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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

So as I said yesterday, I talked to my source in PIMS.

He says that there is definitely government pressure and some injured are pretty critical. 4 casualties till now according to him. Number could rise.
It is extremely sad that there are casualties but I don't think it is going to change anything. If 14 casualties and 84 injured of Model Down could not make a dent in the Government's defiance, then a few more would do nothing, at least not for the time being. These casualties will however continue to haunt PML(N) government in years to come like it happened to Musharraf when 12 people lost their lives in Karachi during his presidency. I think it all depends on whether TAQ/IK could mobilize their supporters in the other cities, and if those demonstrations could spread to a level where the government and administrative machinery came to a standstill. Army, in my opinion is not going to interferer, not now. Army is bitten by both, the PML(N) and the PAT/PTI, hence would prefer to let each other give some bloody nose, before it would finally intervene.
more than 1900 posts in less than 18 hrs, its a record on PDF, maybe a world record :)
Nawaz time has come. The thing I know for sure is that his soul will burn every second of that timeless vacuum. Nawaz you have done something that no one will forgive. Your Mulk ul maut is on his way.
Says a person with an Afghanistani flag. I don't work for the CentCom. Telling you to be democratic and resolve your issues with dialogue and respect the democratic system immediately qualifies people like me as Jews, RAW, the CIA, CENTCOM and all. While people like me are just telling you to respect the democratic system and let go of the VIOLENT Pakistani mentality that exist in your society. Proof of which can be seen on the Media live from Islamabad. Who attacks their Parliaments and State's Symbols?? People are right when they say that Pakistan has become the most dangerous and extreme place in the entire world. Just take a look at the TV screen and you just see the extreme mentality in IK and Mullah Terrorist's actions, speeches and then in their follower's actions!

Shut up Noora
and Good they are also not stopping killing of innocent peoples, yaar this is so called fuked up pakistan.

Like they said, Army dont want anything in this.
helping either side would make them look like they're with a party.
So no, No can do >:



and Good they are also not stopping killing of innocent peoples, yaar this is so called fuked up pakistan.

If they come in then these politicians will again get a chance of chanting “democracy” slogans like every time in the past. I personally hope military does not come in. Let the political parties handle it themselves once and for all. Let us give the people the opportunity to settle the score with the politicians directly once and for all and the result be a good lesson for the politicians who will stand next time for elections. I say this being sure that if military comes the country will develop as history has shown us in the past.

Zardari does not want the government to go because he does not want chick to come in elections under current situations. If the govt. continues 5 years, things will cool down and hence it will be favorable for the chick.

PML-N wants to continue 5 years by hook or by crook to have their fair share of loot through kick backs. If Zardari enjoyed 5 years why not them?. As per them they have agreed on the setting up of committee for election discrepancies but don't expect it to be impartial and also don't expect it to give results very soon. It will finish in at least 2-3 years conclusion and the result (though it won't be a fair and impartial inquiry result) will be out in the last year of the term.

In this case as per the mutual agreement within the political parties for time share government and rule policy chick will be out of the pen pecking the votes form the poor voters.

Altaf also wants the government to continue because if army comes it might be again for at least 10 years and he will have to down tone all his party sponsored “activities” again just like during Musharraf era.

My below post yesterday before the announcement came for moving to in front of the PM house was for a reason

All those who say this is not the right way and will cause bloodshed and chaos i want them to listen this:

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So as I said yesterday, I talked to my source in PIMS.

He says that there is definitely government pressure and some injured are pretty critical. 4 casualties till now according to him. Number could rise.
10-15 people died of PAT, Mostly the front line protesters which crossed the other side of container. Then firing and shelling on whole night, Nobody crossed that side of container.... Inho ny Lashain chapa li hain jaisay 9 August youm-e-shuhada ki chupaien 6 Lashien.
Look the imported Gullu butt in police uniform.

Nothing new of gunda gardi. 15 people died according to raheeq abbasi... Clashes Still continue..
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