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Govt seeks Army's help in negotiations!

What just happened was a soft coup carried out with perfection.
Again believe what you want to civilian democracy will take root in Pakistan when someone with credibility is in the P.M house...neither Nawaz nor Zardari have that also remember this guy wanted to be Amir ul Mominin..talk about democracy!
LOL. Typical American "morality". Their officials must resign like Clinton, Petraeus if they are found involved in extramarital affair, but g-d forbid if they are scrutinized for orchestrating coups against foreign us-hating governments leading to civil war as happened in guatemala.
Don't change the topic now that you have been proven incorrect.
Again believe what you want to civilian democracy will take root in Pakistan when someone with credibility is in the P.M house...neither Nawaz nor Zardari have that also remember this guy wanted to be Amir ul Mominin..talk about democracy!

As long as the "angels" are there, civilian governments will never have their lawful authority, to the detriment of the nation.
We can talk about the CIA in another thread then. Why take this one off topic?
Its not off topic as it exposes US hypocrisy and duplicity. US has ousted democratic governments in the past like Guatemala and Iran while replacing them with brutal military or authoritarian regimes because these democracies were a "threat" to US foreign policy. LOL.
Its not off topic as it exposes US hypocrisy and duplicity. US has ousted democratic governments in the past like Guatemala and Iran while replacing them with brutal military or authoritarian regimes because these democracies were a "threat" to US foreign policy. LOL.

Well, when has the US military deposed a US government? That is the parallel you should talk about.
Don't change the topic now that you have been proven incorrect.
I don't have problem with someone having extramarital affair to affect his ability to govern a nation or run his office according to the law.
I don't have problem with someone having extramarital affair to affect his ability to govern a nation or run his office according to the law.
Your opinion doesn't matter. You asked for an example and I provided one. Now stay on topic.
I don't have problem with someone having extramarital affair to affect his ability to govern a nation or run his office according to the law.

Then I assume you want Article 62 and 63 of Pakistan's Constitution removed? :D
Well, when has the US military deposed a US government? That is the parallel you should talk about.
Pak Army hasn't deposed Noora government. If they wanted, they could have done it on first day of this popular uprising.
Pak Army hasn't deposed Noora government. If they wanted, they could have done it on first day of this popular uprising.

Because Pakistan Army was told by someone that no direct coup would be tolerated. So they came up with this clever plan.
Then I assume you want Article 62 and 63 of Pakistan's Constitution removed? :D
Yes, Sadiq and Ameen definition is bogus as its about political candidate's personal life, not about his evil doings against his country in the past. IK hasn't looted, corrupted his nation's wealth like Nooras or Zardaris.

Because Pakistan Army was told by someone
Yes, Sadiq and Ameen definition is bogus as its about political candidate's personal life, not about his evil doings against his country in the past. IK hasn't looted, corrupted his nation's wealth like Nooras or Zardaris.

So if they are removed, then people like NS and Zardari are okay too. :D
As long as the "angels" are there, civilian governments will never have their lawful authority, to the detriment of the nation.
Pak Army is not "angel". For your info, FIR report wasn't filed by the "elected" government but by pressure from Pak Army. LOL.

So if they are removed, then people like NS and Zardari are okay too. :D
No, I don't want it removed completely, only leave out political candidate's personal marital life as it has no business with his or her ability to run the country.
Pak Army is not "angel". For your info, FIR report wasn't filed by the "elected" government but by pressure from Pak Army. LOL.

And you still cant see the thing playing out like a well rehearsed orchestra.. IK is just a clueless pawn in this game.

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”

You have to hand to them, this is as brilliant as it gets... this is the ploy of the now grounded "angels".. once a sleuth.. always a sleuth.

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