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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

A Turning Point for Pakistan?
Interviewee: Bruce O. Riedel, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institution
Interviewer: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor
June 5, 2013

Pakistan is at a crossroads, says Bruce Riedel, an expert on South Asia and career U.S. intelligence officer. Although the country's "internal security situation is grim," he says that the inauguration of Nawaz Sharif as prime minister--the first time that two Pakistani civilian governments have succeeded each other peacefully--is an encouraging milestone. Moreover, Riedel is hopeful that Sharif can deal successfully with India, which he says is "the single most important thing" for the future of South Asia. He urges Washington to take this opportunity to rebuild relations with Islamabad. "You can be pessimistic about Pakistan and you'll often be right, but Pakistan is too important to give up on," he says.

My fear was right. Yellen the printin' babe showin off her fame. Printed $$$$ economy wanna pump Bollywood culture all over Pakistan. Makes sense! A lot! Remember Bruce is the same guy that belongs to the same religion - That has helped Arab babehun to pump Jihadis. You wanna know who? Our chosen Israel.

Ironically, the same prostitutes that pumped/still pumping Jihadis (Arabs/CIA/MOSCHAD/MI6) are the ones that condemn jihad.

The history of the CIA’s involvement in terrorist activities — in Bosnia as well as Chechnya and other former Soviet states — is well-known to historians.
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Iqrar ul Hassan refused to go back to safe place despite Police shelling

I and the entire world has seen the footage. No one's stupid. Run your mouth like your leader Taliban Khan without any barriers elsewhere. You can't hide the truth and propaganda can only take you so long. Taliban Khan and Mullah Terrorist are directly responsible for every drop of blood that spilled today in Islamabad. The entire world is seeing this.
The fact that Police has all the weapons but hasn't used any and has ONLY used Plastic Bullets and Gas speaks a lot for the orders given to them. They are showing restraint. And all of us can see people using Knives, Cutters, Bulldozer to break the Parliament door out and assault on the Police. Scores of Policemen have been injured and sent to Hospitals along with the Militia members!
Hope this open your eyes!!
Police using 'expired' tear gas on protesters


SLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The Islamabad and Punjab police are using expired tear gas shells on demonstrators.

According to experts, the expired tear gas is poisonous and the chances of falling unconscious are very high.

Clashes between police and protesters that erupted late night continue in the federal capital on Sunday.

The police personnel are using tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the protesters.

According to the PIMS hospital, one protester belonging to Pakistan Awami Tehreek died in hospital. Meanwhile, the media reported that around 498 demonstrators were injured in the ongoing clashes.

The injured were rushed to Islamabad's two main hospitals, and the number of casualties is expected to rise as clashes continue.

The protesters, led by cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan and populist cleric Tahir-ul-Qadri, had been camped outside parliament house since August 15 demanding Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif quit amid allegations of vote rigging.

Police using 'expired' tear gas on protesters | Pakistan | Dunya News

Hope this open your eyes!!
No, it wont, nothing will. Please stop addressing him. He is a foreigner anyway and we don't want foreign interference in our domestic matters.
Now media being selected and beaten up, great.

The media is also barging into PM House huh?

Govt is trying to scare away media and then they will use a heavy hand.

Why do you need to break up DSNG's and drag technicians outside and gang up on them?
Yes police didn't even open fires at crowd!! It was some aliens from planet mars who killed those people!!
Actually PAT and PTI opened fire on each other, in which dozens of peaceful bystander Policemen got injured and few died too. The emergency of PIMS is full of injured policemen, who are in urgent need of blood. Blood donation calls have been made by the PIMS authorities. PAT/PTI violent protesters who were armed with lethal weapons also attacked on media persons, brutally injured them, and set fire several of media vehicles.
Actually PAT and PTI opened fire on each other, in which dozens of peaceful bystander Policemen got injured and few died too. The emergency of PIMS is full of injured policemen, who are in urgent need of blood. Blood donation calls have been made by the PIMS authorities. PAT/PTI violent protesters who were armed with lethal weapons also attacked on media persons, brutally injured them, and set fire several of media vehicles.
u forgot to add RPGs
Hope this open your eyes!!
whats eye opening in it?? what do you expect, the police should have done to a crazy crowd walking in a no entry?
i was watching live when this all started and I saw crowd walking with sticks and bags loaded with stones and marbles...
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