has a pro Iran government now. Israel is nowhere near your border, and Saudi Arabia does not invade countries. Yes maybe Pakistan could be a threat with the rise of sunni fanaticism. Otherwise I fail to see why you must sacrifice everything for nuclear weapons.

And I hope you realise the stronger your army gets, the stronger the mullahs get.

I rather have a strong country that is Islamic than a weak country that is secular. That being said, I fundamentally disagree with that opinion. We had one of the strongest militaries in the world under the Shah (strongest in Middle East) and yet there was still regime change. If Iranians really want regime change we will get it eventually. However Iran is also not as backwards as some westerners might think, living standards and freedoms are quite good for the region that we live in.

Now onto your point about paranoia. Israel commits terrorist acts on our soil killing our scientists and so on. Saudi have made their intentions of doing harm to our country clear. As for America, they spy on us, that much is known. They also send viruses to try and destroy our economy (Stuxnet). So I don't buy your claim that all our neighbours are peaceful and we are the aggressors.
Iran is raising the stakes, nuclear fuel for tankers should be up to 60%:

"To reach nuclear propulsion, the country's nuclear industry inevitably has to upgrade the level of nuclear enrichment to the average level needed for new marine reactors, and that will be 50 to 60 per cent," Mashreghnews.ir said.

Nuclear subs even higher, Iran officials havent said to what level they plan to enrich, but for example US subs uses 96+% uranium.

The longer West will sabotage Iran and wont negotiate, the more self sufficient Iran will become. Including enrichment up to 100% for subs :azn:
And it is legal under the NPT rules to enrich to 96% or a 100% for ships and submarines.
So, if a nation has the ability to do that for ships and submarines, it does not necessarily nor forcibly do it for an atomic bomb.
It is a question of principles, and by the way if the US attacks Iran ans its losses are unbearable, it might just result to the use of atomic or thermonuclear weapons like with Japan, so Iran will be forced to make thermonuclear and nuclear weapons and will respond in kind.
I think the United states, due to its geographical position is mistakenly thinking that it is out of reach - from harmway on its own territory-.
There are many ways and routes to hurt badly the US on its own soil, it needs just a new wrong step and it will be done., and than the US will never be the same US again.
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