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Govt seeks Army's help in negotiations!

No one is crushing the elected civilian government....no one forced the PPP to fill their pockets at every opportunity...no one has forced this Govt. to fill vacancies with cronies....Erdogan presents a perfect model just deliver good governance people will not look towards the army

Sir, what do you think just happened? And please do read up on Pakistan's history sometime.
My personal opinion is that NS will not resign. Temporarily or permanently.

Dharna will end tomorrow and continue in the form of small rallies throughout Pakistan. The rallies will die out over time.

NS resignation is out of question but there will be mid term election soon
Sir, what do you think just happened? And please do read up on Pakistan's history sometime.
what happened was a series of missteps by the government that included killing 14 unarmed people plz don't tell me that was a army conspiracy
No it was all solo flight, undercover. Iranian are too close with our Indian friends
yeah true that- i wish we could bring back the 80s, one of the Senior Intel officer was on really good terms with Iranians and he really worked hard to mend the relation that had taken a hit from ZAB case --- I hope we could work in same way to get that back --- and form an islamic front ---
When have CIA or Mossad actually done anything to undermine the rule of law in their own countries?
You said Pak Army is above Pakistani Law. I replied American CIA and Israeli Mossad is above US Law too. And then you reply how these secret organizations undermine rule of law in their host countries. Let me give you some stuff to read:
Google: Watergate Scandal, Project MK Ultra, CIA Drug Trafficking, Contra Affair.
what happened was a series of missteps by the government that included killing 14 unarmed people plz don't tell me that was a army conspiracy

What just happened was a soft coup carried out with perfection.

You said Pak Army is above Pakistani Law. I replied American CIA and Israeli Mossad is above US Law too. And then you reply how these secret organizations undermine rule of law in their host countries. Let me give you some stuff to read:
Google: Watergate Scandal, Project MK Ultra, CIA Drug Trafficking, Contra Affair.

Actually Sir, they work within the law, and if you read my post properly, I also said that where they do not follow the law, they are stopped and punished. Unlike "angels".
If nawazo stay as prime minister even after army cheif intervenion then it will be victory of PML(N) and defeat for IK whose all demands revolve around resignation of PM
You said Pak Army is above Pakistani Law. I replied American CIA and Israeli Mossad is above US Law too. And then you reply how these secret organizations undermine rule of law in their host countries. Let me give you some stuff to read:
Google: Watergate Scandal, Project MK Ultra, CIA Drug Trafficking, Contra Affair.
And you should go read up on petreaus scandal.
Actually Sir, they work within the law, and if you read my post properly, I also said that where they do not follow the law, they are stopped and punished. Unlike "angels".

You are so delusional that its amazing. CIA has been involved in orchestrating false flag operations, coups against foreign democratic governments that led to civil wars, drug trafficking, arms smuggling, human experiments without their knowledge and g-d knows what else. Yet its all still under US LAW and "legal" just because it was approved by some crooked US government elected official? LOL
If nawazo stay as prime minister even after army cheif intervenion then it will be victory of PML(N) and defeat for IK whose all demands revolve around resignation of PM
Everything has been settled. IK did some face saving to protect his political career. Dharna ends tomorrow.

He played it cool like the meeting was on two equals. General Raheel told him what needed to be done and he'll do it tomorrow.
You are so delusional that its amazing. CIA has been involved in orchestrating false flag operations, coups against foreign democratic governments that led to civil wars, drug trafficking, arms smuggling, human experiments without their knowledge and g-d knows what else. Yet its all still under US LAW and "legal" just because it was approved by some crooked US government elected official? LOL

We can talk about the CIA in another thread then. Why take this one off topic?

Everything has been settled. IK did some face saving to protect his political career. Dharna ends tomorrow.

He played it cool like the meeting was on two equals. General Raheel told him what needed to be done and he'll do it tomorrow.

All according to a brilliant script. :D
And you should go read up on petreaus scandal.
LOL. Typical American "morality". Their officials must resign like Clinton, Petraeus if they are found involved in extramarital affair, but g-d forbid if they are scrutinized for orchestrating coups against foreign us-hating governments leading to civil war as happened in guatemala.
You are so delusional that its amazing. CIA has been involved in orchestrating false flag operations, coups against foreign democratic governments that led to civil wars, drug trafficking, arms smuggling, human experiments without their knowledge and g-d knows what else. Yet its all still under US LAW and "legal" just because it was approved by some crooked US government elected official? LOL

In addition to above, @Syed.Ali.Haider may just be fan of the 'magic bullet' that killed Kennedy and say that CIA had no hand in that assassination. He'll believe in all conspiracy theories of PA being involved in every minor to major event and incident in Pakistan, but ignore all other conspiracy theories.

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