The analogy would only work if all the civil institution are free from elected governments influence.
That is the goal of democracy, not something that one must demand a few years in. Would you ask a toddler to be able to show an understanding of quantum mechanics?
Sticking with the UK example, it was a democracy well before this century too. There was a time where rigging was WAY worse than it is in Pakistan today. There was a time, where only royals, lords and land/estate owners could vote. The working class was only really represented at the turn of the last century, and just after world war two.
These things aren't to be demanded from the very start, this is both unreasonable and missing the bigger picture.
Prosperity and proper conduct is not a CAUSE of successful democracy in the first instance, but it is an EFFECT.
In UK, for instance you have watchdog and ombudsman services which is in addition to the those intitutions own complaints and grievances department, which acts as check and balance system.
Institutions that took a very long time to build. There was also a time, where the super rich were allowed to vote only, and no-one else was.
This system has been in constant correction and improvement since the 15th century. Only becoming what it is today in the late 60's.
Over here, you have the NAB, right? Now tell how many times during current democratic government chairman of NAB has been replaced ?
Can we really apply the same analogy here??
when a current govt in its all power employes its own relatives without any qualification who are not fit for the job, How can such system work with corrupted officials work?
I'm getting tired of explaining my point friend. And I'm beginning to feel you are unwilling to speak your mind about this.
I agree that these are issues, the system sucks, but it is my view that a lot of the blame is because of successive breaks that have destroyed any progress or path to said progress.
So, what exactly is your solution? What should be done if not this form of democracy and how?