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Govt seeks Army's help in negotiations!

No, I don't want it removed completely, only leave out political candidate's personal marital life as it has no business with his or her ability to run the country.

Oh, so you want to pick and choose as suits your own candidate? Typical. :D
Nope, the only reason is that no one is there to CATCH them. These petty politicians are easy prey to the biggest predator, but who is going to ask a brass shoulder about millions in kickbacks, commissions and so on?

Not many people have the guts to say this. Hats off!

Musharraf is still caught.
And here it seems as though you support PML-N. What happened?
Nope, the only reason is that no one is there to CATCH them. These petty politicians are easy prey to the biggest predator, but who is going to ask a brass shoulder about millions in kickbacks, commissions and so on?
It was sarcasm :D
Corrupt people will do corruption irrespective of whether they are in politics or in military/judiciary etc but politicians or head of states obviously will get more chances of corruption than say army General or cheif..Amy Cheif or General at least stay within country with all their resources or corrupt income(if any) unlike politicians who fill their swiss bank and disappeared when they are not in rule
Nope, the only reason is that no one is there to CATCH them. These petty politicians are easy prey to the biggest predator, but who is going to ask a brass shoulder about millions in kickbacks, commissions and so on?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
IK has gained thousand times in last five hours and NS has lost the same numbers. NS shame on you to have behaved in undemocratic manner.

If there was any chance of NS saving the government, now has gone down the flush.
And is this somehow meant to substantiate your 'popular uprising'?
Popular uprising is for the basic human rights of ALL Pakistanis from any background. Change cannot come from a rigged system of election where common man without relations to the elite or riches can't even contest. Or worse investigate if the results were free and fair.

Do you wish to live in some tin-pot dictator-ruled country who regularly polls 90+% votes and claim victory?
Pakistanis had no problem with "popular" referendums of Ayub, Zia and Musharraf with only two options: Yes or No.

So, how does it work in Norway? Pls do educate us. Let us see how things happen in your neck of the woods? I hope to see a Scandanavian miracle.
Scandinavian democracies are the most qualitative in the world, with Norway, Sweden placed at the top:
Global Democracy Ranking – Ranking

Listen kid, either you believe in the constitution or you do not. If you do, you should review your statement. If you do not, you are either an anarchist or a fool - or both.
I am not a kid. I believe in constitution if its justified for the entire nation and amended with the everchanging times. Take a look at 18 amendments of Pakistani constitution and then let us know how many of them were pro-people of Pakistan and how many of them were pro-status quo or elitist.
Now you are talking what leaders of PTI and PAT are saying in their Charters of Demand ....

U-turn?????? :)

Yes IK should take a U-turn and should demand the resignation of the PM instead of temporary one month leave. NS has lost moral ground to rule the country and should resign by himself.
Oh, so you want to pick and choose as suits your own candidate? Typical.
I am not cherry picking. My stance is that all bogus and irrelevant parts of our constitution that do not serve people of Pakistan or its governance must be removed.

And here it seems as though you support PML-N. What happened?
I am a supporter of justice, scrutiny, equality for all. I do not support a particular party.
Yes IK should take a U-turn and should demand the resignation of the PM instead of temporary one month leave. NS has lost moral ground to rule the country and should resign by himself.

Agree that NS should resign but I do take note that this could set a bad precedent for future so a complete election ballot recounting with thumb verifications should be carried out. The results of vote verification may just knock him off his seat anyways (which I hope will the case as this will be a serious shut up call to many).

And NS's government has effectively collapsed today anyways. They are no longer in a position to make any foreign trade agreement etc. So NS will just be puppet until vote verification is complete.
I do take note that this could set a bad precedent for future so a complete election ballot recounting with thumb verifications should be carried out
How can there be any scrutiny for rigging as long as PM remains in office?

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Qadri says he talked 3.5 hours with COAS and showed how Shareefs duped him with his faulty FIR.

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